Dra.Marta Cohen returns to Trenque Lauquen and will be distinguished by the municipality, the HCD and the Chamber of Deputies 4 comments

27 - 12 - 2021 |News |4 comments

Within the framework of a new visit to its hometown to spend the end of the year, Dra.Marta Cohen will be recognized next Thursday (30) by the municipality of Trenque Lauquen, the Honorable Deliberative Council and the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies for its contributions to the dissemination of truthful information based on scientific concepts on the Covid-19 pandemic since it beganIn March 2020.The pediatric pathologist resident in the United Kingdom will receive distinctions from the municipal mayor, Miguel Fernández;of the president of the HCD, Alberto Rodríguez Mera;and of the provincial deputy Valentín Miranda, in an act to be held from 11 in the auditorium of the Civic Center Int.Juan Carlos Font, the first building, where, in addition, the Dra.Cohen will provide a press conference.From the beginning of the pandemia the Dra.Marta Cohen became a reference to know the situation of the old continent and contribute informing about Covid 19 through the media and networks, the Spanish -speaking world.In March 2020, when Argentina began quarantine and the new virus that emerged in China put humanity alert, began to make explanatory videos that took public status, circulating from networks and contacts with Argentine media.The precision of their concepts based on scientific publications gave light and clear doubts about a lot of darkness and ignorance, even for the seasoned professionals specialized in disseminating science.On July 20, 2020, the unexpected occurred, his video announcing the success of phase two of the Oxford-Astrazéne vaccine went viral and began to pay attention to it, convene it and be interviewed in radio, television and graphics media and graphics andNews portals from our country, Latin America, Miami, Spain, France, China and even Russian agency itself.Since then, he has never stopped carrying out his commitment to inform from the facts, reading, investigating scientific publications, and even investigating a specific topic within his area such as the incidence of COVID in pregnant women and his placental affectation;Work that has been presented at international congresses with European colleagues, giving rise to a new concept, placentitis for Marta Cohen the pillars that remain fundamental until today in the scenario of the pandemic are: individual responsibility with social acceptance, protocols (which include the use of chin.Innumerable have been the advances he provided, as a result of a detailed study and update of data that in repeated opportunities could redirect the way to follow in the permanent challenge with the virus.The construction of a reliable message and away from any political edge has allowed you to get people massively.Today, his networks on Facebook, Instagram and the YouTube channel Drmartacohen, give him permanence and solidity, a place on the media agenda and in the need of the people to evacuate concerns.At the moment he is finishing writing with his sister and two Platanese journalists a book that will see the light through Editorial Marea for the next book fair, in April 2022, where in the first person details of the traveled road and theexperience that his involvement has left him during the pandemic.Marta has decided that a percentage of royalties are donated to the Pediatrics Room of the Municipal Hospital DR.Pedro T Orellana, from our city, who in tribute to the 100 years of his father's life since August 31 is named Ramón Cohen Souza (first pediatrician of the city with his deceased wife Dra.Elsa Victoria Bossie).The professional was news in October 2020 to be distinguished with the title of Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), one of the most prestigious awards in the United Kingdom, awarded in recognition of their work on the sudden death of the infant, whoseAward will be effective on February 1, 2022 at the Windsor Palace, from Queen Elizabeth II.Marta Cohen - Pediatric Patologist and specialist in Legal Medicine - is currently Clinical Director of Pharmacy, Diagnosis and Genetics of the Hospital de Sheffield City where it resides since 2003, and honorary professor of the Department of Oncology and Metabolism of the University of the aforementioned Health Center.

  1. jorge jordanel 28/12/2021 a las 8:39 am

    A pride for Trenque Lauquen and Argentina to have great professionals, humanitarian, fighting, with values and deep knowledge put in favor of humanity.Big hug Marta Cohen !!!!!!!

  2. Rosa Noemí Ortizel 28/12/2021 a las 3:52 pm


    Welcome to your land, Marta Cohen!Congratulations on the deserved recognition to your professional work, which transcends borders and highlights your quality as a person interested in the good of humanity!Hopefully the most favored peoples listen to you, when you recommend assistance to Africa and others so vulnerable, because you cannot heal if they are out of care.

  3. Mabelel 30/12/2021 a las 10:51 am

    Welcome Marta Cohen! Thank you infinite for your generosity and contribution to the common good.Your authority to convey your knowledge results in confidence! My admiration and gratitude

  4. Fabiana F Auvieuxel 03/01/2022 a las 5:36 pm

    I need to contact Dra Marta Cohen, I'm in Tucuman, French Dra Auvieux, and Mail Kalistyfr@Gmail.com


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