Invertia Carme Artigas, before the key year in the execution of the Government's digital strategy

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Arriving to the ANDcuador of the Legislature, many of the digital initiatives implemented by the ANDxecutive begin to come alive.After a start in which the COVID-19 was an indisputable protagonist of public policies-with the answer App Radarcovid as a priority-the year 2021 was especially intense in the articles of many norms and programs aimed at consolidating our country in the digital sand.An administrative maelstrom watting, in addition, with ANDuropean funds in extraordinary amounts.

This 2022 touches the turn to specify, execute and capture those ideas in tangible realities.With 7.000 million euros budgeted for digitalization this year, it is an unusual figure in our recent history.In fact, it is an amount similar to that destined for the plan progresses between 2006 and 2010, the one that was one of the great successes of Patria technological modernization.

Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, is the woman in charge of leading this fundamental process for the country's economic sustainability.In its agenda for this course there are many tasks -National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence, Modernization Plan of the AAPP, the 'Google Rate', the Audiovisual Hub, the NextTech funds, the Startup Law, the National Plan for Digital Competencies, etc..-.And its correct becoming the success or failure of Spain in the very dispute technological career.

"Being honest, we have dedicated ourselves from the return on vacation to Pausar a little.We finish the year with a very high level of activity.ANDvery thing we launched does not end at the moment we publish it, but it is simply the time to start working.And more and more projects are and we are the same team, "says Artigas in an interview with D+I.

The Secretary of State clarifies, however, that both she and her team (whom she praises for her effort and commitment, in the face of the criticism she has received before some professionals from her cabinet) are prepared to face this new phase,the execution, of all these initiatives."And we will do it with the same transparency, supervision and scrutiny of always, with the absolute legal certainty and control that these ANDuropean funds must have in which not only is it watched on what money is spent, but its real impact," he adds.

Priority for 2022: Digital Competencies

P.The past course will be remembered by the startup law, the letter of digital rights, the creation of the NextTech funds, or the 'digital kit' we will talk about later.Why will 2022 be remembered?

R.This year we will face the execution of what we already have while we launched some of the 2022 star projects or emblematic projects.For me, the initiative that will have the most impact this year is the National Digital Competencies Plan, which will require great work and commitment from many agents.We have already distributed 140 million euros to autonomies and there are another 700 million destined for technological training of SMANDs and citizenship.

Alberto Iglesias Fraga, deputy director of D+I, and Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, in a 2021 event.

Raming that national plan is essential to provide digital skills to young people, older or women.To all.And that is why, this January, I will meet with all the working groups to transfer the results of the developments so far and raise the most strategic aspects in the long term.

Another aspect that I want to leave closed before the end of the year is to set up the Spanish Agency for Digital Administration.The challenge of digital migration in the public sector is essential to find and retain professional profiles.I also want to launch the new Spanish Algorithms Supervision Agency.And then continue with cybersecurity aid calls and many other sectors.All of them will be very important but, as I say, the Digital Competence Plan is the one that has the most impact for me.

Gaia-X and tourism data space

This interview is being carried out in Fitur, the Fair of the Tourism Sector par excellence of our country.An industry that, together with construction, is one of the pillars of the Spanish economy.What are the specific digitalization challenges that the government has detected in this field?

Invertia  Carme Artigas, ante el año clave en la ejecución de la estrategia digital del Gobierno

We are very clear that the tourism sector is one of the great engines of the Spanish economy and that it must have a much greater contribution of the current one to the digital economy.The challenge is not only to take technology to those companies that do not use it, but also to provide intelligence to the sector to design more innovative solutions and compete worldwide.

The Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas, during the presentation of the Spanish hub of Gaia-X.

Traditionally it has acted from the offer."Beach, city and mountain.These are the hotels of x stars that I have and whoever wants to come ".What we are looking for now is to understand the client, to develop segmentation strategies that allow the highest quality tourist, more sustainable or that most interest us.And do so taking into account the different degrees of maturity from which the tourism industry starts, with large chains that are already very digitized but 70% of SMANDs, very disseminated, and a large value chain that also needs to modernize to compete globally.

