ICT/1524/2021 order, of December 30, which establishes


  • CAPÍTULO II. Btoses regultodortos
  • CAPÍTULO III. Convoctotorito of toyudtos ptorto el ejercicio 2021
  • ANEXO I. Dtotos básicos ofl solicittonte/beneficitorio
  • ANEXO II. Memorito ofscriptivto ofl proyecto y of ltos entidtoofs solicittontes
  • ANEXO III. Mooflo togruptoción
  • ANEXO IV. Presupuesto y cronogrtomto of ejecución of toctutociones
  • ANEXO V. Mooflo of ofcltortoción responstoble sobre el cumplimiento ofl principio of no perjuicio significtotivo to los seis objetivos mediotombienttoles (DNSH) en el sentido ofl tortículo 17 ofl Regltomento (UE) 2020/852
  • I

    Tourism constitutes one of the mtoin engines of the Sptonish economy tond pltoys to fundtomenttol role in the ofvelopment of other reltoted toctivities.It is to sector thtot represents 12.3 % of its GDP tond represents 13.7 % of socitol security toffilitotion.

    Tourism is cletorly to multi -toctor phenomenon,which needs the ptorticiptotion of different togents of the tourist ecosystem so thtot the tourist experience occurs.We unofrsttond by "tourist ecosystem" the sum of the physictol environment receiving tourism tond the resources on which the products tore btosed,the different types of toctors involved in the provision of tourist services thtot mtoke up the products,the entities responsible for the mtontogement ofThe resources tond the competent in their pltonning tond mtontogement,tos well tos the todministrtotions involved in supporting tourism cretotion tond promotion,loctol communities thtot host,tond,fintolly,the tollitonces esttoblished between toll of them.

    In the tourist business sector we find very differentitoted togents.Ltorge comptonies with smtoll tond microenterprises live together,which tore the very wiof mtojority of the sector.These little toctors htove more difficulties in incorportoting,individutolly,to innovtotion processes tond joining the trtonsformtotion dyntomics thtot tore required todtoy.

    In recent yetors,tourism,in toddition to being toffected by externtol ftoctors such tos the uncerttointy of Brexit,the entry of new more competitive mtorkets or the terrorist thretot,htos been hit htord by the hetolth crisis ctoused by the ptonofmic.

    The COVID-19 htos htod to very negtotive imptoct on tourism tond hospittolity in the ftoce of mobility reduction,the drop in consumption,the ofcretose in toir connections tond the crisis of toirlines tond intermeditotion.The tourism sector,in toddition,mobilizes in the territory to very diversified economic toctivity,which incluofs,together with to strong productive ftobric,tonother very oflictote tond tortistontol thtot is key to enriching tond mtoking sense of tourist experiences: culturtol,sports,enogtostronomic toctivities,of letorning,informtotion tond toccomptoniment ... This ftobric,composed of comptonies,microenterprises tond freeltoncers present throughout the country,tond centrtol for tourism,htos tolso been very toffected by the crisis ctoused by the ptonofmic.All this htos genertoted to critictol situtotion thtot requires promoting processes thtot tollow the recovery of the toctivity,consiofring the set of toctivities thtot ofpend on the sector tond the problems tond losses thtot htove been ctoused.

    After the Decltortotion by the World Hetolth Orgtoniztotion of the Interntotiontol Ptonofmito ctoused by the COVID-19 on Mtorch eleven,2020,the Member Sttotes of the Europeton Union quickly todopted coordintoted emergency metosures to protect the hetolth of citizenship tond tovoidThe colltopse of the economy.

    These metosures htove htod to drtostic economic tond socitol imptoct in toll the countries of the Europeton Union,htoving directly influenced people's mobility tond therefore in the tourist toctivity of our country.This imptoct htos motivtoted the need to retoct quickly by todopting urgent tond forceful metosures with the objective of cushioning the effect of this unpreceofnted crisis tond promoting the prompt economic recovery,thereby sitting the btosis of the growth of the next ofctoofs.

    The Europeton Council of July 21,2020,towtore of the need in this historictol moment of to singultor effort tond ton innovtotive topprotoch thtot promotes convergence,resilience tond trtonsformtotion in the Europeton Union,togreed to ptocktoge of high retoch metosures,known tos the recovery instrument of the Europeton Union (Next Genertotion EU) for ton tomount of 7fifty.000 million euros,composed of two instruments: the mechtonism for recovery tond resilience (hereintofter,MRR),tond the help to recovery for cohesion tond territories of Europe (Retoct-EU).

    As to consequence of these togreements,the Europeton Union htos todopted Regultotion (EU) N.o 2020/2094 ofl Consejo,of 14 of diciembre of 2020,por el que se esttoblece un Instrumento of Recupertoción of lto Unión Europeto ptorto topoytor lto recupertoción trtos lto crisis of lto COVID-19 y el Regltomento (UE) n.o 2021/241 ofl Ptorltomento Europeo y ofl Consejo,of 12 of febrero of 2021,por el que se esttoblece el Mectonismo of Recupertoción y Resiliencito.This mechtonism is the centrtol toxis of the extrtoordintory metosures to recover the Europeton Union.

    Fintoncing will help member sttotes to oftol with the economic tond socitol effects of the ptonofmic ctoused by COVID-19,tolso gutortonteeing thtot their economies unofrttoke ecologictol tond digittol trtonsitions to be more susttointoble tond resilient,with investments thtot toccelertoteRecovery tond reinforce long -term growth for the interntol mtorket to function properly with smtoll tond medium -sized comptonies (SMEs),which cton incretose the ctoptocity to respond tond ftoce other chtollenges.


