Artificial intelligence applied in logistics


Artificial Intelligence a few years ago was a dream, an idea from the movies and owner of the most fantastic stories. AMAZING was the word to see scenes with such gigantic problems that were solved so quickly and easily. now in recent times and thanks to advances in programming, artificial intelligence is involved from the simplest to the most complex processes, and within logistics companies it has even become a true competitive advantage to be highlighted.

Artificial intelligence in the logistics world has helped improve Supply Chain Management processes and also contribute to efficiency in the delivery of each dispatch, this helped the sector to improve distribution chain processes, as well as take advantage of the Business data and automate processes, achieving an in-depth analysis of the services almost instantly, helping the client to make better decisions in real time and reduce their delivery costs.

For this reason Quick, after analyzing the behavior of the market and detecting a huge opportunity in these tools, developed a router called “SmartQuick” through the creation of algorithms, a logistics management platform for highly complex operations; in which users can plan their operation, provide management and traceability thanks to the drivers app and finally make real-time control to make timely and effective decisions thanks to the data collected by technology, where all the magic is performed by a algorithm that was developed according to guidelines and variables that are granted through logistics operations, this Technology, once the customer information is loaded, the resources to be used, the quantity of products to be dispatched, encodes all the information, in which it tracks the GPS and will be reflected in a Dashboard, or control panel to support each client in their decision making. For the purpose of this, what is sought is that the algorithm thinks for itself and begins to learn from the operation.

Inteligencia artificial aplicada en logística

As can be seen, artificial intelligence applied in logistics plays a crucial role in each of the processes, using it with the correct parameters greatly optimizes time for both the company and the clients, having an APP with the capabilities that SmartQuick delivery to us is one of the best decisions that can be made in these times of advances and technological growth.

Claudio Paredes,

Quick Country Manager in Chile