That the knowledge we acquire throughout our compulsory schooling has its deficiencies we all know.And that these are usually in the drawer of how to manage your adult life, because also.Things as they are.You might think that I am talking about what they teach me how to make a second degree equation, but not how to hug my father.What could be and that is in a way, but the shots are not going around.What I come to complain, and what everyone should be complaining about is that nobody, and say absolutely no one, prepares you for the work world.Neither how to make invoices, nor the different types of contracts, nor what our salary expectations should be according to our experience and training level, do not even tell us what are our rights as workers.Any.Zero.Caput.
They throw us into the uncertainty of the work world as who sends a kid to the war armed with beach blades and a cube, that is, knowing the parts of the prokaryotic cell and being able to list the different verbal supplements.And sometimes not even that.Luckily, your parents, colleagues, and Google always remain.It is likely that the vast majority of us would not have reached where we are without Google.And between a Breast Consultilla, a few clicks and the hosts that give you life, you learn.But in general, we are required to know everything, without anyone explaining anything.
Labor precariousness is part of our agenda.Everyone tells you, and the worst thing is that you know.The thing is screwed: they will explode and surely have hosts of anxiety from time to time.So nothing, to swallow.Then we met at the bars and criticize bosses, managers, customers, students, classmates and even the poor unfortunate who cuts us the morning to make an offer for the mobile.We know the miseries of our colleagues as if they were ours because we have also been there.But what nobody ends up talking, as if it were a shadow planning on the payroll at the end of the month, is what we do when it ends.A dismissal, an end of contract, a non-harm.And I do not mean being without work and the discomfort that entails but the precise moment in which all Peta.
# She Works Hard for The Money.
# Hard, for the money.#
The work, that "constitutional right"
That many do not have, oh, no, no, no.
Who works the water around.
And who does not have it, would kill for having the minimum salary.
Precariousness, that word,
mostly affects us, the youngest.
And no, honey, you will not leave the university
With the work of your dreams.
The reality is another, the 40 %youth unemployment in Spain.
And it looks more raw:
"Freelance", if you want to make the guay.
Or being an eternal fellowship works for free.
Today in "La Colmena de Gen Playz":
(Tuning "Gen Playz")
Hello.If you are under 25 years old,
It is likely to find you 40 % of youth strike
What we have in Spain.
Don't worry, I just come to relax.
46 million Spaniards,
Approximately 23 million, in active population age,
17 million people working,
of which, 5 million officials."LOL".
What is left?If the accounts go wrong in the abacus,
about 12 million people
holding a country of 46 million.
What a joy, what a fuss, another pilot puppy!
From today, it is a privileged position,
Inés Hernand tells you,
Worker since the age of 16 in the fuck of the shit
And all the world "Fast Food" Madrid.
How are you, Darío? Very good.How are you?
Enchanted to greet you, Inés.(Laughs)
Tell me some labor filth.
Let's see, I belong to...I'll tell,
But I belong to the bubujade the "influencer" of shit,
So it's a separate world,
But the first foray that I had in the working world
He was a newspaper's fellow,
I'm not going to say name, let's call them alpha beta, huh...
Good, it gave me for what I gave me, to work.
Then from there...You mean
that paid you with peanuts.Nerd,
They paid me, but I would have preferred peanuts.
In those we are, the first one was pretty.
Would have been better.
Well, of course...
I bring you a masterful piece
so that your spirits do a little.Let's go there.
So is, it is a fundamental right...
raised in the Spanish Constitution.
But the statute of workers stops fellows,
In time, for two years.
At this table I'm not alone.
But this topic touches very much in the fiber.
In the optical fiber.
Is with me Alreadygo Álvarez.
He is economist in the networks.
It has an economy section in "El Salto".
Correct? Correct.
And a cooperative.Many things, all from precariousness.
In addition a porrón of years and experiences
That portrays us today, right?
Hey...What you let me tell you.
I mean...Of the tongue that you throw me I shoot.
Sorry for this oligopoly we have here mounted.
To my left, there is Alejandra de la Fuente,
that works in the Labor Selection of Public.
She is also a journalist and creator of the account:
Mierdajobs, was going to say "microjobs",
But "Micromierdajobs" too.Mierdajobs, important.
Well how are you?
I mean, visibilizando toda la mierdade abusos laborales
In our country.You won't give Basto, right?
Well... Hello.
Well, getting into the shitty days, as is.
Seeing everything.
Listening to many sorrows of young people,
Not so young, everything.
Very sad, yes.It is a sittuation...
Have you seen any change in recent...
Since you opened the blog?
Hey...I've been for two years and no, worse.
I think even worse.
I imagine we will talk to him, but the coronavirus,
has gone worse.Great, the message is:
You can always be worse in Spain.
To my left,Javier Munarri,
He is an entrepreneur and creator of "whip",
The caps store that you will know, Malasañera,
that is, he is an entrepreneur of the "cool",
Not of these who caress a Gatoy Summan Cohíba.
Well, artists such as:
De la Fuente, Agz and Erik Uranus.
How are you fine.
I was going to ask you such a freelancer,
But it seemed a little joke.(Laughs)
Regular good.Regular...
Towery, right?.
By zoom we haveKike Medina,
that he has commissioned to do his own marketing,
as an entrepreneur also the bird,
It is the alternative Delivero and Glovo.
Try that capitalism...
It is one of the "Rage Against The Capitalism".
And well,
Welcome to this afternoon here, with us.
How are you,Kike?
Well here, playing at home.
Fairly good.
You are right.Okay.
We are all very on your side.
The bird, to the parrot, did not want to make spam, but I already did.
And finally we have Álvaro Calle,
He is a lawyer for workers' commissions.
Labor Lawyer, Of course.
And you will also give us legal
Since, the sine of esmac.
Well stuck, by the way, the ESMAC here, in Madrid.
Good afternoon everyone, delighted to be here.