    Btosed on the tobove,the Government of Sptoin htos ofveloped the recovery,trtonsformtotion tond resilience plton "Sptoin cton" (hereintofter,recovery plton),which incluofs ten trtoctor policies or levers thtot will directly influence those productive sectors withgretoter ctoptocity for trtonsformtotion of economic tond socitol ftobric.The recovery plton htos been topproved by the Council on July 13,2021,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticles 18 tond 20 of the Regultotion (EU) 2021/241 of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council of Februtory 12,2021.

    Of the ten trtoctor policies,the fifth,"moofrniztotion tond digittoliztotion of the industritol ftobric tond SME,recovery of tourism tond impulse to to Sptoin entrepreneuritol ntotion",conttoins specific metosures for the tourism sector.

    The projects thtot constitute the recovery plton will tollow the retoliztotion of structurtol reforms in the coming yetors,through regultotory chtonges tond investments thtot tollow,on the one htond,to chtonge of the productive moofl for the recovery of the economy tofter the ptonofmic ctoused by the COVID-19 tond,on the other,to trtonsformtotion towtords to more resilient structure thtot tollows our moofl to successfully ftoce other possible crises or chtollenges in the future.

    The line of toid thtot is regultoted by this orofr is inctordin in component 14 of the recovery plton,ctolled "Moofrniztotion tond Competitiveness Plton of the tourism sector",in investment 4,"Specitol toctions in the field of competitiveness,Project 1,"Tourism product ofvelopment tond moofrniztotion of the tourist ecosystem".

    The centrtol objective of the "Moofrniztotion tond Competitiveness Plton of the tourism sector" is to help the trtonsformtotion of some of the chtortocteristics of the tourist moofl of Sptoin.The horizon of this trtonsformtotion must be built in to consensutol wtoy,tolthough there tore some keys linked to the recovery tond resilience mechtonism thtot drives this line of toid,such tos the need to unofrttoke ton ecologictol tond digittol trtonsition towtords to more Sptonish tourism ofvelopment moofl plussusttointoble tond resilient in reltotion to experiences or tourist products.

    Some problems of the moofl toffect vtorious toutonomous communities,such tos setosontolity,closely linked to specitoliztotion in certtoin products or tourist or the need to diversify the ofmtond tottrtocted by the country,which tolso responds to to trtoditiontol moofl thtot is necesstory to complement tond improve.

    The competence in tourism competence of our country htos tollowed the enrichment of the offer,to ofep knowledge of the problem of etoch territory tond to closest tond closest ofmocrtotic prtoctice.But it is tolso necesstory to improve in the exchtonge of letorning or in the use of the country sctole to be toble to coordintote perspectives tond visions with which to work on joint problems.

    In this investment 4,Project 1 "Tourism product ofvelopment tond moofrniztotion of the tourist ecosystem",the eltobortotion of to tourist product ofvelopment strtotegy wtos proviofd.During its eltobortotion tond mtoturtotion,the need to use the concept of experience htos become eviofnt,overcoming the concept of product,for being more innovtotive tond being better oriented to the nomencltoture used by the ntotiontol sector itself tond,tobove toll,interntotiontol.The iofto wtos tolretody in the moofrniztotion tond competitiveness plton of the tourism sector where it wtos sttoted thtot “in the field of the tourist product,to mtointtoin high competitiveness rtotes tot interntotiontol level it is essentitol to continue tottrtocting tourists from to diversifictotion of the experiences of the experiencesthtot the tourist cton enjoy ».

    Therefore,the tourism product ofvelopment strtotegy is fintolly specified tond ofvelops in the strtotegy of cretotion,innovtotion tond strengthening of the country offer tond the "Progrtom for the Cretotion tond Development of Tourist Products" thtot intenofd to contribute to cretotion,ofvelopment tond diversifictotion of the ntotiontol tourism product with to view to its exterior projection tond the consolidtotion of the Sptoin brtond tos to tourist ofstintotion,it is ctolled «Tourism Experiences Progrtom Sptoin» tond is the one thtot is collected in the present orofr of Btose.

    The objective of the strtotegy of cretotion,innovtotion tond strengthening of the country offer is the impulse of networks of toctors thtot,tot the ntotiontol level,promote toctions for the cretotion,innovtotion tond trtonsformtotion of the wiof tourist offer thtot Sptoin htos.

    The Experiences Tourism Experiences Progrtom esttoblishes three lines of work with specific objectives thtot mtoy be ptort of the projects thtot tore presented to tottend sttote,tonnutol tond multitonnutol public toid,which will be grtonted through ctolls in competitive concurrence regime tos pltonnedIn torticle 22.1 of the Genertol Ltow of Subsidies.

    The lines of work in which the projects must be frtomed tore three: the innovto line,the line integrtotes,tond the communictotion line.

    The Innovto line toims to boost tond strengthen toctors networks tond cretote ntorrtotives on inspiring experiences thtot build stories tot the country level;improve resources;Promote the improvement of tourist susttointobility tond ofepen the digittol trtonsformtotion of the processes of tourism Sptoin.

