Omicrono an artificial intelligence helmet for cyclists, the Spanish invention that wants to save lives

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Last year, 36 cyclists died in Spain and 16 of the victims did not wear a helmet when they suffered the accident.Its use, in addition to saving lives, can avoid spinal and cervical lesions.With that goal, an initiative that has developed an intelligent helmet with Airbag has emerged, technology that hopes to take a large number of sports.

"All of the team are amateurs of cycling, so we have had some fall and in that sense we were quite aware that there was much to do in security issues" begins explaining Marc Millet, CEO of Evix, a company that is destroying development,To Omicrono.Two months ago, the Direct Line Foundation awarded the Best Road Safety Project in Spain in 2021.

They have had the help of a medical team to determine the reliability of the airbag that integrates the helmet and are developing an application to prevent accidents and ask for help in the name of the injured person.In Evix they want to carry their technology, based on artificial intelligence and Big Data, to all manufacturers of sports and transportation helmets.

The system responds in milliseconds

The helmet is equipped with inertial sensors integrated in the helmet whose task is to read the speed, movement, acceleration and temperature during the route.Then artificial intelligence analyzes these variables to detect when an accident is being produced and activate the airbag system in question in thousandths of second.

Evixevixomicrono helmet

Omicrono Un casco con inteligencia artificial para ciclistas, el invento español que quiere salvar vidas

As usual in these projects, the system will use Machine Learning techniques to learn about the march and improve your response with the data offered by users.

The airbag has been designed similarly to a travel pillow, without closing ahead, to protect the neck part and avoid marrow and cervical lesions.Until now, only a similar project is known in Sweden, in which they have designed an inflatable helmet that arises from a necklace and wraps the entire head, but this format would prevent the cyclist from carrying a helmet in the areas where it is currently mandatory.

The 2019 bicycle barometer indicated that there is 20% probability of suffering a bicycle accident in a bicycle accident.From the National Hospital of Paraplegics of Toledo they have studied the operation of this helmet to verify its effective"Millet explains.

The Evix team has proposed to finish the test process and launch this technology for the end of the next year.They are in conversations with brands that develop sports helmets to include their invention."Initially we focus on cycling, but in the future it can be used in any sport or means of transport that use helmet as scooters, equestrian or skiing"

Connected to an application

The helmet system will connect to an application that they are developing to help the cyclist in case of fall, but also to prevent accidents.The helmet will send an alert to the mobile when the airbag has been deployed and on the phone screen an account will appear back.

If the cyclist deactivates this account before 8 seconds, the call function is canceled, but if the phone does not respond to a trust contact or emergency contact and facilitate the location of the person so they can help them."It is a technology that 20 years ago could not be developed, but now with the entire topic of IoT and data engineering it is possible to do it," Millet explains.

This same technology is already being used in smart watches such as the Apple Watch that have saved more than one life by monitoring the vital constants of the users and other parameters to determine when the person needs help.

Also, from Evix they want to anticipate at the time of the accident and try to prevent them.The application can notify the cyclist when it is near a dangerous area and offer alternatives not to circulate through it.

Change the regulations

"Evix is more than a simple product, we want to raise awareness among citizens that security is important and we know that it is a controversial issue, but we advocate so that the cyclist is protected" explains the company's CEO.They defend that the helmet is mandatory in most sections to avoid more deaths and reduce the severity of the injuries suffered by cyclists.

In the last 10 years 30 have died.000 people in the EU in cycling accidents.The Government of Spain announced at the beginning of the year its intention to create a working group that studies with the municipalities a possible change of the regulations for personal mobility vehicles (VMP) where bicycles enter and mainly electric scooters.The use or not of the helmet, the reflective vest or the minimum age to drive these vehicles will be discussed.

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