On February 1, 2022, the period for submitting applications for the First and Second calls for unique energy community projects within the CE IMPLEMENTA Program will open, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. This period will end at 12:00 noon on March 1, 2022.
Order TED/1446/2021, of December 22, which approves the regulatory bases for the granting of aid from the incentive program for unique pilot projects of energy communities (CE Implementa Program), within the framework of the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience.
Resolution of January 12, 2022, of the General Director of EPE Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), MP, formalizing the first call for the incentive program for unique pilot projects of energy communities (CE Program IMPLEMENTA), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. Extract published in BOE no. 12, of January 14, 2022. Published in the National Grants Database (BDNS) id: 605746
The Call will allocate €10,000,000 to the promotion of projects both for production with renewable energies and for energy efficiency or sustainable mobility, being able to incorporate demand management systems such as energy storage. This call is especially aimed at small-sized projects, and their investment cannot exceed €1M. With a budget, it is expected to promote more than 21 innovative projects of energy communities with the introduction of about 4 MW of electricity and 7 MW of thermal renewable power with different technologies, as well as different measures of energy efficiency and sustainable mobility, all depending on the applications presented and the valuation process.
Resolution of January 12, 2022, of the General Director of EPE Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), MP, which formalizes the second call for the incentive program for unique pilot projects of energy communities (CE Program IMPLEMENTA), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. Extract published in BOE no. 12, of January 14, 2022. Published in the National Grants Database (BDNS) id: 605765
The Call will allocate €30,000,000 to the promotion of projects both for production with renewable energies and for energy efficiency or sustainable mobility, being able to incorporate demand management systems such as energy storage. This call is especially aimed at medium or large-sized projects, whose investment must exceed €1 million. With a budget, it is expected to promote more than 19 innovative projects of energy communities with the introduction of some 13 electrical MW and 21 thermal MW of renewable power with different technologies, as well as different energy efficiency and sustainable mobility measures, all depending on the applications presented. and the valuation process.
The aid will be granted through a non-refundable subsidy, which will be received by the beneficiary, definitively, once the execution of the project is verified and the investment is certified. In order to facilitate the financing of projects, 80% of the aid granted may be advanced to the beneficiary.
The PRTR provides for the promotion and development of energy communities through a specific reform within component 7 “Deployment and integration of renewable energies”. Specifically, reform C7.R3 "Development of energy communities" of this component will promote an "Ecosystem of support for energy communities" whose ultimate goal is the creation and consolidation of them, through a three-phase approach and complementary support mechanisms. The first two phases, Learn and Plan, aim to activate participatory, informative and informative processes, as well as the legal constitution of these figures. The third, Implementa, which this aid program deals with, incorporates, in addition to other actions, the promotion of demonstration projects with geographical, technological and social diversity to eliminate barriers to entering the market and validate business models and possible innovations at a technical and/or social level. This promotion includes the possibility of formalizing aid lines for investment in them. The development of these phases will be complemented through Community Transformation Offices, which will support the dissemination of these figures, as well as the accompaniment and advice of the actors seeking their creation.
In this context, the incentive program object of the aid regulated by this order is implemented, which are aimed at those legal entities, public or private, that encourage the participation in the energy sector of actors not traditionally participating in it and whose purpose be it the development of electrical and thermal renewable energy, energy efficiency, infrastructure for sustainable mobility and demand management through energy communities. It is because of this type of participation that these projects are considered unique pilots. For this reason, this aid program is specifically aimed at this type of entity in order to implement such actions, encouraging the corresponding investments for the execution of pilot projects for energy communities.
The purpose of this order is to approve the regulatory bases for the granting of aid from the Incentive Program for singular pilot projects of energy communities (CE IMPLEMENTA), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), within its Component 7, Reform 3, development of energy communities.