Not only in Madrid the esmac is stuck,
stuck, and the courts, I imagine that will come out later,
throughout Spain, it is horrible right now.
It is awful.That fogasa,
Salary guarantee fund, you know,
When bosses do not want to pay...
Well, it is also the liquidity
A bit of that form.
But well, this is of professional training,
As a mileurist jurist, I was in his day,
Thanks to Playz I am no longer.
"Mom, I want to be a mileurist," this is...
Like the great dream that we have had here, in Spain.
But those data that launched under 25 years of age,
40 % youth rate,
It seemed shocking.
How did this situation arrive, Alreadygo?
I think there are several factors,
on the one hand will be the structural one,
What is shit
Because we have a shit of economy.
The economic structure that our country has,
Based on a large percentage, in tourism,
large percentage under construction,
and a large percentage in the mother of all precariousness,
What is the rural sector, isn't it?
Well give one...
A job box
that people who leave university careers,
Where are they going, right?
In the end, it is a country structure that does not give way to young people,
It does not give way to the young people prepared,
or even
With professions as more of the future can be
Like technological, etc..
Then, of course, there is the crisis.
Not only this crisis, but the previous crisis.
We had what a lost decade would call.
That crisis that we had in 2008-2011, how everything fell,
that caught this generation Z,
At university, leaving it, entering it
or entering the work world.
He caught them in a situation that there is no job.
I think that analyzing a very little crisis, we leave the other crisis,
I think it's very...
How do we go out?, Lowering the dismissal,
making the entrepreneur easier
Remove people from above,
And besides, with austerity.
What is already called austerity, which is, in the end,
Believe that you can get out of a crisis spending less.
I mean, vamos a gastar menos...
What he did was even more like an economy.
In the end, people who left a new job,
I couldn't, and there are these figures.Totally.
That are so afraid.40 % of young people
that they do not find or have many perspectives to find,
at least things of his,
What they studied.Taking advantage of this question, you,
Alejandra, as a professional researcher of this matter,
What are the main problems
to go to the labor market?,
Are the abusive offers? Aren't there offers?,
The lack of experience?
I, collecting what Alreadygo says, that there is no job,
It is true that there is no...
But it is not that there is no job, it is that there is a job,
for example the issue of fellows,
which is where these young people arrive,
These young people get to take experience,
which is totally normal that they have to take it,
But then they find that you cover the experience you need
And now you have to be splicand control with scholarship contracts,
And that is a job, a structural work for companies.
But they are not paying you as such
You don't have the contract as such.
Then work for young people there are,
Not as much as there should be, but there is.
But many companies take advantage of the famous fellows
and of the famous formations to splicing fellows,
doing structural work.
That was something that wanted to point out,
It is something that young people of this age
They are very much and also totally internalized.
They know that they have just studied the FP, the career, the master, whatever,
And I know that two, three, four years, splicing,
First fellow, practices, right?, And then formations.
And then we'll see if that
ends in a contract or not.In something.
This morning I read that one of ten training contracts,
one ends in contract.
One of every ten.Then you say...
Of course.Hopeful, yes, of course.
What hope does young people have?
Then investigating all this
We are in this age range
Many fellows, many formations
that, basically, are covering structural work,
totally necessary works for the company
and that without those positions the businessman could subsist,
I could not throw, or would have to serum smaller,
And these young people are nourishing,
totally formed, saying that they will take experience
When the experience already has it.
We are talking about that you pass the concern
of not having for porros, of the weekend,
To have to make an assumption:
The next ten years of your life,
at work level, they will be the biggest bassine,
Speaking of joints, that you will find yourself in your life.
Of course, además...Not only is the subject
You commented on what is,
Well, the issue of fellows,
And then people also get two issues,
If you are not a fellow, you have or temporary jobs
or partial works.
Work in Tsar them weekends
To be able to pay for anything, the room,
or work in the middle of you study,
While you shape, because there are a lot of young people
that in the morning it is in practices
And in the afternoon work of receptionist, whatever...
So I did.And with the race.To be able to throw.
And that is work precariousness, formative...
No, it's unworthy.Total! For young people.
Well, for them and for everyone.Of course.
People who are with a standard of 1000 euros per month,
You will coincide with me then on floors...
I mean, mi barrio, barrio obrero,barrio medio,
750 euros per month of minimum, plus all expenses,
That is a standard, because you have to eat,
In the end you say: "Ok, great, there is nothing left for absolutely".
Not only is an emotional salary
May your chief of the chepa pass you,
but you are in shit.
You are in the shit you will not get out of it.
Above you have to do it with hashtag, with a smile.
I want to ask the self -employed,
What's up with young people,
A message of hope for people
who wants to ride something by your account.Javier.
I think if you want to ride something by your account,
The possibility has always been there and will always be.
Nor is it much easier to get a job.
In the end, what Alreadygo commented,
In the end it is you the exploiter and the exploited. (Laughs)
It is yourself who are lasted.
Then according to your character your way of being,
Well, you will be willing to endure those lashes.
Because you give them to you and not another.
Or maybe it makes you get more depressed.
And in your case?
I give them to taste.Ah okay.
I mean, estás en ese...
In that thin line.Yes, yes, I give them to taste.
In the end a very bad experience also comes out
From my decision to set up a company,
Because our situation a bit different,
Because besides being autonomous, I have society.
You are in no one.
Because you are not an entrepreneur,
How do you imagine the figure of the businessman,
You are not autonomous, as you imagine the figure of the autonomous
nor worker, as you imagine a worker to use,
But you are everything.
Of course, sí.Of course.
It also translates into: Bolsoy opening by letting paste to kiki.
Totally.I wanted to ask you...
Kike, listen to me one thing,
Sabercuál wanted is the responsibility
of the entrepreneur in precariousness, in this sense.
Well, it's a bit difficult to answer,
because the same thing happens to him,
I'm a worker, I'm the businessman...
In the end I.