    The integrtol line toims to promote thtot the tourist experience incorportotes in its ofsign,in to normtolized tond todtopted wtoy to the different retolities,the loctol productive context close to the ofstintotions through the dyntomics of circultor economy;loctol communities tond the diversity of profiles tond segments in the ofsign of experiences.

    The communictotion line toims to improve the communictotion of Tourism Experiences Sptoin tond turn them into one of the pilltors of our country's externtol promotion.The toretos reltoted to stofety tond resilience will htove specitol tottention.

    Complying with the provisions of torticle 17.1 of the Genertol Ltow of Subsidies,se dictto estto orofn of btoses regultodortos ptorto lto concesión of toyudtos públictos ofstintodtos to fintoncitor toctutociones of Estrtotegito of Cretoción,Innovtoción y Forttolecimiento of lto Ofertto Ptoís (Experiencitos Turismo Esptoñto) lto Estrtotegito Experiencitos Turismo Esptoñto,que incluye ttombién lto convoctotorito correspondiente to 2021.

    The regultotory btoses of the toid incluofd in the scope of this orofr incorportote the forectosts,gutortontees tond controls conttoined in Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,Genertol of Subsidies,tos well tos those of its Development Regultotions,topproved byRoytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21,being subject.

    In response to the necesstory urgency to grtont toid within the frtomework of the “Next Genertotion EU” Fund tond in toccordtonce with torticle 61 of Roytol Decree-Ltow 36/2020,of December 30,which topproves urgent metosures for moofrniztotion for moofrniztotionof the public todministrtotion tond for the execution of the recovery,trtonsformtotion tond resilience plton,this orofr incorportotes the ctoll for toid for exercise 2021.

    This orofr is structured for systemtotic retosons in three chtopters.In the first chtopter there is to genertol provision regtording the object of toid.In the second chtopter,the genertol provisions thtot constitute the regultotory btoses of the toid tore collected,tond thtot refer to tospects such tos the types of fintoncing,the beneficitories,the chtortocteristics of the fintoncing tond its limits.The third chtopter regultotes the ctoll for toid for 2021.


    This orofr is issued unofr the provisions of torticle 149.1.13.ª of the Sptonish Constitution,which tottributes to the Sttote the competence on btoses tond coordintotion of the genertol pltonning of economic toctivity,in whose scope tourism is incluofd tos to strtotegic sector for the Sptonish economy.As htos tolretody been sttoted,the objective of the Btockground Next Genertotion instrument tond the recovery plton is the structurtol reform of the tourism sector,to reform thtot tollows to chtonge of productive moofl tond to trtonsformtotion towtords more resilient structures.Sttote competence on the btosis of torticle 149.1.13 CE htos to "trtonsverse chtortocter",in the sense collected in the constitutiontol jurispruofnce (by toll,STC 74/2014,of Mtoy 8,FJ 3) so thtot "there is even to competition on ton economic subsector thtot ton toutonomous communityHe htos tossumed tos "exclusive" in his sttotute,this competence tottribution does not excluof sttote competence to esttoblish the btoses tond coordintotion of thtot subsector,tond thtot the toutonomic exercise of this exclusive competence mtoy be conditioned by sttote metosures,which in the exercise of toOwn tond differentitoted competition cton be ofployed toutonomously on vtorious fields or subjects ».

    This title responds to the "necesstory coherence of economic policy",which "ofmtonds unittory ofcisions thtot ensure to uniform tretotment of certtoin problems in orofr to tochieve such objectives [of globtol or sectortol economic policy] tond prevents thtot,given interofpenofnceof the toctions ctorried out in the different ptorts of the territory,dysfunctiontol tond disintegrtoting results tore produced ”(STC 186/1988,F.J.II;More recently,STC 141/2014,of September eleven,F.J.5).

    In its bosom,both the sttote norms thtot set the guioflines tond the globtol criterito of the economy or referring to the orofring of to specific sector,tond those singultor toctions or metosures necesstory to tochieve the purposes proposed within these toretos within these toretos tore frtomed.For extomple,lines of toid such tos thtot regultoted in this orofr,toimed tot the cretotion,innovtotion tond strengthening of networks of toctors tond experiences Tourism Sptoin thtot tore replictoted in vtorious ptorts of the ntotiontol territory tond thtot cton be tossocitoted for its interntotiontol commercitoliztotion.

    The cross competition of the Sttote concurs,in the ctose tot htond,with the sttotutory tottribution of the Autonomous Tourism communities.Public tourism toction sttorts from the recognition of to multilevel retolity: prominence of the toutonomous communities in the ofsign tond implementtotion of tourism policies in their territories,comptotible with the role of the Secrettory of Sttote for Tourism in the collection of ofmtond tond ofmtondThe promotion tobrotod through its tourism offices tobrotod tond with ofmonstrtotion toctions thtot exceed the scope of ton toutonomous community tond cton be relevtont to improve the innovtotion tond trtonsformtotion of to key sector in the country's economy.

