Artificial intelligence d... With the urgency of migrating to a sustainable economy, companies are changing their production habits and also their transport systems. Geotab, an intelligence-based solutions company... With the urgency of migrating to a sustainable economy, companies are changing their production habits an... 08/03/2023 656
Recording in bars without... Hello, hello, damn and damn! We faithfully attend our appointment on Tuesdays to answer your questions about the digital world. Today we have a medley on privacy, image rights and cyber... Hello, hello, damn and damn! We faithfully attend our appointment on Tuesdays to answer your questions ab... 08/03/2023 630
Building an equitable soc... The development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the different fields of scientific development needs to seek the general well-being of humanity and not deepen differences and ineq... The development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the different fields of scientific dev... 07/03/2023 652
The Board offers internsh... The delegate of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation of the Board in Granada, Manuel Montalvo, together with the president of the Down Syndrome Association Granadadown, María del Pilar López, have presented... The delegate of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation of the Board in Granada, Manuel Montalvo, toge... 07/03/2023 591
Rural houses and charming... Between vineyards and nature, with large gardens and swimming pools, inside bubbles or historic pazos... from Sanxenxo to Vilagarcía de Arousa, we take a tour of some of the accommodations... Between vineyards and nature, with large gardens and swimming pools, inside bubbles or historic pazos...... 07/03/2023 614
Citibanamex issues fraud... MEXICO CITY.-After the announcement of the sale of Banamex in Mexico, it has been detected that alleged fraudsters have tried to deceive clients of the banking institution with a false message in which... MEXICO CITY.-After the announcement of the sale of Banamex in Mexico, it has been detected that alleged f... 06/03/2023 509
Living 150 years: what co... Extending the time we are alive, slowing down or even stopping human aging, is one of the most pursued scientific challenges throughout history. Just two centuries ago... Extending the time we are alive, slowing down or even stopping human aging, is one of the most pursued sc... 06/03/2023 633
X-ray of business digitiz... The Spanish business fabric is essentially made up of SMEs, the reality reflected in the studies of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) tells us. Large companies are 0.17% of the total and... The Spanish business fabric is essentially made up of SMEs, the reality reflected in the studies of the N... 06/03/2023 548
Human beings, slower and... Human beings have many more difficulties in identifying false faces than computers that make facial recognition, with less precision (30% compared to 0% error) and more slow ... Human beings have many more difficulties in identifying false faces than computers that make facial recog... 05/03/2023 566
Resolution of 27 of Maig... Sumarioanexo ianexo iianexo IIianexo Ivvist The text of the agreed Col·lectiu de Treball of the Tèxtile Sector, of the province of Tarragona, Subscrite per part of the Consell de Gremis Comerç, Turisme ... Sumarioanexo ianexo iianexo IIianexo Ivvist The text of the agreed Col·lectiu de Treball of the Tèxtile S... 05/03/2023 649
They report on the reques... The Provincial Directorate of Justice (DPJ) of Havana has reported on the different points where the criminal record can be requested. According to Havana's tribune, in all muns ... The Provincial Directorate of Justice (DPJ) of Havana has reported on the different points where the crim... 05/03/2023 556
Honda Honda 350 test: Thi... The launch of the Honda Adv 350 is the classic example of "who gives first, gives twice."As the first 100% scooter model of the modern era, it comes to mark style. Trail motorcycles have been the last ... The launch of the Honda Adv 350 is the classic example of "who gives first, gives twice."As the first 100... 04/03/2023 544
Critical thinking versus... This program is designed to challenge the way students think through conferences, videos, articles and books.The project of readings, debates and reflections is coordinated ... This program is designed to challenge the way students think through conferences, videos, articles and bo... 04/03/2023 562
What does the purchase of... What does it mean for the PS5? According to our Gaming Adam Vesta writer: @volkerbach We’d Like To Help.Have you tried booting your macbook pro into poe Safe mode WHILE Using the Beta Client? ... https: // t .... What does it mean for the PS5? According to our Gaming Adam Vesta writer: @volkerbach We’d Like To Help.H... 04/03/2023 661
I did not vote: how to ju... With the celebration of the first legislative elections in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, new exceptions contemplated to justify the absence of the vote were established.Any mod ... With the celebration of the first legislative elections in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, new exce... 03/03/2023 679