Analog photography at the least analogical moment in history

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The most prepared generation for the digital age begins to understand that there are too important things to leave them at the mercy of a handful of some and zeros.Talking about an analog revolution might be too exaggerated.Rather, as photographer Borut Peterlin says, it is an anti -revolution within the digital revolution.

Photography is perhaps the artistic form most related to technology.Either in its static form or in its moving form (the video), it has always depended on the scientific and technological advances for its evolution, making each new advance to Barriese all of the above and establish itself as the almost unique way of capturing images.

Since Niépce made that photograph of the roofs that were seen from their window back in the nineteenth century to the photo you made with your mobile in Ikea to remember the reference of a shelf, the evolution has been dizzying.

In just 150 years of history, photography has gone through many techniques, among which the reel has been the most used, even comparing it with digital technology.Even for time in the market, it would be fair to say that he is still the queen of photographic techniques.

Within this frantic evolution in which the newest devours all of the above and makes it disappear, with the change of millennium something also changes in photography.No reels, or chemical are no longer necessary, to wait to enjoy our images.Now the photos are made with digital devices that provide them instantly, ready to print or view on some devices.Instantaneous, much cheaper, much simpler.The verdict is clear.Analog photography has been condemned to disappear.

Gradually, brands stopped producing analog material.Some disappeared, others were absorbed by larger signatures, others were passed to the digital market, with more or less success, and in a matter of 10 years analog photography became something that only a few practiced, the majority by nostalgia or because simplyThey were not prepared for the digital jump.


Suddenly, an army of young people with a hungry of reality, saturated from the digital environment through which they study, entertain, work, relate or buy, discovers that there is a different way of taking photographs.They are young people who do not move nostalgia, because when there were hardly any analog photography.So why this sudden interest in making difficult what digital technology offers us in a simple and precise way and, in summary, easy?

Fotografía analógica en el momento menos analógico de la historia

Silver salts is an analog space located in full madrid.Laboratory, store and place where photography courses are taught.His long journey has witnessed the evolution of the analog medium after the digital crisis.

"Since we started with the store, our audience has changed nostalgic people to younger people," says Marta Archer, co -founder of Silver Sales.

«The analog public is rejuvenating, it is no longer a nostalgic generation that seeks the memory of a chamber or the smell of chemical of their adolescence;They are new users who have never seen a reel, who do not have internalized how the image is exposed to the film, who approach this medium for true interest to something unknown and unique full of possibilities ».

The new attraction of the youngest public for analog photography has also been perceived by various brands that now, in their advertising campaigns, make use of elements such as cameras, negative or manipulation in their photographs to give this analog look within its image,feedback on this bum and making what began as curiosity or digital disatturing has become a fashion.

«The analog chamber may have become one more element of the entire current urban culture.Thus, the reel is almost a symbol of status, of differentiation, an alternative way of leisure and culture, ”explains Cristóbal Benavente, the other half of the project.

This has meant that some cameras models have multiplied their value in the second -hand market because they have been seen in the hands of celebrities, influencers or advertising campaigns.Models such as Olympus Mju II, which could easily be found for between 20 and 30 euros a few years ago, are now impossible to buy for less than 150 euros in good condition (we talk about cameras with more than 20 years behind them).

In short, analog photography, after a moment of uncertainty and its almost extinction, seems to have found its place within an increasingly digital society and has no plans to disappear.

Unrepeatable images

Analog photography is one in which digital media are not used in the entire creation.It is a mixture of chemical reactions, light, physics ... It is something that could be achieved without the help of a computer or even electricity.For many it is magic.But what makes it so special? Why this bum?And above all, why now?

We live at a time in history where things are increasingly playing a button.You touch a button and voila.You say aloud what music you want to hear and this sounds magically through a speech that you have in a corner.Without having a kitchen idea, you put some ingredients in a device (which is called robot), you press a button and voila, prepared and delicious food.

You press a button on your phone and another robot cleans the ground.You point with the camera of your mobile phone to a person and he recognizes his face, focuses directly into his eyes and shoots just when he smiles.And if that were not enough, an artificial intelligence software is responsible for covering the skin pores and eliminating the rooster legs.We are not participants in the things that surround us, it gives the feeling that everything is done alone.

However, when you take a camera and put a roll of movie, all this falls apart.There are a thousand decisions to make that will influence the result.Type of film, ISO, format, camera type ... everything affects and everything happens there, before your eyes.Decisions in which ctrl+z does not work, because everything is really happening, it is not an emulation.

You live and capture the moment in an unrepeatable way, because this is how it works.Each moment is unrepeatable.And when you have taken the 36 exhibitions, there is no reversal, adrenaline shoots knowing that, they have come out as they have left, those 36 catches are real, physical and tangible witnesses of 36 unique moments.

As Bender said in the twentieth century (seventh season of Futurama), "no digital camera can capture the warmth and grain of an old film".

Yorokobu for free in digital format!

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