Responsibility in this sense,
For example, and what, in quotes, saves us
We work in a collective, that is,
In the end, things that do not occur to me,
They occur to another, etc..
But wet, I mean,
Have you ethically felt chungoen at any time?
Yes of course...That is my natural state,
I carry all the shit Chungo.
Because I have currandodes of the age of 16,
Temporary contracts, many black work, huh...
Completely shit.
Until we already decided to create our cooperative this
What is the Cyclomensaging bird.
Even so, of course, we have been several times, many times
to the point of burning ourselves, because...
I, right now, I consider that I am working.
Of course, then I have to take the bike
and go out to distribute joys.
I mean, es como continuo.
Not only is work...
physical, the one seen,
It is not the work you enter money,
but also all the invisible work there is.
I think the responsibility is, in case of creating a company,
Even more than more, going very little by little,
But sure, go doing things right.
For example in our case,
We have removed to be autonomous
the four founders that are the cooperative.
Now none is autonomous.
We are in general regime, hired by the Cooperative.
But of course, our goal, one of them,
It is to offer dignity employment of the sector,
in general regime, with all the advantages you have,
Right to leave, you are quoting...
And what happens,Kike, for example, the "uberization" of employment?
I mean, esta decisión del salto,¿por qué?
Let's see, all this is like a bit
what happened with Starbucksen his time,
that opened a Starbucks
and all restaurants and bars in the area
They went shit.
That is, what you can throw on the floor
everything that prices are
And in the end what happens?,
People in the end go to them because they are cheaper.
Point and ball.What happen?
They seek to monopolize the market.
And so you can burst and burst,
Also, above all, based on workers.
For example in the issue of messaging,
"Free delivery".
Free delivery does not exist.
That's a lie.Man, of course not.
Goes at the expense of the messenger.
Completely.It is so.
Someone must absorb spending.
There is a fact that I would like to comment that we are talking about,
which is that they say that Spain will recover the level
What we had, unemployed, before Pandemia, until 2026.
This is a poccomo the fucking mobile alarm.
We have been for years and years of: "No, now, until 2018".
"No, but maybe 2026".We are shit.It is done.
The sooner we accept it and say that it will not recover,
We will end before.They will be extending it,
Like the alarm when I thought it would end in April.
No, no...
I wanted to ask Álvaro Calle,
speaking a bit of teleworking, precisely,
because I was teleworking the pandemic.
Is this new form of precariousness
and loss of labor rights?
Because now new legislation came out,
But it is a bit at will
Between employer and employee.
Because after that...Of course, no nos meteremos
in legal matters of collective agreements, etc.
But in the end he has a wide sleeve, like this geisha,
That shit, that you shit.
Tell us a little about teleworking,
If it is a new form of precariousness.
Well, of course,
You have to go to specific cases,
The first example that we can see from teleworking,
which was during the crisis of the coronavirus,
It has been an example, on many occasions,
of a new precariousness.
That is, from workers allegedly
They were in Erte, and they made teleworking from their home.
A benefit, obviously for the entrepreneur.
Of course, la nueva Ley de Teletrabajo,
We will have to see how it is applied,
because it can effectively be a new form of precariousness,
Because one thing, and it is wrong to say a lawyer,
one thing is what puts on paper
And then what applies the day to day
In the work center.Praxis.
Or in your house.Of course.
Indeed, of course.
Will the day be fulfilled
How does the contract determine?
Or will we be hanging all day from the computer,
hoping that the boss to whom it corresponds
He tells us that Marabaraun e-mail or do such a job?
Will personal conciliation be respected
With working life?
Will the media be put by companies?
That is, the computer to work...
Spoiler: no.
Unclear.Of course.
Then, obviamente, pese a queel teletrabajo se quiera vender
As something very positive,
specific cases will have to be studied,
because unfortunately it can be a new form
of extracting benefit from companies
to workers, and it can be very dangerous.
Clear, labor exploitation.As it is.
I come to say one thing,
As a jurist of the track, my advice, my saint,
is that you always leave everything collected by email:
What time do you go or enter...
So that later, when you have to claim
Those overtime, the keys of a.
Let's talk to...Let's watch Danel's video,
Because something will have to say
of his short experience in the work world.
How are you?
I assume, if you see me, that your father has a millionaire company
that you will inherit from having moved a foot of the foot,
because I always assume that my audience respectable people.
I assume that you have split the back,
that you have fought for scholarships
that would literally leave you the little illiteracy
If you don't get them,
I assume that you have studied a career that you do not like
Because I had an exit that was cool,
To bring good money home
And because lately what matters
It's not starving.
I assume that the race, without more.
That you left her and now you are very prepared
For the world of unemployment.
Spain is the country of Europe with more youth unemployment.
25 years down, many people have no job.
"Dont have work".
He has no work contracts, because I will tell you a thing,
If I have to drag, these rats fights
which are column battles, work interviews,
positions in which extra hours are not charged,
in which you are not allowed a day off
Not even if you break your leg,
You threaten the dismissal to the minimum,
Because total "we have 50 others that would kill for your post",
"You have to take advantage of the privilege we do
Not letting you rot in the street ".
Well, I would charge in black.
And if you quote less, at 65 you don't have money,
It doesn't matter, let's die, climate change!
After nuclear holocaust,
The only living animals
The "zoomers" would be cockroacasy,
because we are able to adapt any catastrophic situation,
hit our heads, get up, move on
and swallow all the shit so they throw us.
Why? Because we have hard skin, do not deceive you.
Do you think the 19 -year -old boy, anxiously,
that works 10 hours a day in a hot dog position,
In a bowling alley, serving sausages
To kids with pistachio green, dense,
And then he goes home to prepare the TFG,
deal with existential vacuum, loneliness and social anxiety,
Doesn't you have hard skin?
Think again, think better, give you everything done.
Let's say, on average, a young Spanish
You can find a good job
in which only minimal is exploited
and in which his rent of a floor,
that has the measures of a coffin,
that has in the same room cooks and the toilet,
Assume 70 % of your salary.
