956512413: the telephone number for those looking for Moroccan minors

956512413. This is the telephone number that has been set up in Ceuta for Moroccan families looking for minors who have entered our city to call, many of them without directly informing their families.

It will be the Child Protection Service of the Autonomous City that manages this difficult task, that of regrouping the unaccompanied minors who have arrived en masse in Ceuta in these three days with their families. They cannot be returned, as is done with adults, and the debate is open about what to do with them, since our city cannot attend to or withstand migratory pressure like the current one.

Thus, the process is long and difficult, these minors are not documented and it is necessary to formalize a regrouping in conditions with parents who claim them, who verify with documentation that they are their children and to whom they could be delivered with a Tarajal which, in addition, is closed. The ship is saturated, from there they took about 250 to Piniers this Wednesday night.

956512413: el número de teléfono para quienes buscan a los menores marroquíes

There are many Moroccan families on the other side of the border who call Ceuta -institutions, NGOs, individuals, acquaintances, the media...- to find out something about their children. Many minors went to Tarajal beach without the knowledge of their parents, also encouraged by friends or lies that they were going on a kind of adventure with the risk that all this entailed.

With this, 956512413 is the official telephone number that these families have to call to find out what has happened to these minors, whose fathers and mothers on the other side of the border do not know what has become of them. Testimonies of desperation to know where their children are are repeated and this telephone number is the beginning to start giving official information, also with the aim of regrouping.

It must be remembered that this Wednesday a Territorial Council of Social Services was held in an extraordinary session motivated by the migratory crisis that Ceuta is going through and that the National Government proposed to the communities that they take in some 200 minors, without specifying yet if that will finally be will perform.