Twelve keys on the new dialing model of the country

How should calls be made to 01 800?

The 01 800 numbers refer to reverse charge lines, which are generally used as customer service telephones, in which the service is paid by the organization and not by the user who generates the call. In this case , no modification will be registered and people continue to mark as before. (We recommend you read: Apple postpones the entry into force of the function that scans photos on iPhones)

What about dialing emergency lines like 123?

To call emergency lines, such as 123, in which the Police, Firefighters, local entities, among others, are contacted, there is no modification. It continues to call using only the three numbers .

How should calls to Colombia from abroad be made now?

In this case, the user must include the code for international calls of the country in which they are located, plus the code for Colombia (57), plus 60 + the indicative of the region, plus the landline number. For example, for a call from the United States to Bogotá it is 011 + 57 + 60 + 1 + 3987654. (Also read: Why do they accuse Google of unfairly favoring Netflix?)

And if a person from abroad wants to call a cell phone in our country, what should they do?

Dial the code for international calls of the country you are in + the code for Colombia (57) + the cell phone number. For example, for a call from a landline in Spain to a cell phone in Colombia, it is 00 + 57 + 317 4894599 .

Does the way of dialing from Colombia to other countries change?

No , the previous model is maintained, which includes code 00, plus the international long distance operator code, plus the destination country code, plus the area code, plus the landline telephone number.

What if it is a cell phone abroad that I want to call?

The same system is maintained and the code 00 + the code of the operator from which the call is made + the code of the country to which the call is made + the cell phone number is dialed. In the case of a call to a mobile phone in Venezuela, dialing from a Claro landline, you must dial 00 + 456 + 58 + 1234567890. is it?)

Does the new dialing model imply an additional cost in telephone services?

No, none .

Are the landline telephone numbers of the houses going to change?

No, the telephone number remains the same , what changes is that now you have to put 60 + the indicative of the respective city or region (in the case of landlines.

Until when can the old model of telephone dialing be used?

The new model came into force on September 1 and users will have three months to use the two systems, so that by December 1 it will not be possible to make national calls with the previous scheme.

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September 05, 2021, 03:34 AM
María Fernanda ArbeláezSeptember 5, 2021, 03:34 AM




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