That is a good life, a privilege.
You are living in the capital, in Madrid.
You are in Madrid, with rats of such a size, in the attic,
Don't complain, you have a floor.
What is this culture of not complaining?
This culture of tragary to say: "Amen", yes?
If my boss wants to abuse me and I don't leave me,
I say goodbye to another to leave.
Or I say goodbye to immigrants
who come to "take our job".
We give them work and return it,
Because they are nefarious conditions,
They are not interested in this garbage.
We have a national culture of swallowing and swallowing,
Just because we are underneath
And because we must accept the abuse of authority...
Please!Can we develop a collective moral?
And tell people:
Hello, ¿me pagas por el trabajo?,porque trabajar gratis no me mola.
Then they tell us: "No, you have to thank the privilege
I give you, the privilege of buying your workforce,
and not abuse ellamás what I am abusing.
Abuse a little, this is "Light abuse".
This, Bangladesíesque children weave the underpants
Amancio Ortega would give his life for having him.
What do I do, give somersaults back?,
No, sir, we don't want.
You better believe that I do not work in my fucking life.
At least international minimum salary.
That for a workers 600 and peak euros.
For an artist, Instagram's stories are put.
Good luck.Do not devalue you.Cheer up!Worth!
We all have on Twitter: "Vegan Feminist",
But we don't have "Working Class".
What's happening?Why has working class consciousness lost,
and of vindication and struggle?
Alreadygo, you who have more seen.
Because he is 26 years old.I believe that...
I believe that el Sistemaha ido hacia eso.
I mean, esto empezó con Tatcher,
When he wanted to carry British unions
And it has arrived so far.
They realized, the system realized
that unions, the organization,
This class conscience was his main enemy,
And it has been intending to crush it 40 or 50 years.
What you said before the "uberization" of the economy,
is phase 5.0, I don't know what zero point it would be,
But the current essepara to the workers,
who compete among them.
Before, in the factories, there were factories of thousands of people.
Look.And you were...
You were next to your currela, from your worker
And you said: "Does the boss pute you? ", "Yes", "To me too,"
"Well, let's mount a union, let's strike".
It was much easier.Now a rider knows his teammates,
An Uberno driver knows his teammates,
They are not his classmates, but his competitors.
Then el Sistema lo ha hecho
so that class consciousness disappears.
Capitalism what you do that we feel comfortable
having an iPhoney being hungry.
I don't think I get so much.
Let's see, I think it is only capitalism,
It is also neoliberalism,
that surely Alreadygo explain it better than me.
But I also believe that there is awareness,
that we are capable, human beings,
To think: "Ok, I have an iPhone, or whatever,
But I pay 390 euros for a room,
And I can't become independent that I don't give me ".
I believe that no podemos tratarnospor tontos.
We think about that, the working class thinks.
I think, apart from what Alreadygo commented,
is that fear has been able to.
More than "I have an iPhone", is the fear I have
to lose how little I have.
That's the problem.
That is what individuals separate us, say:
"My mother, if I raise my voice here
And my partner leaves me lying down,
because he has to raise his voice like this,
If I lift her, I throw my partner, she stays,
And like me, 290 more come in the tail ".
Then creo que más que el iPhone,
more than the brilli brilli that can get to life,
The real problem is fear.
The fears that four bitches pay us,
The fear that the dismissal is very cheap,
the fear that there is temporality,
precariousness and bias Mansalva,
And the fear that they are my 390 euros of room.
But it's my room, it's what I have,
It is the only thing that I have.
Lose that unique that I have what is so afraid of me.
I believe that ese es el problema de base.And for that fear,
In that sense, Álvaro,
Do you think all this materializes
In sufficient labor complaints?
Ertes, precariousness, etc..
Or we don't know...Or we do not know our legal channels
Because already seeing the traffic jam, we say: "I better mess up".
Different situations are given.
Now with the issue of the crisis of the coronavirus,
There is a situation of authentic blackmail
by companies,
What is it: "I effectively say goodbye,
I know I owe you equis,
But as the trial, what we were talking about at the beginning,
of the esmacy all the delay they have,
It will not come out for several years,
If you want the money, you take it, and if not, you wait years.
Of course, el trabajador o trabajadoratiene que comer durante ese tiempo,
So many times it is blackmail.
How I know..., I understand, fix this?
With organization, that you talk about it,
With organization in work centers.
I do not consider that the class struggle that the labor organization,
That spirit of "Working Class", has disappeared, I think...
For example,Kikepodrá talk about it.
The recent example of the Glovo Riders.
They were organized to be declared
They were false freelancers of the company.
Examples, the fight of Alcoa workers,
Currently in Asturias, from Alsa also in Asturias.
That is, there is still that fight,
Although from the Mass Mediase tried many times hide.
Invisible.Make workers
Let's go each on our side.
But I believe and see it a lot in the union, day by day,
There is still class consciousness.
It is true that we have to reinforce the,
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that young people, who are the ones who enter the labor market,
We have to become aware that we have some rights
And that we have to fight them.
And the way is to organize.Do we know them?
Do you think we know, young people, those rights we have,
or just kick on Twitter?
It's like everything.It is true that as a rule,
equal when we enter the labor market,
Many times we do not know the rights that protect us.
The examples are temporary contracts
that occur in youth, in a way...
In a high percentage, and that we often do not know,
Young people don't know what to do when that contract
It is supposedly over.
We do not know what rights amounts to compensation
or if the contract is legal,
So that's why it's very important
organize ourselves in work centers,
Ask who is next,
because it equals more experience than me.
And organize to be participants in a structure,
or have knowledge of what rights they protect us at all times,
Not only do I talk about layoffs, but on a day -to -day basis.
Now, with the coronavirus, the theme of Epis,
that it was another attack the rights of workers,
impressive, the lack of protection equipment.