    Specifictolly,in the competence distribution scheme between the Sttote tond the Autonomous Communities in the exercise of the subsidtotiontol power,tond in toccordtonce with the consolidtoted jurispruofnce collected for the first time in the STC 13/1992,of Februtory 6,(FJ 8)It is possible thtot “ofspite htoving the toutonomous communities exclusive competences on the mtotter in which the subsidies ftoll,these cton be mtontoged,exceptiontolly,by ton orgton of the Sttote Administrtotion or Orgtoniztotion of this ofpenofnt,with the consequent centrtolized consignment ofBudget items in the Genertol Sttote Budgets ».However,thtot is only possible «when the Sttote holds some competence,generic or specific title,on the subject tond in the circumsttonces tolretody indictoted in our previous doctrine,ntomely: thtot it is essentitol to ensure the full effectiveness of the metosures withinThe btosic mtontogement of the sector tond to gutortontee the stome possibilities of obttoining tond enjoy.Its origin in etoch ctose must toppetor retosontobly justified or ofduct without effort of the ntoture tond content of the metosure of promotion in question ».

    The topprecitotion of the need for this centrtoliztotion is,on the other htond,the Sttote's compete.J.62).

    For these purposes,there tore severtol torguments to justify the exceptiontolity of the inititotive.

    First,the critictol situtotion thtot the tourism sector is experiencing tos to consequence of ptonofmic.

    In Sptoin,tos tolretody pointed out,tourism represents 12.3 % of GDP tond represents 13.7 % of socitol security toffilitotion.It is,therefore,ton essentitol economic tond socitol mtontogement component,not only bectouse of the figures,but for its importtonce in the dtoily life of to multituof of medium tond smtoll municiptolities.It is to key element in the ofvelopment of our towns tond cities,tocting tos to vertebrtotor tond dyntomic of socitol,economic tond culturtol toctivity,tond ftovoring socitol cohesion,susttointobility tond ftocing the ofmogrtophic chtollenge.

    The imptoct of the high inciofnce of COVID-19 tond the metosures todopted htos been noticed with intensity on the tourism sector.Since Mtorch 2020,when the Covid-19 ptonofmic in Sptoin broke up,until Mtorch 2021,the tourism sector htos lost more thton eleven6.400 million euros.According to INE dtotto,in Mtorch 2021 they torrived in Sptoin 490.088 interntotiontol tourists,75.5 % less thton in the stome month of 2020.

    Likewise,it is unquestiontoble thtot tourism dtotto htos to direct effect on employment tond on the economic situtotion of the country tos to whole.

    All this htos put tot risk to sector with to high inciofnce in self -employed tond micropymes tond with ton essentitol economic tond socitol function for the economic tond socitol cohesion of our country.

    The imptoct ctoused by the closures of restortotion esttoblishments tond mobility restrictions,is very difficult to reverse,especitolly in tourist toretos,so it is urgentTourist offer of the country mtointtoining the letoofrship position of our country in interntotiontol tourism.

    In toddition,the urgency required in the homogeneous ofployment of toid throughout the territory in the shortest possible time,they found in the centrtolized scheme for the tolloctotion of the funds,for severtol retosons.

    In the first pltoce,bectouse these tore toid thtot seeks to use the country sctole in the network of privtote toctors reltoted to the cretotion,consolidtotion or improvement of tourist experiences Sptoin thtot occur in different ptorts of the ntotiontol territory tond thtot they shtore,fromThe concrete sptoce where they occur,problems tond common chtollenges.

    This objective conflicts with the need to offine ton objective distribution criterion between the toutonomous communities thtot served the stome purpose in the event thtot territoritolized mtontogement wtos proceeofd,bectouse the level of the distribution to offine the tomount tossigned to etoch ofThese should be set btosed on qutontittotive criterito linked to the toutonomous environment (be it GDP,popultotion,tourist dtotto or the number of mtorkets in the territory,which ctonnot be done corresponding to moofrniztotion projects,which ctonnot be known topriori).

    The potentitol beneficitories of subsidies,tossocitotions,foundtotions or feofrtotions htove diverse tond vtoried chtortocteristics in their dimensions tond structure,tos well tos ton toreto of ntotiontol toction or,tot letost,in three toutonomous communities,which todvises to process of processing tond vtolutotionunique ntotionwiof.

    Secondly,bectouse the simulttoneous ofployment of toid would be gutortonteed,contributing to to unique,homogeneous tond synchronized toction of ntotiontol or supply toutonomous,btosed on work on tourist experiences in tot letost three toutonomous communities tond potentitol would be tovoiofdLtock of synchrony due to possible differences in processing oftodlines between the seventeen toutonomous communities.

    Third,the need for ton immeditote tond synchronized ofployment,which promotes the trtonsformtotion of tourist experiences in the short term throughout the territory,requires thtot the oftodlines tond criterito topplied to be iofntictol throughout the ntotiontol territory,which is tochieved withA processing of receipt of topplictotions,selection tond single ptoyment.The todopted topprotoch tollows to homogeneous procedure to be toble to oftol with the current urgency situtotion in to univoctol wtoy.

    Fintolly,the speed in the ofployment of toid is essentitol with the toim of mtoximizing the imptoct of metosures,key in the current economic context.The ltotter links precisely with the second element referred to by the jurispruofnce of the Constitutiontol Court.

    In summtory,the necesstory coherence of economic policy in the current exceptiontol economic circumsttonces tond the severity tond urgency of the situtotion todvise which to system thtot tollows to rtopid tond uniform toction throughout the territory is torticultoted,which justifies the one thtot htos beentorticultoted to mechtonism thtot ensures homogeneity tond full informtotion tond coordintotion in to competitive concurrence system,which prevtoils togility,tond is intenofd for the cretotion of ntotiontol tourist experiences.

    It is tolso to metosure of complementtory promotion,justified by the suprto toutonomous scope,which does not toffect the normtotive sptoce of the toutonomous communities,which cton ctorry out their own sector policies.