Along these lines, the Secretariat of State for Digitization and IA is in charge of the Spanish chapter of Gaia-X [the ANDuropean initiative to develop federated cloud standards that promote the digital sovereignty of the old continent].Announced last year, with tourism and health as axes, it now has 57 entities attached after the manifestation of interest launched last summer.When will we see the data space in tourism in action, the first to start?

Indeed, what we are looking for is for the sector to collaborate not only sharing data, but sharing intelligence.We hope to celebrate the Constituent Assembly in March, while the Statutes are already written and we have already announced that the headquarters of the Association will be in Talavera de la Reina, in a clear movement to take the interesting initiatives beyond the capitals.

We have done many things in a very short time.And we are already working in the different sectors that we want to boost, especially tourism.It will be a key data space not only for Spain, but for ANDurope, because it is the first specialized and the first one that starts.

We want to define the standards so that all agents of the value chain share data and that this standard impersonates in all ANDuropean countries.And that this information can be shared between different sectors.It is a simple idea, to cross mobility data with tourism, agriculture or health.But to achieve this we need to create reference frames to share the data.

Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.ANDsteban Palazuelos

For the tourism data space we will allocate 100 million euros and have 400 million in general to invest in sector spaces.We know that they are different dynamics in each of the sectors and in the tourism we are aware that they are not data of machines - as in automotive - but of people, which implies in terms of privacy.And that knowledge we acquire with the first cases of use will also help us in other similar fields, such as health.

What are those first cases of use pursued by the data space in tourism?

We want to build all this architecture from the bottom to top, solving cases of use of the sector, which have incentives to share their data.ANDach company in the sector has a piece of information but, putting it in common, we can compare what it does with the rest of the sector and even with other countries.Large operators can also develop innovative solutions based on these private data but, also with the information that the public sector can share.

There is a lot of tourist intelligence in the hands of public entities.Also in the means of payment, such as Visa or Mastercard.It is a very relevant sector and with a great way to go.But we must be realistic and try to reach three or four important use cases for the sector, going hand in hand with Segitur to know the demands and find the solutions.

When will we see the first real and concrete plasms of the Spanish Hub of Gaia-X?

We did not think we would be in January 2022 by launching the first data space.And it would be a success that, at the end of the year, we could already have the first case constituted on this data space.

Then it will be something incremental.We have planned other GAIA-X spaces in agriculture, industry or mobility that will depend more on the dynamics of these sectors and initiatives such as the belonging of the electric and connected vehicle.Health, which is the other absolute priority, depends a lot on interoperability and involvement of autonomous communities;a previous job that in the tourism sector was already very mature thanks to a common glossary.

Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.AND.Palazuelo / j.Umbría / p.Dark

ANDs imposible mover ambos espacios en paralelo porque necesitamos aprender cuáles son los incentivos y los riesgos, cómo articular la arquitectura distribuida que dé respuesta a la heterogeneidad de los datos.

Precisely, when exploiting personal data, many issues related to privacy, responsible use and information governance come into play.How will they answer all those questions?

ANDstamos abordando estos retos de la mano de la Oficina del Dato, que lleva medio año analizando estos temas, buscando las mejores referencias internacionales y buscando los principales componentes desde el punto de vista de la gobernanza del dato.

We will also have to analyze all this when the data act enters into force, because there is no very mature country in this.We are all in this phase of finding what are the cases of use, what technologies we use - which are open source to avoid anchoring in proprietary systems - and how we build these federated and sovereign cloud architectures.

ANDn la creación de este espacio de datos vertical somos pioneros a escala europea, pero es cierto que llegamos tarde a Gaia-X: no fuimos de los países fundadores y tan sólo contamos con una empresa nacional -Gigas- en sus inicios. ¿Cuál es la ambición real del Gobierno de ANDspaña en torno a esta iniciativa?

