How to discover the next 'meme' action that could be shot in the stock market: websites, tools and apps that reveal the impulses of Wallstreetbets

Stock meme fever does not stop.

Retail investors have decidedly opted for this trend with the aim of achieving high profitability.Many have managed to generate important profits in a few days in the heat of coordinated actions to inflate true the value of some traded companies.

Of course, neither all titles receive the same interest nor the strategy is repeated.First it was Gamestop, at other times Blackberry and, recently, AMC.

There are many who wonder how to discover the next meme action and where these movements can follow.That is, how to access the information at the time to invest when appropriate and not when much of the climb has already occurred.

There are several channels to be up to date and anticipate the next company in which the community will put the radar.

Wallstreetbets: the main reference of retail investors

Obviously.The phenomenon was born in the Reddit Wallstreetbets thread (R / Wallstreetbets).It is the reference forum for many operators and in which daily strategies are discussed daily.

You can download for iPhone or, alternatively, Apollo for Reddit.After registering on social networks based on debates, brows the search bar at the top and search R / Wallstreetbets.Alternatively, you can use this link to go directly to Subnetdit - R / Wallstreetbets.

Although many times it may seem very noisy and it is difficult to find current trends, you only need patience to familiarize yourself with the forum.Diving you will find what are the most popular names and that generate more comments.

Cómo descubrir la próxima acción 'meme' que podría dispararse en bolsa: webs, herramientas y apps que revelan los impulsos de WallStreetBets

The Daily Discussion thread usually includes the daily care foci of the traders.

Discord's role to follow the phenomenon of 'Meme Stock' ... but also Twitter

When operating on the same parquet (on Wall Street), it is usual to see traders shouting to each other, especially when in times of high volatility, with the actions experiencing strong oscillations.That same environment has been replicated on the network thanks to discord.

They are chats where potential investors discuss whether to invest in values such as Gamestop, AMC and others.It is an optimal means to follow the trend of meme actions.In fact, there is a channel with a slightly chaotic memes flow.

Discord is usually the tool chosen by gamers to communicate with friends.It is also used by Twitch Streamers to grow their community.It is a very popular application, with more than 100 million active users per month.

The Reddit R / Wallstreetbets community has resorted to Discord in recent weeks to organize and communicate in real time, since it seeks to force the Hedge Fund to lose millions of dollars in their bets against companies in difficulty.Therefore, they have an official channel.

Amateur operators mass this server to discuss the movements of traded companies, share memes and participate in what reminds an online game.Each publication is full of reactions with emojis and recommendations.

These Discord channels and many of the memes often contain blasphemies or racist insults, which led the application to ban the server R / Wallstreetbets at certain times.However, again and again it has been operational again.

Twitter is another alternative.Looking for the values with its stock market code (Ticker) and the $ symbol, you will find the line of comments with which you can follow the trends.$ GME or $ AMC would be 2 examples.

You can also follow the official account of wallstreetbets @wsbmod or active users in Meme Stock such as @wsbmod, @nope_its_lily, @invent.

The 'social trading' as one of the great references

On the other hand, there are some brockers that can be followed to identify Meme actions in the United States.In Spain, the most important reference in this regard is Etoro.

Social trading is a strategy for which a user replicates the operations of experts in financial markets.Thus, there are many operators within the platform that follow the trends of Wallstreetbets and in which you can inspire yourself.

This practice requires little or no knowledge about the operation of the bags.

Applications such as Exchange Meme

Another resources is to go to some mobile applications specialized in following the news and behaviors of the meme actions.This is the case of Exchange Meme.

“Do you like memes?Do you want to know how the stock market works?Meme Exchange is the number 1 application of the Memes Stock Market ”.This is announced in application stores.

On the platform you can operate with these values, interact with other users, share knowledge and, of course, send and receive memes.In addition, it is available in Spanish.