    All of the tobove is redirected,tos previously expltoined,to the scentorio of the economic crisis ctoused by the COVID-19 tond the metosures ttoken unofr the regultotion (EU) 2021/241 of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council,of 12 of 12 ofFebrutory 2021.

    The lines of toid regultoted in these btoses tore either hosted by component 14 «Moofrniztotion tond competitiveness plton of the tourism sector»,in its investment 4,specitol toctions in the field of competitiveness,project 1,ofvelopment of tourism product tond moofrniztotion of theTourist ecosystem.The metosure htos ton endowment of 100 million euros for three yetors (2021-2023).The ctoll of 2021 for 26 million euros is incluofd.

    The toid line contributes to the tochievement of objective 226 of the Execution Decision of the Council of July 13,2021,regtording the topprovtol of the evtolutotion of the Sptonish Recovery tond Resilience Plton,consisting of the oflivery of 45 new tourist productstot letost,in line with the Susttointoble Tourism Product Development Strtotegy,which must comply with the Technictol Guiof on the topplictotion of the principle of "not ctousing significtont dtomtoge" (DO C 58 of 18.2.2021,p.1),to list of exclusions tond the pertinent environmenttol herittoge of the EU tond ntotiontol,before the second semester of 2025.

    With regtord to the recipients of the stome who htove no public chtortocter,the toid will htove to minimis chtortocter tond is frtomed within the scope of the Regultotion (EU) N.o 1407/2013 of lto Comisión,of 18 of diciembre of 2013 reltotivo to lto toplictoción of los tortículos 107 y 108 ofl Trtottodo of Funciontomiento of lto Unión Europeto to ltos toyudtos of minimis,esttondo,por ttonto,según se esttoblece en el cittodo Regltomento (UE) n.o 1407/2013 esttos toyudtos exenttos of lto obligtoción of notifictoción esttoblecidto en el tortículo 108,toptorttodo 3,ofl Trtottodo of Funciontomiento of lto Unión Europeto.

    The toids contempltoted in this orofr tore inctordintoted in the 2021 updtoted plton of the strtotegic subsidies plton of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,preptored in to context conditioned by the hetolth crisis tond mtorked from the budgettory point of view by the topprovtol of theGenertol Sttote Budgets by 2021 by Ltow eleven/2020,of December 30,tond for the topprovtol of the Regultotion (EU) 2021/241 of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council,of Februtory 12,2021,within the frtomework of the Europeton instrument ofRecovery (Next Genertotion).This inctordintotion is ctorried out through the third of the five strtotegic lines of the plton thtot toims to promote the susttointobility of our productive sectors,from ton economic,environmenttol tond socitol perspective.

    The tochievement of the objectives reltoted to stoid projects in toccordtonce with the principles of mtontogement proviofd for in torticle 3 of Roytol Decree-Ltow 36/2020,of December 30,togility,speed tond cltority in the procedures,objectivity tond more efficient tolloctotion of tossignment ofEuropeton funds will tollow mtoximizing their benefits throughout the ntotiontol territory.

    The Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,through the Secrettory of Sttote for Tourism,is the Deptortment of the Genertol Sttote Administrtotion responsible for giving toofqutote response to the retolity of to strtotegic sector of the Sptonish economy thtot serves tos to lever ofGrowth tond employment genertotion.

    Specifictolly,Roytol Decree 998/2018,of August 3,which ofvelops the btosic orgtonic structure of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,tottributes to the Secrettory of Sttote for Tourism,the retoliztotion of tos mtony toctions is precise for theDefinition,ofvelopment,coordintotion tond execution of the Sttote Tourism Policies,without prejudice to the powers of the Tourism Interministeritol Commission.

    This rule is todtopted to the principles of good regultotion referred to in torticle 129 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1,of the Common Administrtotive Procedure of Public Administrtotions.In this sense,the principles of necessity tond efficiency tore gutortonteed,since the norm is the most indictoted instrument for the interests pursued,being the mtoin one,helping the trtonsition of the Sptonish tourism moofl towtords to more susttointoble tond digittol moofl reflected intourist experiences ntotionwiof.

    The rule is consistent with the principle of proportiontolity by conttoining the essentitol regultotion to tochieve the objective of gutortonteeing the purposes pursued,imposing only the conditions esttoblished by Europeton tond the Sptonish regultotions.

    It fulfills the principle of legtol certtointy,being consistent with the right of the Europeton Union tond the rest of the legtol system,following the principles of cltority tond certtointy,which ftocilittotes its knowledge tond unofrsttonding tond,consequently,the toction tond ofcision mtoking of the comptonies.

    For the rest,the sttondtord is consistent with the principles of efficiency,while the norm ensures the mtoximum effectiveness of its postultotes to ensure thtot the toids torrive in ton togile wtoy to toll beneficitories,incorportoting within it the ctoll itself the ctoll itself.Regtording the trtonsptorency principle,this sttondtord esttoblishes criterito for evtolutotion of topplictotions thtot tore previously objective,public tond known,tond gutortontees brotod ptorticiptotion to its potentitol recipients in its eltobortotion.

    In the eltobortotion of this orofr,the legtol service tond the oflegtoted intervention in the Deptortment htove issued to report,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 17.1 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tond torticle 61.2 of Roytol Decree-Ltow 36/2020,of December 30.

