Crypto Bomb: Elon Musk revealed the possible identity of Satoshi Nakamoto

The true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, is a mystery that has been spinning in the world of cryptocurrencies for more than 13 years.

Different experts claimed to know the true identity of BTC's father, and the last to make public a new hypothesis in this regard was the millionaire Elon Musk.

It is that for the entrepreneur, owner of Tesla and Spacex, Nakamoto would actually be a recognized computational scientist who has been dedicated to cryptography for years.

The one pointed by Musk is Nick Szabo."You can see the evolution of ideas before the launch of Bitcoin and see who wrote about those ideas," the South African researcher told the Lex Fridman artificial intelligence researcher in a podcast.

"It seems that Nick Szabo is probably, more than anyone, responsible for the evolution of those ideas.He says he is not nakamoto, but I'm not sure that is neither here nor there.But it seems to be the most responsible for the ideas behind Bitcoin than any other person, "completed the millionaire chosen by Time magazine as a person of the year.

Elon Musk apunta a Nick Szabo como creador de BTC

Spacex ex -employee asserts that the tycoon is the creator of Bitcoin

Bomba cripto: Elon Musk reveló la posible identidad de Satoshi Nakamoto

Sahil Gupta, a developer who worked as a fellow for Spacex and Tesla Motors, stressed that Musk is Satoshi, creator of Bitcoin, since he had the resources, knowledge and motivation to do so.

According to Gupta, Musk could have easily written the Bitcoin White Paper for his extensive experience in cryptography and economy, taking into account that South African was one of the co -founders of the PayPal online payment system.

Another reasons is that Musk dominates C ++, a language that Satoshi used to write the original Bitcoin software version.

Gupta suspects that, in 2008, during the great recession, Musk was motivated to create cryptocurrency to solve the lack of confidence in banks creating a currency that did not need them and lacked a central authority.

In turn, he pointed out that "Satoshi" could be a collaboration between Musk, Nick Szabo and Hal Finney.But the most likely idea is that the founder of Tesla will read his research work, the solo product would be inspired and built.

The businessman who claims to be Nakamoto

Craig Wright, an Australian entrepreneur and engineer, repeatedly said that he is the owner of the pseudonym.However, that version was not accepted by much of the cryptographic community.

Although there are people who do not accept that, Wright had to initiate a legal dispute in 2018 to verify that it was the person responsible for this cryptocurrency, since the engineer remarked that he was the creator and that Nakamoto was his pseudonym;However, his friend's family Dave Kleiman, who died in 2013, said he helped him create the asset.

The case was resolved in favor of Wright, who will not have to deliver half of 1 million bitcoins to Kleiman's relatives.However, the judge granted US $ 100 million to a joint company for intellectual property rights, which represents just a fraction of what is requested by Kleiman's lawyers.

El empresario Craig Wraight asevera ser el creador de Bitcoin, aunque la comunidad criptográfica desconfíe de su versión

After this fact, the cryptocurrency community expects Wright.

Within this controversy, some spokesmen of the Bitcoiner community were given the task of exposing Wright and even Wikileaks emphasized that it is a "serial counterfeiter".

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Despite this, the engineer claimed the copyright of the White Book and the name of Nakamoto was not part of the jury's deliberations.

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