Theme, which you said, of extra hours.
That is, all this you said, that I love it,
of "uberization", which is something that is being given,
To fight all this,
Young we have to become aware
that we are no longer students,
that we are workers
And that, therefore, we have to become aware
What rights are protested by our day to day,
To be able to defend the ours.
I wanted to comment on a couple of things.
First, I see quite interesting
that with all this "overallitis" that exists,
I would like, this is a call for universities,
From here, universities and any training center,
It would be good that the titles
I print them on smoking paper
since, at least, if at any time
We want to make a biturbo, we cut an skirt and throw.
The other, with all this shit,
Sometimes I think: "Fuck, how easy it was in feudalism".
With the easy...
The Lord arrived, "Take, Lord, my crops".
"Does my daughter want? The little girl, who is half a lame, take her".
Everything was much clearer.
The French Revolution and all these shit
enter the new humanity,
It was cool.Exact.
But when everything was clear, there are no hosts,
Do you complain? Nothing happens,
I burn you the fucking house.Exact.
Is that now between...
Between being this or a slavehaacing the Temple of Hatshepsut
I don't see difference.
Hey, ¿nos montamosuna Pirámide de Keops?
¡De una!¿Hey?, joder, ya está.
That is cool, set up a pyramid.
To glovear! And read.
How do you live this businessmen?
I mean, we are doing here for the workers' solidarity,
But you are not exposing alsoKike or you, Javi,
This assumption you live from within.
Because of course, in the end the precariousness covid also splashes.
Yes, in the end, when you are a worker and you are an entrepreneur at the same time...
In the end, also as you understand as an entrepreneur.
In Spain you talk about entrepreneurs
And people come from their headamancio ortega.
Then sí, hay uno,que se llama Amancio Ortega,
But then the vast majority, 90 and peak %
Business fabric people like us.
Then realmenteel problema es muy diferente,
the one we can have a business as us,
or the one who can have...
A company like you, that what our audience aspires,
Hopefully, what problems do you have?
Now we have the same problems that the big ones,
But without the financial muscle that has a large one, basically.
The problem of not having liquidity, that they do not pay you this,
that people do not consume your move...Yes.
In the end is that, the fall of the economy in general.
And to that you add, returning a shamme that you speak,
of Uber and all these companies,
Those companies would not work assisi people did not consume them.
Then a mí, el discursome parece un poco barato,
to blame these companies, how do things...
When I get home and ask me for a glovo.
But if you think so bad,
¿por qué sigues consumiendo?Of course.Kike.
The thing, and the big difference,
What cannot be responsible for consumer.
The consumer, in the end, and above all precarious consumers,
as we are,
that at the same time of entrepreneurs and workers,
We are also consumers, in the end we will go to the cheapest.
Because we are on the edge of the Ockham razor, there.
What must also be responsible for legislation.
I mean, si la ley permite...-Exact.
...that there are this type of companies
that crush the entrusive any way,
But anyway, that is, polluting,
Without contributing to taxes,
crushing workers...
I mean, coño, lo machacan todo, todo.
And above it is legal.
Then lo que hace faltaes legislar.
Of course, hope that they legislate, shit!
Then entra en juegopropuestas como las nuestras,
Responsible and local consumption alternatives.End of story.
For example, the issue of coronavirus,
We have essential essential service.
The joy of pedaling, in April,
Without cars, it was wonderful.With nobody.
Mother's Day Four gifts to Mothers.
Of people, private orders.
And without being able to go see mine.
Very strong, right?
Then...In that sense, what is needed is legislation.
Meanwhile, who can contribute to another type of consumption,
to another type of companies, which alternative market is.
We, for example, could say people:
"How do you compete against these great Libero, Uber, Glovo...? "
We do not, if we did, we would lose.
What we do is, in the end,
We are an alternative.In addition, our tool,
Our "Market Place",
where we have local restaurants and stores,
It is part of the European Cyclomensaging Federation.
We are allied, at European level,
with another 30 and cooperative peak,
And we form, in the end, an alternative market.
Very precarious, which costs us,
It's very much to work behind.
The result is the same: your hamburger comes home,
But from another site.
The big difference is what is behind
of those digital tools.
And that messenger is coming,
The same, yes, when I can give it to you,
The same is somewhat happier, you know?
because I contribute to a project, another type of economy.
I wanted to open a little boy...
With the topic of teleworking the covid,
then is also the...
That new world, that ban that has opened
What is family conciliation, at home.
I mean, yo, por ejemplo,era yo currando desde casa,
The Doña Currando from home,
And then my daughter, that at that time,
When pandemic, confinement, had a year,
that really, quite useless the chavala,
Few things knew how to do,
And I just tried to open your head
With all house peaks.
(Ironic) fuck, at that time.It is quite useless.
Nor speaks, go, which seems to be drunk...
It shit on.It's.I say, girl, right, right?
I believe that...Look for a job.
I believe that es un bloque muy tocho,porque hay gente que vive sola,
has no problem.Of course, por supuesto.
What you say is total.
This new slab that falls fits how you are,
Because you are not even curing,
Girl that the girl tries to open a third eye...
Well, that that this would be another block, totally.
The block with family fillet.To take into account.
Yes, todo, digo,con estas jornadas imposibles
that you can be practicing autonomous,
as self -employed and as entrepreneurs,
and with the days that people like a salaried one,
Then you take your life from everything.
I mean that this is endemic to your whole life.
Of course, a lo mejor ni puedesemprender un proyecto familiar.
(TODOS) Of course.
I can't have a dog.Of course.
Because I have no time or money.
Ni un perro ni un polvo,Kike,
That is a fundamental right, fuck.
Well that sometimes, but...
But of course, between bird and bird.
Well, said, guys,
Álvaro yKike, os despido,
because we give way to a video.
It has been a pleasure to have your testimony.
Although it has been a bit succinct,
But there will be 2.0 of this shit...
You can, you can.