The purpose of the aid is to strengthen the support system for actors interested in the creation and development of energy communities, mainly citizens, SMEs and local entities, thus contributing to a fair and inclusive decarbonisation by promoting investment in green infrastructure and the participation of actors not traditionally involved in the energy sector, enabling the mechanisms for compliance with milestones CID 110, "pilot project for communities" and 111, "completion of pilot projects related to energy in local communities" of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, within Component 7, Deployment and integration of renewable energies.
The validity of the regulatory bases approved by this order will extend from its entry into force until December 31, 2025. However, the aid granted will continue to be governed by it, and by the calls issued under it, until the finalization and closing of the corresponding files, including the eventual procedures of reinstatement.
Non-refundable subsidy that the IDAE may advance to the beneficiary who so requests if so provided in the call, in order to facilitate the financing of the projects.
The procedure for granting the aid will be through competitive competition, in accordance with articles 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, and in accordance with the evaluation criteria and selection set in this order.
In accordance with the provisions of article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of February 12, 2021, the aid regulated in this order will be compatible with other aid granted, for the same action, by any Public Administrations or public, national, European Union or international bodies or entities, provided that the same cost of the action is not financed, the cost of the subsidized activity is not exceeded and the condition is fulfilled that, cumulatively , the aid does not exceed the limits established by Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of the Commission, of June 17, 2014 for those final recipients who are companies or carry out some economic activity, for which they offer goods and/or or services on the market, and in any case in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of July 18, 2018, on the financial rules applicable to l General Budget of the Union.
They may obtain the condition of beneficiaries in the corresponding calls that are held under this order, provided that they carry out the activity that bases their concession, in the terms established by them, and meet all the requirements, any legal, public or private, legally and validly constituted, that have their fiscal domicile in Spain, and that form an energy community.
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The energy community, in the context of this order, is defined as a legal entity based on open and voluntary participation, effectively controlled by partners or members who are natural persons, SMEs or local entities, which develops renewable energy projects, energy efficiency and/or sustainable mobility that are owned by said legal entity and whose primary purpose is to provide environmental, economic or social benefits to its partners or members or to the local areas where they operate, rather than financial gain.
The unique eligible pilot projects will be those carried out by the energy communities that benefit from the aid regulated by this order, which encourage the participation in the energy sector of actors not traditionally participating in it, and carry out one or more of the actions described in the following table. All this with the aim of facilitating the deployment of this type of initiative on a national scale, identifying and eliminating the barriers that prevent its establishment.
The program for carrying out the actions that are the object of the singular pilot project to be carried out by the beneficiaries who opt for the aid must be contemplated in a work plan that contains a business plan that will be accompanied together with the corresponding application, in accordance with the content that is specified in the call.
The aid to be granted in this program is limited to a single application per call and per energy community.
Eligible pilot projects must include at least one action specified within the first four areas of action detailed below. These eligible pilot projects may comprise several actions, either from the same area of action or from several areas of action.
Performance area | Description |
I. Electrical renewable energies | Associated with one or more of the following energy sources: biomass, biogas or other renewable gases, wind, hydraulic and solar photovoltaic |
II. Thermal renewable energies | Associated with one or more of the following energy sources: aerothermal, biomass, biogas, biomethane or other renewable gases, geothermal, hydrothermal and solar thermal, as well as the systems for using said sources |
III. Energy efficiency | Associated with one or more of the following applications: improvement of the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope |
IV. sustainable mobility | Associated with one or more of the following applications: implementation of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure and acquisition of "plug-in" electric vehicles and fuel cells for shared mobility |
V. Demand management | Associated with one or more of the following applications: storage behind the meter and regulation systems through hydraulic storage or other innovative storage systems that may include next-generation batteries or new uses for vehicle batteries (second life of batteries), aggregation of thermal energy demand and systems to provide demand flexibility |
The amount of the aid granted for the projects that are selected will be established in accordance with the application and work plan presented by the beneficiary, based on the eligible costs of the actions that are the object of the same and the limits established in the order, as well such as financial availability.