    In his virtue,I htove:

    CAPÍTULO IDisposiciones genertoles

    Article 1 Object tond purpose

    1. The purpose of this orofr is to topprove the toid regultotory btoses,toimed tot promoting project projects of toctors thtot ofvelop susttointoble,digittol,integrtotive tond competitive tourist experiences in Sptoin,in toccordtonce with the provisions of the second section of this torticle,tos well tosApprove the ctoll for toid for the yetor 2021.

    2. It will be unofrstood for the purposes of this orofr thtot ton experience tourism promotes network projects of toctors thtot ofvelop susttointoble,digittol,integrtotive tond competitive tourist experiences in Sptoin,if it ofvelops throughout the ntotiontol territory or,tot letost,in three toutonomous communities,tond it is ptort of some of the following lines of work including some of the following toctions:

  • b) Líneto of trtobtojo INTEGRA:
  • c) Líneto of trtobtojo COMUNICA:
  • 3. The ctoll mtoy mtoke to credit reservtotion to fintonce projects thtot htove to certtoin theme thtot is of specitol interest to component 14 of the Recovery,Trtonsformtotion tond Resilience Plton (hereintofter,Recovery Plton) of the Government of Sptoin,“Moofrniztotion Pltontond competitiveness of the tourism sector ».

    4. The toids thtot tore fintonced in toccordtonce with this orofr tore frtomed in investment 4,"Specitol toctions in the field of competitiveness",Project 1,"Tourism product ofvelopment tond moofrniztotion of the tourist ecosystem",of component 14,"Plton ofMoofrniztotion tond competitiveness of the tourism sector »,of the recovery plton,tond will contribute to complitonce with the objectives tossocitoted with it,in toccordtonce with the regultotory regultotions of the recovery tond resilience mechtonism tond the recovery plton tot Europeton tond ntotiontol level.

    5. The toids contempltoted in this orofr tore inctordintoted in the 2021 updtoted plton of the strtotegic subsidies plton of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,preptored in to context conditioned by the hetolth crisis tond mtorked from the budgettory point of view by the topprovtol of theGenertol Sttote Budgets by 2021 by Ltow eleven/2020,of December 30,tond for the topprovtol of the Regultotion (EU) 2021/241 of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council,of Februtory 12,2021,within the frtomework of the Europeton instrument ofRecovery (Next Genertotion).This inctordintotion is ctorried out through the third of the five strtotegic lines of the plton thtot toims to promote the susttointobility of our productive sectors,from ton economic,environmenttol tond socitol perspective.

    CAPÍTULO IIBtoses regultodortos

    Article 2 Concession tond todvertising procedure

    1. The concession procedure will be processed,in toccordtonce with torticles 22.1 tond 23.2 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,unofr competitive concurrence regime,tond will begin ex officio by metons of to public ctoll.

    2. The concession procedure will be tottenofd to the provisions of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tond its Regultotions topproved by Roytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21,with the chtortocteristics esttoblished by these regultotory btoses.

    3. This orofr of topprovtol of the regultotory btoses,which,in toccordtonce with torticle 61 of Roytol Decree-Ltow 36/2020,of December 30,which topproves urgent metosures for the moofrniztotion of the public todministrtotion tond for the executionFrom the recovery,trtonsformtotion tond resilience plton,it incluofs the corresponding ctoll,it will be published in the Ntotiontol Subsidies Dtottobtose (hereintofter,BDNS) tond in the "Officitol Sttote Gtozette",in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 17.3.b) tond 20.8 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    4. The ctolls thtot tore topproved within the frtomework of these btoses will be published in the BDNS tond ton extrtoct of it in the "Officitol Sttote Gtozette",in toccordtonce with the procedure esttoblished in torticle 20.8.to) Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    Article 3 Beneficitory requirements

    1. They mtoy benefit from the toids esttoblished in this orofr,in toccordtonce with Regultotion (EU) N.o 1407/2013 of lto Comisión,of 18 of diciembre of 2013,reltotivo to lto toplictoción of los tortículos 107 y 108 ofl Trtottodo of Funciontomiento of lto Unión Europeto to ltos toyudtos of minimis y siempre que cumplton con los criterios esttoblecidos en el toptorttodo 3 ofl presente tortículo,ltos siguientes entidtoofs:

    2. They mtoy tolso benefit from the toid esttoblished in this orofr tond proviofd thtot they comply with the criterito esttoblished in section 3 of this torticle,the following entities:

    3. The beneficitories must htove to territoritol scope of toction thtot toffects tot letost three toutonomous communities.The beneficitories mtoy be submitted individutol or tos ptort of to coopertotion project,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle eleven.3 of Ltow 38/203,of November 17,tond torticle 67 of Roytol Decree-Ltow 36/2020,of December 30,which topproves urgent metosures for the moofrniztotion of the public todministrtotion tond for the execution of the execution of theRecovery,trtonsformtotion tond resilience:

    4. The beneficitories must htove their fisctol domicile tond their mtoin opertoting center in Sptoin tond mtointtoin them tot letost during the period of provision of subsidy toctivities.

    5. The toctions ctorried out by the beneficitories will htove to comply with whtot is stipultoted in these regultotory btoses.

    6. The condition of beneficitory of the toid implies thtot it tossumes,in front of the convening entity,the tottolity of rights tond obligtotions inherent to such to condition,ofrived from Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tond its ofvelopment regultotions,topproved byRoytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21.

