296: Two men possibly related to an extortion attempt, were arrested by SSC troops, in the Venustiano Carranza Mayor's Office

Statement 296

• The detainees, apparently, belong to a cell generating violence dedicated to extortion, floor collection and narcomenudeo in the downtown area of the city

In the mayor of Venustiano Carranza, uniformed from the Ministry of Citizen Security (SSC) of Mexico City, they arrested two men who possibly extorted citizens and, apparently, belong to a criminal cell generating violence.

It was during its dynamics of security patrol and recognition through the housing and mechanical streets, in the Morelos neighborhood, when the SSC officers were required by two people who said that, by telephone, they were asked for cash in exchange for not damagingYour physical and heritage integrity.

The uniformed officers offered to accompany them to their home and it was at that time that they received another phone call from the possible involved to mention that they were outside their home.

296: Dos hombres posiblemente relacionados con un intento de extorsión, fueron detenidos por efectivos de la SSC, en la alcaldía Venustiano Carranza

Quickly, the police implemented a discreet operational deployment, and streets were located and according to the police action protocols, they were carried out a preventive review, after which they were assured of a cell phone and cash.

At the request of those affected, the tanks of 28 and 19 years of age, were informed of their rights and made available to the Public Ministry agent, who will determine their legal situation and will be responsible for initiating the corresponding investigation folder.

It should be noted that, when making a crossing of information, it was known that the detainees have income to the prison of Mexico City, the 28 -year -old detainee, has two in 2020, for the crimes of homicidequalified and robbery.

In the case of the 19 -year -old detaine.

It was also learned that the detainees, apparently, belong to a criminal cell generating violence, dedicated to extortion crimes, floor collection and narcomenudeo in the downtown area of the city.