¡Yes, se puede! ¡Pájara!¡Vamos!
And workers commissions, please,
more commissions, and more workers than ever.
Now, yes.It's es.
Many thanks.We give way to video
who prepared Kilgor to...
For today's theme.Kil.
# Work, work...#
So is the thing.
Delicatessen characters
that we incorporate into our conversation,
They are our gene generation,
Jara, 23 years old.
Publicist and fellow.Hello. Yes.
How do you see the work panorama?
I speak of the private sector and communication sector,
Because it's the one I belong to.
I believe that respecto también un pocoa lo que hablasteis,
It is a situation, a shit covered with glitter.
It is very difficult, very complicated to take class awareness,
internalize it, because you go to a precious office,
handle millions of euros...
We have to wake up from that, it's a hoax.
And Gonzalo, 21, warehouse.
Gonzalo, how do I breathe this work environment
What we are talking about, this work panorama?
Okay, básicamente, sobre todo ETT,la mayoría,
and contracts that do not exceed four months, at most.
And your colleagues, when you are there in an ETT, and...
I want to tell you, you agree to effectively,
or do not match some others,
What to feel common have that move?
I mean, ¿hay un sentir de cambio?
Do you want to claim any way
Or do you say: "This is what there is"?
Is that, really...
Very difficult also to be able to agree with colleagues,
When you are at temporary work,
because the companions will enter and leave.
But very rarely coincide for a month or two
With the same partner.
In fact, Ettvaría the workers itself
As the company seems to the service that offers the service.
Little can you really talk with colleagues.
Rivalries are also noticed and company.
That this also noted the sector itself.
Do you think that youthful unemployment is motivated
Because, in part, do we want to work for what we like?
I mean, ¿nadie quiere ser cristaleroni currar en el campo?
Let's see...
To our general generation that is informed a lot
The issue of titulitis,
that you have to get a race,
For the race, work for what you want.
But the reality is another, of course.
And when you have to go looking for work,
The easiest, accessible to someone of our age
They are jobs...that does not need a formation as such.
Because for those who need training,
They already have someone working
And you have experience for it.
That's the problemde nuestra generación,
that we have no experience..
In your case, for example, Jara,
¿estás sobrecualificada?Yes.
I started as a fellow has two years,
I was hired and now I have become a fellow.
Okay, entonces esto,¿cuál es tu frase estrella, Alreadygo?
The one we said before, precisely, that we talked about...
Yes, está este dogmade la sobrecualificación.
I mean...We do not have to make them up to work,
but the work to the studies.
We do not have over -qualified people,
We have a shit economy that these people do not absorb.
We have a labor system that does not absorb.
Then esa frase de:coges a un licenciado
that speaks English and German,
llegas y dices:"¿Hablas inglés y alemán? "
Yes, "the pizza,without bacon or bacon? "
Are you an engineer? Well, make a tourism module
Because you speak English and German.
No, I want to be an engineer, and I learned two languages
To look for life better in engineering.
And that is like the mantra,
"You have to study it in your country".
Fuck, then we will end up being all tourism, work and little else.
Hey, we have found a series of things,
Speaking of Mierdajobs, you know?
And Darío selected them, precisely through, a little,
of what you are.
What are you? Tell me this week's news
What more saying: "But by God...
Santo Cristo, ¿qué está pasando? "
Have the news or the shittrab who found more terrible?
Okay, si quieres, la más terrible.
I want all tetracy, I want to get out of here
With people crying.
I don't know, for example this week I found jobs...
Supercualified, obvious,
You have to have, I don't remember exactly,
an engineer or something,
You had to work full day 52 hours the week...
Ah, yes, it's a full day...
Very complete.I mean que el estatuto
of workers have basically changed it
For the Herbal Essencey prospect they said:
"Now I invented the day".50 hours, yes.
And then it was 800 euros per month.
Gross.Ah, 800 gross.
Not even the minimum inter -professional salary,
because since nothing have been read,
Use either have established the minimum,
which is already in 900, by the way.
I have to tell you, Darío, what did you bring me, my love?
Yes, yo traje una cosita, bueno...
A picoteíto de Mierdajobs that, we go there,
We will put some pictures.Go ahead.
Let's present it as it deserves,
how it has to be.Voucher. Yes.
First, with 10 months of practices,
25 hours a week, for a salary of 0 euros,
Offer to work the Royal Theater.
Of the Complutense Practices Stock Exchange.
There lo tenemos.What better than to work ten months
Without seeing a single euro,
Where is the micerino pyramid.
We continue, the following.
Teleopeador, full -time,
1.14 The hour, 200 euros per month.
So that you go with Malacara.
Who have you thought about?
A person of these last 2000 years?
We continue.
CURROR DE CAMARERO, from 12:00 to 02:00,
For 40 turkeys a day.
About 35 cents at the time.
Incredible, huh? Ah...
Incredible.A moment, stop here.
I can not, I can not...Put me the photo, amorcito,
Drafting worker. There está.The councilor punctured it perfectly.
Please, I want to read the synthesis, again, of this.
And I want us to think about the move.
"Person with experience and desire to work".
I mean, ya eso...Desire...
"Look, I have experience, but you of course do not".
"With experience", I repeat.
Guys, this seems to me...I repeat...
It seems head of El Hormiguero.
"In Bar y Sala". I mean,además no barra, barra,
I want pole dance.Nice too.
From 12:00 to the closure, which is 02:00.
Okay, con suerte,a las 23:00 puedes irte a casa.
"40 euros".
They put it without comas or anything.
"Tray management, good treatment",
Of course, you have to be a bit friendly.
"Speed", that is, we want them, those cañitas,
We want them, coming out.Eye, huh?
Tray management, good treatment, speed and concentration.
Disfigured message.Lakers base.
They basically ask you what they ask to be contending.
Okay,solamente trabajas esos tres días.
I mean que 40 por 3,
They would be 120 euros,
For 4 weeks that has the east, what else do you want?