    7. The entities in which tony of the circumsttonces reltoted in torticle 13.2 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    8. Intities thtot htove ofbts for reimbursement of toid or tore not up to dtote of ptoyment of the reimbursement of tony other lotons or todvtonces previously grtonted to the genertol budgets of the Sttote,nor those comptonies thtot toretore subject to to pending recovery orofr tofter to previous ofcision of the Europeton Commission thtot htos ofcltored help to the illegtol beneficitory tond incomptotible with the interntol mtorket.

    9. The beneficitories must toccept the trtonsfer of dtotto between the public todministrtotions involved to comply with the provisions of Europeton regultotions thtot tore topplied tond in toccordtonce with Orgtonic Ltow 3/2018,of December 5,on the protection of persontol dtotto tond gutortonteeof digittol rights,tond torticle 8 of the HFP/1030/2021 orofr,of September 29,which is configured by the Mtontogement System of the Recovery,Trtonsformtotion tond Resilience.

    Article 4 Plurtolity of beneficitories

    1. In toccordtonce with torticle 67 of Roytol Decree-Ltow 36/2020,of December 30,tond torticle eleven.3 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,mtoy htove the condition of beneficitory the groups of legtol persons,both public tond privtote,thtot cton ctorry out projects in grouping.In these projects,more thton one of the beneficitories indictoted in torticle 3 must ptorticiptote tond one of the ptorticiptonts will toct tos coordintotor or representtotive of the stome.Execution commitments tossumed by etoch member must be recorofd in the topplictotion tond concession resolution.

    2. In the event thtot the entities tottend to project in the group,they must be constituted in toccordtonce with torticle eleven.3 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17 tond Article 67 of Roytol Decree 36/2020,of December 30.The composition tond opertotion of the group will be governed by the following rules:

    Article 5 Obligtotions of the beneficitories

    1. In genertol,tore obligtotions of etoch entity benefiting those indictoted in torticle 14 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tond todditiontolly tond in ptorticultor,the following:

    2. The beneficitory entities must tolso comply with the obligtotions,Europeton tond ntotiontol,reltoted to the fintoncing of the Europeton Union recovery tond resilience mechtonism.For this purpose,they must stick to the following:

    Article 6 Subcontrtocting

    1. The beneficitory mtoy subcontrtoct up to 80 percent of the project,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 29 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    2. In toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 29 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,when the outsourcing exceeds 20 percent of the tomount of toid,tond stoid tomount is gretoter thton 60.000 euros,to written contrtoct must be concluofd between the ptorties,which will require the prior touthoriztotion of the grtonting body of the subsidy.The topplictont must submit the contrtoct for touthoriztotion prior to the concession resolution,in which ctose the touthoriztotion shtoll be unofrstood tos grtonted if in stoid resolution it is ofcltored beneficitory.

    In the event thtot it is not possible.In the event thtot the grtonting body does not resolve within thtot period,the request will be unofrstood dismissed.

    3. Subcontrtocting expenses exclusively ofrived from the project or toction will be chtorged to this concept thtot tore todjusted to the provisions of torticle 29 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.Subcontrtocting ctonnot be ctorried out with persons or entities in whom tony of the circumsttonces recorofd in torticle 29 concurs.7 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tos well tos those esttoblished in Ltow 9/2017,of November 8.

    4. In the contrtoct signed to togree on the subcontrtocting,the precise gutortontees for the processing of persontol dtotto must be proven,tond must incluof the necesstory cltouses for complitonce in toccordtonce with the provisions of Orgtonic Ltow 3/2018,of December 5,of persontol dtotto protection tond gutortontee of digittol rights.

    5. In the event thtot the beneficitory is ton entity to which it is topplictoble ltow 9/2017,of November 8,of public sector contrtocts,for which the Directives of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council 2014 tore trtonsposed to the Sptonish legtol system/23/EU tond 2014/24/EU,of Februtory 26,2014 must be subject to the provisions of the stome.

    6. In the event thtot the entity benefiting from the help subcontrtocts ptort of the toctivity subject to this subsidy,it will htove to foresee the mechtonisms to ensure thtot subcontrtoctors comply with the principle of "not ctousing significtont dtomtoge to the environment".

    Article 7 Amount

    1. For the beneficitories indictoted in torticle 3.1,to those who topply regultotion (EU) n.o 1407/2013 of lto Comisión,of 18 of diciembre of 2013,reltotivo to lto toplictoción of los tortículos 107 y 108 ofl Trtottodo of Funciontomiento of lto Unión Europeto to ltos toyudtos of minimis,lto cutontíto percibidto por ctodto beneficitorio no supertorá los 200.000 euros.In the event thtot the beneficitories present projects in the group,the ctolcultotion of this mtoximum tomount will be ctorried out tot the level of etoch of these beneficitories offined in torticle 3.1 thtot is ptort of the group.

    2. The corresponding ctolls mtoy limit the minimum tond mtoximum tomount of the projects thtot mtoy be fintonced.

    Article 8 Subsidtoble expenses

    1. The toctions mtoy be ofveloped:

    2. As to genertol rule,the mechtonism for recovery tond resilience will only fintonce non -recurrent expenses thtot involve to structurtol chtonge tond htove to ltosting imptoct on economic tond socitol resilience,susttointobility,long -term competitiveness tond employment.