The calls may set a minimum and maximum aid limit per project and beneficiary, as well as a minimum and maximum investment per project, and assign a maximum budget per type or area of action. Likewise, the calls may set the types or areas of action and/or beneficiaries object of the same, as well as, where appropriate, the budget distribution by Autonomous Community, in accordance with the provisions of this order.
The maximum aid intensity that may be requested will be as follows, provided that the calls do not set lower percentages:
Areas of action | Maximum aid intensity, as % eligible costs |
Electric renewable energies | 60% |
Thermal renewable energies | 60% |
Energy efficiency | 30% |
sustainable mobility | 40% * |
Demand management | Maximum aid intensity that applies to the area of action to which it is associated |
* Up to 100% for public access recharging or refueling infrastructures for zero-emission or low-emission road vehicles, as determined in the call and provided that the conditions established in article 36 bis) of Regulation 651/2014 are met. .
The exclusionary and evaluation criteria are those established in Annex I of the order. Each application will be assigned a score between 0 and 100. The evaluation criteria are:
Evaluation criterion | Punctuation |
Project features | |
1. The partners or members are exclusively natural persons, SMEs or local entities. | 0-15 |
2. Partners or members located in the vicinity of the project. | 0-25 |
3. Multi-component and innovative projects. | 0-25 |
economic viability | |
1. Reduction on the maximum aid. | 0-15 |
2. Business plan and value chain. | 0-15 |
externalities | |
1. Social and gender impact. | 0-25 |
2. Social revitalization. | 0-15 |
3. Adaptation of regional and/or local priorities. | 0-15 |
Maximum total to grant | 100 |
Multi-component projects are defined as those that present eligible actions in two or more areas of action among the first four that are detailed in Annex I of these rules, with the condition that the eligible cost of the action with the lowest associated budget is a minimum of 20% of the total eligible cost of the project. Additionally, they may include actions from the fifth area of action that will not be computed when assessing whether the project is multi-component.
The minimum score to access the assessment will be the one indicated in the call.
The term for carrying out the eligible investments and execution of the actions object of the aid will be established in the calls and will always be computed from the date of notification of the favorable decision granting aid, as established in article 21 of the regulatory basis.
All supporting documents for expenditure by the beneficiaries accrediting the realization of the investments and execution of the aided actions must be presented, in accordance with the deadlines specified in article 22 of the regulatory bases.
The documentation to provide for the justification of the aid is established in article 22 of the regulatory bases.
Beneficiaries who request it, by writing to the Directorate General of the IDAE, may have advance payments of the amount of aid granted, provided that the following conditions are met:
They must constitute a guarantee available to the IDAE, considering the exceptions included in article 24.1 of the regulatory bases, and for the same amount of the advance to be granted plus the corresponding interest within the maximum period of completion of the project plus a period of eighteen months. , in any of the modalities provided for in article 12.2 of Royal Decree 937/2020, of October 27, which approves the General Regulations of the Caja de Depósitos, all in accordance with articles 48 and following of the Regulations of Law 38/2003, of November 17, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21.
The amount to be guaranteed will be equal to the amount of the advance payment plus the interest calculated at the legal interest rate, for the validity of the guarantee. The advance payment limit to be granted will be determined in the call.
For any questions or clarification, both citizens, as well as any company or public body, can direct their queries to the Citizen Information Service on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies (SICER) through the following channels: contact form https:/ /www.idae.es/contacto, email ciudad@idae.es, Fax (91 523 04 14), WhatsApp (910 789 894), or phone call (913 146 673).
For queries on issues related to the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, PRTR, you can direct your queries to the email consulta.prtr@idae.es
Remember to always indicate in your queries the autonomous community or the province of Spain from which you are contacting us, for statistical reasons and to be able to guide your query towards the most appropriate information.
Telephone service hours: Winter session: Mon-Fri, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Summer session, from June 1 to September 30: MF, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. WhatsApp service hours: Winter session: Mon-Fri, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Summer session, from June 1 to September 30: Mon-Fri, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.