Are you complaining? 500 euros!
"Know how to work under pressure".You complain?
And we return: "Refrain without experience".
I mean...
Javi, you who have employees,
What do you think of this job offer?
Well, I would love to be able to catch up in those conditions.
Eagerly...Do not be misunderstood,
I would give me quite shameful someone working like this.
Above demand experience.
If anyone has experience,
You are not willing to accept that.
I mean...
I don't know, it seems incredible, the truth.
For example you are retail.Yes.
Do you have a deal of you with your employees?
Yes of course.Yes.
Roll: "Hey, good vibes".
Also the ability to understand incidents.
Because it happens many times.Yes.
And beyond that, that is illegal.
Yes, absolutamente.
Absolutely.Apart from...
The moral valuation we can do is illegal.
How can a job offer be offered like this?
Yes.I don't understand.
The cherry cherry is:
"Wanting to work".Eager.
Disney World attraction of the world's children.
Thus, smiling.Eager de trabajar.
# OOMPA LOMPA.#Como vea que pones cara de mierda.
What would you say, Jara and Gonzalo,
To the Minister of Labor?
That revokes the labor reform of 2012, to see if it cuela.
Go ahead, Jara.That somehow,
You have to regularize...
I speak of the practical sector, there is no limit.
I mean, no hay ningún tipo de límite.I have found myself...
I have made practices from free,
until they had to remember them that they had to pay me.
I have made extra hours, infinity.
Is nothing regularized, it's a jungle.
It is a jungle, that is, the practical sector,
that they throw a...Yes.
Yes, perdón, continúa.
I believe that también...
This is a bit unfair, but I think we have some responsibility,
We and us, the people we opted
to those jobs,
because in the end, the only real way to break this,
I think it has to be from within.Absolutely.
I also mean...
In the end what will become life, Gonzalo,
In Netflix, work, work, Netflix?
Or what is the wheel.(Yago) Luckily.
Let's see, yo qué sé.I do not have.
Can you imagine? If you can pay the netflix.
Me estoy imaginando que me dices:"I do not have",
So it's just work.I do not have.
I just work and sleep.
But I do not know,
In the case that I wanted to comment, in my sector,
So that..."solutions" that may be seen, in any case,
The Royal Decree of the 2012 labor reform
Approves that companies and ETTS
They can work as collaborating entities
That is, the State is no longer directly
The one who places you to work, so to speak,
but the companies themselves decide whether or not you work,
They are the ones who directly all the...
All paperwork, so to speak.
The problem of this is that
nor does companies directly try to hire an ETT
to have workers, qualified or not, for them,
and that then it is dispensable or not.
Really, fuck...I don't know where to start either.
No, total.
I'm going to launch the moment "four Magi" kings "...
If you release simpler questions.I will launch the letter of the Magi
to the table, also for us.
I will launch my "Spanish Dream" that is official,
But those who charge a lot of pastay can scratch well.
That there are enough, we are not going to fool us.
Okay, yo quiero serfuncionaria de Playz.
Then ese es mi deseo,
But if you have to be realistic,
What would your wish?, Of labor changes.
For trying to launch a message of hope.
I would say that Labor Inspection is increased.
Labor inspection, yes, I also ask.
Because as much as laws are put,
If there are no people who look at each other,
Nothing will never happen.
And it is not so muchparasability of the people,
but responsibility that a government, a state,
Have human tools
To end this,
With the issue of false freelancers,
With the theme of temporality and the ETTS that I commented,
With the issue of fellows.
It's, con una inspección de trabajomuy fuerte y con actuaciones,
Can be done.
And then, my second, of course, my second desire,
The repeal of labor reform.
to get started.I would say that these two would be.
Draft labor reform.The most important.
We had almost no occasion to comment on "Lost Trade",
But for those who do not know, who do not even know in the INEM,
They are the workers, economically dependent.
I mean, tienes que estar dado de altacomo autónomo,
But all your salary depends on that employer.
And those are the false freelancers.
Translated as the false freelancers,
in which it is the autonomous himself who pays for his expense,
so to speak, and is hired at the same time by the employer.
And there you spend hours, night and day, see your life pass,
Your daughter already at university, the Lord is still there.
Of course, if Maloy gets, he leaves vaccates, do not pay it.
Your desire and your dream, Javi.
Mine would be more oriented to the autonomous quota.
I also.
The freelancer, especially when you start,
You must hold some type of variable.
We can discuss whatever, but some type of variable.
It can't be that a person who does not invoice
that a person who invoices millions.
And, for example in our case,
When we start with the store,
that in addition to being autonomous, we were a society,
We were forced, since then,
To pay the maximum autonomous cuotade.
Tell me, how you start a business,
having to pay for maximum freelance fee.
What then were they?
There were 300 and peak of euros, now it is in almost 400.
It is the maxim.
I, for my right to work 400 euros.
I have to pay.From the day zero.
But remember that it is a safe -conduct in Madrid,
from today.I pay today
Thank God and I can pay it, and delighted,
But when we start not.
I mean, no tiene ningún sentido.Absolutely.
And there are self -employed that invoices more than us
and pay the same quota as us.
I believe that algún tipo de variable,
Although it is not the billing,
But some variable has to
In that quota.Absolutely.
Un deseo, Alreadygo.You're laughing?
I love it because...Is that it is messing.
I subscribe every word that Alejandra said.
Do you let me get little more futuristic?
Total, yes, please.
What Darío said, from: "We are going to delay it five minutes".
This alarm clock is going to end.
In the world of artificial intelligence,
of "Machine Learning" of robotics, etc.
There will be no job for everyone ever.
There will be less work for all.
I mean,intentar esto que comentasteis
It's great to end with precariousness right now,
But this is not going to stop,
There will always be that structural strike,
There will always be unemployment people.
Then, reparto del trabajo.
I mean, menos horas,cobrando lo mismo,
that is to distribute the days.
