How to defend against the new modalities of telephone fraud

Para evitar ser víctima de nuevas modalidades de estafas, y ante la repetición de engaños telefónicos o virtuales, el Ministerio Público de la Provincia de Río Negro, compartió una serie de recomendaciones.How to defend against the new modalities of telephone fraud How to defend against the new modalities of telephone fraud

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How to defend against the new modalities of telephone fraud


*If you get a check that truly is from the company or organization that occurs in the message.

*Look closely what follows after the sender', among others

* After @ also pay attention that they have not added numbers or letters to the real name of the company, such as,,

*If you enter a web page from social networks or search through Google, pay close attention to the official page of the bank or company because some deceptions are carried out from aftershocks very similar to the original web pages and when we enter with user and passwordThey can steal our data.


How to defend against the new modalities of telephone fraud

* No bank is going to call you to ask you to change your tickets for new because no series or pesos, or dollars, or euros will come out of circulation

* Do not go to the ATMs and do not follow the steps they indicate by phone

* There is no need to carry out any activation in ATMs to receive transfers or to prove payments, bonds, subsidies, historical reparation or any benefit from ANSES or AFIP

* If you did not participate in any contest, it is very unlikely that you win a surprise prize either a car, cash, appliances, trips or other things.

* Do not make payments for bank transfer or collection agencies such as easy payment, rapipago or western union to be credited with a prize or benefit

* Do not say any personal data (DNI, full name, date of birth) or bank data (CBU, account number, card numbers) to unknown people through the phone

Sim Swapping

* If your cell phone runs out of inexplicably signal and other cell phones of the same company if they have service, communicate with customer service because scammers may have requested the change of your SIM card (phone chip)

* Contact your bank advisors to guide you on how you can ensure that they failed to access your bank accounts

* Preventively, you can ask your telephone company not to authorize the change of SIM via telephone or remote

Internet purchases (Facebook, Mercado Libre)

* If you are selling something online and an alleged buyer tells you that he transferred more money and asks you to return it, do not do it immediately

* Wait for payment to impact your account to check that you really was wrong.


* As soon as you are warned that you are the victim of a scam, make a complaint at the closest police station or to the prosecution's cell phones http: // Ministry of


estafas telefonicas
