How will the stock market... From left to right in the first row: Antonio Aspas (Buy & Hold), Antonio Jiménez (GVC Gaesco), Araceli de Frutos (Araceli de Frutos EAF) and Jesús Villegas (Renta 4 Banco). In the second row:... From left to right in the first row: Antonio Aspas (Buy & Hold), Antonio Jiménez (GVC Gaesco), Araceli de... 07/01/2023 528
Gross! - Cuba in News Whoever has never said the title phrase in their short or long life, can move to Facebook, play solitaire or go back to a boring Excel sheet, like certain friends who are smiling now m... Whoever has never said the title phrase in their short or long life, can move to Facebook, play solitaire... 07/01/2023 465
COVID-19 cases soar among... COVID-19 cases among children have skyrocketed in Moscow, the main focus of the pandemic in Russia. In the last fifteen days the figure has gone from 2,000 to 28,000 infections of minors per week... COVID-19 cases among children have skyrocketed in Moscow, the main focus of the pandemic in Russia. In th... 06/01/2023 607
Amazon has fired artifici... 64 commentsTODAY WE TALK ABOUTSubscribe to XatakaReceive an email a day with our articles: Toni CastilloAmazon machine learning specialists have been shaping a tool for... 64 commentsTODAY WE TALK ABOUTSubscribe to XatakaReceive an email a day with our articles: Toni CastilloA... 06/01/2023 588
The easiest pancake recip... More informationWho doesn't like to wake up and have some delicious pancakes prepared for breakfast? Or who does not like to snack on pancakes with chocolate or syrup on a winter afternoon while... More informationWho doesn't like to wake up and have some delicious pancakes prepared for breakfast? Or w... 06/01/2023 710
Ukraine Crisis Nation Adv... Amid tensions between Russia and the West, which fears a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, the US government has ordered the families of US diplomats in kyiv to leave... Amid tensions between Russia and the West, which fears a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, the US gov... 05/01/2023 437
Take a breath: The solida... Belén Lamas created the first design to show her affection to her hospital colleagues and now collaborates through this initiative with the Economic Kitchen and the Galician Federation of Rare Diseases... Belén Lamas created the first design to show her affection to her hospital colleagues and now collaborate... 05/01/2023 694
Best microSD memory cards... MicroSD cards have become almost essential for a good number of devices such as smartphones, cameras, tablets and many more. This means that the better our... MicroSD cards have become almost essential for a good number of devices such as smartphones, cameras, tab... 05/01/2023 455
They seized contraband fo... Follow us on Telegram The result was achieved through a raid and search carried out by the Tax and Customs Police in the urban area of the capital of Magdalena. The controls continue on the vi... Follow us on Telegram The result was achieved through a raid and search carried out by the Tax and Custom... 04/01/2023 576
One in ten infected in Sp... Persistent covid is a serious problem not only for the health system due to what it entails and will entail in the future. Especially for those who suffer from it, who see how their life stops... Persistent covid is a serious problem not only for the health system due to what it entails and will enta... 04/01/2023 574
Artificial Intelligence p... Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany have developed an algorithm equipped with Artificial Intelligence, capable of penetrating the dark areas of the Lu... Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany have developed an algorithm... 04/01/2023 578
Telefónica deploys the fi... Vigo, October 21, 2021.- Telefónica, in collaboration with Securitas Seguridad España, Alisys, ZTE, Universidade de Vigo and Cisco, has deployed and implemented the first European 5G Stand Alone network pr... Vigo, October 21, 2021.- Telefónica, in collaboration with Securitas Seguridad España, Alisys, ZTE, Unive... 03/01/2023 550
TRENDS & DESIGN Three... The Seal of Good Argentine Design is an official distinction granted by the Ministry of Productive Development of the Nation to the products of the national industry that stand out for their innovation, p... The Seal of Good Argentine Design is an official distinction granted by the Ministry of Productive Develo... 03/01/2023 556
Artificial Intelligence w... This morning a new edition of the Artificial Intelligence Forum organized by the PublicidAD newspaper took place in Callao City Lights. This year the event has been held in a hybrid format... This morning a new edition of the Artificial Intelligence Forum organized by the PublicidAD newspaper too... 03/01/2023 548
Roborock S7 Max vs. Ecova... Smart HomeCES 2022, an annual expo of all things innovative, brought breakthroughs in many sectors of residential living, from developments in pet monitoring devices to the... Smart HomeCES 2022, an annual expo of all things innovative, brought breakthroughs in many sectors of res... 02/01/2023 475