In the end, even, it will not even have work for everyone,
within 15 or 20 years, then here the...
the universal basic income factor,
or some type of livelihood has society
so that people have at least a decent life.
Yes, sí.I don't say you can leave
on vacation or have iPhone.That you can load the phone.
Not with stones.Exact. I believe that ese mundo laboral
that come to us the next decades
It looks very black, for everyone.
Then hay que buscarotro tipo de soluciones
that go beyond the simple fact of such.
I am not a fetishist of work,
Dignified work, no.Me neither.
I dignify my holidays.Me too.
Then creo que...The cheese wipes,
The good wine, a good polvete
After the "Golden Hour" of the nap and is already.
Then, si tenemos máquinas
that can do things by us,
Well, let the machines have things for us,
But that the owners of those machine pays taxes
Let us live well.Switching machines!
You are a machine, Darío.
CIÉRANOS this program.A little thing I'm going with him.
Yes, cómo no, dale, "go ahead".
Long live Playz workers.
Do you want to be your own boss?
Get two tonitos, baby,
that life is not "the wolf of Wall Street",
except on some television sets.Not in this.
This thing of capitalism,
This gasoline that dreams of dreams,
It is usually a little chusco,
It is usually the Alonso's car in 2014,
no...I don't know if you remember, but I didn't throw.
But this little thing has a little truth
that is that sometimes you have to try
Look for beans by oneself.
Porno todos los empresarios,como vimos hoy,
They are bad people, there are good.
Then busca tus propias armas,
Look for the way in which to fuck the system.
Fuck the system from within.
Be the fucking Trojan horse.
"Fuck The System!"
And taking advantage of all this, not to the submerged economy.
Be honest, you have to pay roads,
hospitals and all those shits,
To continue maintaining Spain.
See you next day,
We will talk about...# Porn, porn, porn.
# Porn yes, no porn.
# This titi, this titi, I fuck me.#
See you next day, guys.Thank you.
I hope you enjoyed.Leave shit comments.
Yesguenos en redes: YouTube,Instagram, Twitter.
Hey...What do I know, "periscope", I don't know if that shit exists.
In Vine.Yesguenos en Vine.
We love you.
Fucking shit.
Mine I like, thank you.
"Make Spain Great Again!"
"Make Spain Great Again!" (Laughs)
For a time it was an idea that I preferred to ignore.The thing was Prieta and unemployment is one of the few things in which Spain can compete for gold but, farewell?Me?Not with that post -adolescent head with faith in humanity.With what it costs to find a work I was not going to lose it.People lose them, but, by God, I don't.Until it passed.I knew how to react.It turns out that everyone omits that part of their story.At 19, after working 14 days in a row, without any rest day, in a Pelai clothing store, now dead and buried, they called me the office to sign the expansion of hours of those days of those days.Then another document.Now you sign your dismissal.Stunned is little.I got a nervous laugh, my pulse trembled and I just knew how to say what?Apparently my trial period ended that day and did not need my reinforcement in store.Or what would be the same, it was cheaper to throw me and take a new girl with the worst contract. Of course amigos, más inestabilidad, menos derechos, más manejables.But nobody tells you from the entrance.After my last eight hours perchando, I left.I didn't say anything else.What could he say?I didn't tell anyone that day.I felt true shame of myself.And on top I was pissed off for being so silly as to let me make a shit schedule without grinding to the sadist of my ex -chief. So viaje de metro en silencio, y de nuevo a la rueda.
At that time everything I knew about layoffs was what Amaral sang in "Marta, Sebas, Guille and the others".That I will no longer have to endure my boss to my boss or one more minute, and that night was celebrated.Apart from that, nobody had told me how to react.And I no longer say the posterior bureaucracy, which years later is still a pure ball.Not even when my father lost his job during the 2007 crisis, he talked at home.Simply a blank box in our lives.No one ever prepares us for a dismissal.
It could be an isolated case, not everyone has told Ciao, a bad percher, but the patterns are repeated.Although in many cases we feel relief when leaving these suffocating positions -not everything will be bad! -, the vast majority cannot stop feeling a certain frustration and anger by not being able to reverse the situation.We don't have control.And the uncertainty of whether we will find another soon, seizes us.The calls at the end of the day, the impersonal mails or HR, to which you have seen a single unit of day in all that time, giving you a farewell palmadita: classic cubes of cold capitalist water.It's not about not having the job, but why they don't love me for him.Oh clear, and stability!The damn economic stability, if it existed, vanishes.
Feelings yes, account_bancaria_in_en_mis_pensimientos, also.And then thirty thousand legal guards will come so that you, confused, say "it is worth what they offer me and I leave".And self -pity speeches...We would like to keep telling you, but ... it is not in our hands, they are orders from above ... a melodramatic circus that usually extends more.I know it's hard to say goodbye, but don't ask if we have something to say.While a drop of cold sweat falls, and we focus on an indefinite point of the table, thinking fuck and now what do I do?, I have disassembled the plan, the safest thing is that we simply want to cry or jump to the jugularsomeone for the mere fact of breathing.That they leave us out of the game is not fun, although the day before we swore that we would set fire to the company if they squeezed us a little more.
Ahora diréis, bueno, algo habrás aprendido, ¿no? Pues la verdad es no mucho.It could be said that you learn to manage the frustration of the rejection of that moment.And to assume that, the vast majority of the time, it is not your fault.I know, to relativize.Spoiler: It takes time.Surely it is no longer for work, but for having felt touched by a company to which you have dedicated more hours, effort and attention they deserved, which now leaves you to two candles. So no pasa nada.Or yes, but manage it goes through our hands.To work a little, companies will not.And bad, a crying and follow.That is not that we are glass, but amic, it's exhausting. ¿Consuelo de tontos? Pues no estamos solos.Over time we will do it better, I'm almost sure.
Eva Sebastián is a creator of online content and has written for media as vice and new code.