artificial intelligence vs. sexist language - El Sol de México | News, Sports, Gossip, Columns

Faced with a panorama in which the majority excludes women, even in their way of communicating, there is software on the market that includes them, avoiding prejudices towards a particular sex or gender.

Themis is the first software based on Artificial Intelligence that transforms texts into gender inclusive language, detecting possible sexist terms and offering a wide range of inclusive alternatives.

“The software is based on the most innovative techniques of Artificial Intelligence. Themis analyzes a text and detects all the non-inclusive words that are part of its dictionaries. The system shows you suggestions and in the end you are the one who chooses the word that best suits your criteria, your text and your audience”, says Sara Llorens, founding partner of this system of Spanish origin.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Sexist Language - The Sol de México | News, Sports, Gossip, Columns

In an interview with El Sol de México, he explained that the main objective of creating the system was to seek the implementation of a solution to combat sexist language, given a scenario in which the vast majority refers only to men in their way of communicating orally and in writing.

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