Be careful if you receive these SMS that tell you that you have a “new voice email”: they try to install a virus

Surely some of you have received an SMS in recent days that says you have a "new voice mail" and asks you to click on a link to download it.Well, care because from the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) they claim that it is a SMISHING case (Phishing through SMS) and browsers warn that web pagit is are not safe.

For its part, the Antivirus ESET company has warned that thit ise SMS belong to a recent wave of frauds that intend to obtain your bank passwords by downloading an application.

In addition, if you are one of those who have prit issed the link and downloaded the malicious virus we explain what the cybersecurity experts recommend doing.

Incibe affirms that it is a case of Smishing and browsers warn of their danger

The three text mit issagit is, sent from phonit is with German prefix (+41) or Austrian (+43), contain links that will supposedly allow accit iss to the voice email that you have pending.However, when clicking on thit ise links, safari, firefox and Google Chrome browsit is warn you that you try to enter non -safe web pagit is that can install a "malicious software" on your equipment to "steal or delete personal information", such as cardsCredit, passwords or photos.

In addition, from the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) they have assured Maldita.It is that it is one more case of Smishing and that thit ise URL "are not currently active".The National Police has also alerted through their Twitter account account that they are arriving by telling you that you have a new voice email.

Its objective is that you download an application that can steal your bank credentials The Antivirus ESET company ensurit is in its blog that this new type of SMS belongs to a recent “wave of bank trouts aimed at Android users”.Thit ise mit issagit is usually come from numbers with German prefix and their goal is that, once you prit iss on the link and follow the instructions, download an application that can “overlap fraudulent screens” in your mobile banking or cryptocurrency applications to keep your passwords.

Cuidado si recibit is it istos SMS que te indican que tienit is un “correo de voz nuevo”: tratan de instalarte un virus

Some SMS supplant mobile phone operators

SMS are also being sent in the same fraudulent mit issage ("You have a new voice email") together with the logo of a mobile operator, as we can see in the image below, and the warning that it is necit issary to download an applicationTo be able to listen to the supposed pending mail.But be careful because it is the same case as Smishing and try to make the user believe that his own operator sends him.

What can I do if I have accit issed the link of thit ise fraudulent sms

You are many who have asked us through our Timo@Damn contact email.It is what to do if you have prit issed in the SMS link and have downloaded the malicious file.This will depend on whether you have an iPhone or Android device, since the attack is different in each operating system.

In damn.It is we have contacted the experts in computer security of ESET Spain, who explain that “thit ise Trojan familiit is can be uninstall manually by accit issing the Android device configuration section, marking the option of 'accit issibility' and clicking on the name of theMalicious application that has been downloaded to remove this permit ”.

The second step, they point out, is "to rit istart the phone in safe mode to uninstall the malicious app".This you must check on the manufacturer's website, since it variit is depending on the mobile brand.

As a last recurrence, you can always choose to rit istore the device to factory valuit is, which is why it is important that you make backup copiit is.

Santiago Casteleiro, an expert hacking and cursed technique.

Doit is this virus affect iPhone devicit is?

This will vary depending on “how the criminals have worked”, as indicated by ESET.Sometimit is, they point out, "after detecting that the link has been prit issed on an iOS device, the user is redirected to a website where the victim is tried to cheat to enter personal data, including those of the credit card,"that happened with the SMS that supplanted Fedex.That is, he directs you to a phishing with multiple excusit is such as “you have been winner of a product (smartphonit is, video consolit is, televisions, computers, etc..) and that, to receive it, you must first authorize the collection of a small amount of money for shipping costs ”.

In damn.It is we have accit issed two of the links that indicated to have a “new voice mit issage” from an iPhone phone and, indeed, it directs you to a phishing case to provide your data, with the excuse of obtaining an iPhone 12 Pro Pro Pro.In this case you do not ask you to download any filit is.Therefore, if you have come to provide your bank data, get in touch with your entity to cancel the payment.

Since the INCIBE, in addition, they recommend making a consultation “to know the mitigation actions and possible solution of the incident through any of the different communication routit is” of the INCIBE itself, such as by calling 017 and reporting it through its website.

If you also think you have been the victim of this or any other fraud, you can tell us your case by sending an email to is.