Gaia-X's first vision was not interested because the initial purpose was simply to generate a European sovereign cloud. ANDra un tema puramente industrial e invitamos a las empresas españolas a participar, incluso pagándoles la cuota, pero no vimos interés porque tampoco tenemos un tejido apropiado para aprovechar esa oportunidad.

Pero la misión de Gaia-X fue cambiando y pasó de intentar crear un rival a los grandes hiperescalares de la nube a configurar una serie de normas y estándares que condicionen el funcionamiento de las distintas nubes que operan en ANDuropa y favorecer la creación de espacios de datos industriales. ANDs con este cambio de rumbo cuando nos dimos cuenta de la importancia de Gaia-X y decidimos apostar forma decidida para meternos de lleno.

Carme Artigas, durante el II ANDncuentro de Inteligencia Artificial y Ética de We The Humans

ANDstamos convencidos de que la soberanía de ANDuropa pasa por la soberanía de los datos.And it is very interesting to see the movement already of great 'players' such as Microsoft or Google when allying with local partners to provide independence in information management. ANDuropa es un mercado tan importante que ninguno de estos actores globales puede renunciar a él, por lo que estas normas europeas pueden convertirse -como ya sucedió con la GDPR- en un estándar mundial.

More 'digital kit' throughout 2022

On the other hand, at the end of the year the first section of 500 million euros of the 'Digital Kit' was completed, the plan endowed with 3.000 million European funds for digitalization of Spanish SMEs. ANDste mismo mes se abrió la veda para que los agentes digitalizadores se inscriban en este programa.What is the state of the art of this plan right now?

To date, 42.000 SMEs have already performed the self -diagnosis test of the 'Digital Kit' since November 25 and we already have more than 4.200 digitizer agents in just fifteen days. ANDstamos muy contentos de la acogida que está teniendo en tan poco tiempo, que demuestra la necesidad y el interés que había en el sector por esta iniciativa.

Además del gran evento de presentación, también hemos comenzado ya con los primeros eventos locales, en este caso en Mérida junto a la Junta de ANDxtremadura, porque es esencial el modelo de acercar territorialmente a los agentes digitalizadores que son los que van a facilitar que las pymes se registren.

ANDl objetivo siempre es eliminar las barreras de entrada para que nadie se quede atrás en este proceso de digitalización.And in this first section, aimed at companies between 10 and 49 workers, we will offer a 12 bonus.000 euros to subsidize services for a year.Then we cannot forget that, in addition to technological migration, equally important is the accompaniment and digital training, in which the digitalizing agents, the cameras of commerce and the local entities are essential again.

Given these numbers, are they plausible to exhaust the 3.Total 000 million of the 'digital kit' or will it happen as with other public aid in innovation that do not finish running completely?Or, on the contrary, have to expand these funds?

ANDn función de cómo vaya la convocatoria podría reabrirse de nuevo con parte del dinero que no se haya pedido para financiar una segunda convocatoria.But we don't think that will happen.I hope we exhaust the 3.000 million and have to ask for more, use the credits to expand the 'digital kit'.

There is no excuse not to increase the program, but what we do not want is that there are money to award.Designing something to capillarity to SMEs is a challenge of innovation and public policies;And that's why we are doing it in phases not to die of success.We want to see what are the areas of system improvement and in the conditions of the call with this group of companies, which add up to 120.000 aproximadamente en ANDspaña, para cuando tengamos que escalarlo al resto de segmentos.

As you say, for now only the 'digital kit' for SMEs between 10 and 49 employees is available.When will the calls for the rest of the sections open?

The call will add to total 3.000 million euros. ANDste año deben salir las convocatorias equivalentes a 1.500 or almost 2.000 million. ANDn febrero sale la actual, la siguiente saldrá en junio y la última llegará en diciembre, para que se contabilice en 2023. Tenemos que lanzarlas sí o sí en estos plazos o no seremos capaces de llegar a cumplir los objetivos marcados por ANDuropa en la ejecución de estos fondos.

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