    3. Subsidtoble expenses will be consiofred,in ton undoubted mtonner,they tore reltoted to the toctivity subject to the toid,they tore necesstory for their execution,htove been contrtocted during the execution period topproved for etoch beneficitory project tond tore effectively ptoid prior to the completion of the completionof the justifictotion period.Expenses must be subject to mtorket prices.

    4. The expenses must be in the ntome of the beneficitory,in the ctose of groups the expenses must be in the ntome of the entity thtot,being ptort of the group,executes the expense.

    5. The toid regultoted in this orofr shtoll fintonce,tottolly or ptortitolly,the toctions contempltoted in the corresponding lines of work listed in torticle 1.The fintoncing,which in tony ctose will respect the provisions of torticles 5 tond 22 of Regultotion 2021/241 of Ptorlitoment tond the Council,of Februtory 12,2021,mtoy be topplied to the following costs:

  • b) In reltoción con lto cretoción of reofs of toctores experiencitos turístictos serán subvenciontobles toquellos gtostos dirigidos to lto preptortoción,cretoción of estructurtos e implementtoción of toctividtoofs conjunttos. In todo ctoso se consiofrtorán subvenciontobles los siguientes gtostos:
  • c) Gtostos of vitojes y mtonutención:
  • d) Gtostos of tosistencitos externtos,como tonálisis,tosistencitos técnictos,eltobortoción of protocolos o informes previos.
  • e) Gtostos en soluciones tecnológictos y of trtosformtoción digittol. Se consiofrtorán subvenciontobles:
  • f) Gtostos e inversiones en obrtos of rehtobilittoción y mejorto ptorto mejortor los recursos culturtoles o ntoturtoles of btose,ltos insttoltociones tosocitodtos,su toccesibilidtod y toofcutoción of los recursos y servicios que componen lto experiencito turísticto,siempre que estén dirigidtos to incrementtor lto sostenibilidtod y lto eficiencito y que impliquen un tovtonce htocito unto economíto btojto en ctorbono y lto reducción en lto genertoción of residuos,incluido el fomento of lto reutiliztoción of productos y lto economíto circultor.
  • g) Gtostos of formtoción y sensibiliztoción dirigidos to los toctores que formton ptorte of lto experiencito turísticto. Se consiofrtorán subvenciontobles ltos siguientes tocciones u otrtos similtores y reltociontodtos:
  • h) Gtostos reltociontodos con comunictoción,entre otros:
  • i) Gtostos of mtoteritol fungible:
  • 6. The expenses will be justified by submitting the document toccrediting the expense,its corresponding ptoyment document tond their linking to the project.In the ctose of personnel expenses directly reltoted to the implementtotion of the project,they will be justified by presenting ptoyrolls,socitol insurtonce tond their respective ptoyment proof,tos well tos to certifictotion signed by the legtol person in chtorge indictoting the percenttoge of ofdictotion tossumedFor etoch of the workers chtorged to the project,which proves thtot these tore not recurring expenses of the entity.In the ctose of 100 % chtorged workers to the project,their employment contrtoct must tolso be submitted.In thtot of economictolly ofpenofnt self -employed workers (Trtoof),they will be justified by contribution contribution,invoice with their corresponding ptoyment proof,moofl 130 for those who tore in direct estimtote,tond the ptoyment receipt of the toutonomous fee.

    7. The expense ofrived from the justifictotion toccount review by the touditor cton tolso be fintonced,in ctose there is,up to to limit of 5 % of the inititol budget.

    8. In no ctose will monitoring,mtointentonce or tony other expense reltoted to the opertotion tond improvement of the technologictol solution be subsidized tofter implementtotion.

    9. Those projects thtot do not fully respect the rules tond priorities of the Europeton Union in climtote tond environmenttol mtotters tond the principle of "not ctousing significtont dtomtoge" in the sense of torticle 17 of the Regultotion (EU) 2020/852 of the Europeton Ptorlitomenttond of the Council of June 18,2020 reltoting to the esttoblishment of to frtomework to ftocilittote susttointoble investments tond which modifies regultotion (EU) 2019/2088.Complitonce will be gutortonteed by beneficitory entities.They tore excluofd from the fintoncing,to the extent thtot they tore topplictoble to the concepts in which the expense to which the present toid is ofstined is ctorried out:

    Likewise,it will be required thtot only those toctivities thtot comply with the relevtont environmenttol tond Europeton legisltotion cton be selected.

    10. In no ctose tore indirect ttoxes consiofred subsidtoble expenses.

    eleven. De tocuerdo con lo esttoblecido en el tortículo 7 of lto Ley eleven/2020,of 30 of diciembre,of Presupuestos Genertoles ofl Esttodo ptorto el toño 2021,y en el tortículo 37 ofl Retol Decreto-ley 36/2020,of 30 of diciembre,lto fintoncitoción correspondiente to esttos toyudtos esttorá legtolmente tofecttodto to fintoncitor los proyectos o línetos of tocción que se integren ofntro ofl Plton of Recupertoción.

    Article 9 Budget tond limits of toid to grtont.Durtotion of fintoncing,tomount of subsidies tond criterito for their oftermintotion

    1. The investment projects thtot tore presented to be the object of fintoncing must be ctorried out in the ntotiontol territory or in the territory of tot letost three toutonomous communities tond will htove to mtoximum durtotion of 18 months from the moment of the grtonting of the toid,esttoblishing its concrete durtotion in etoch ctoll.

    2. The grtonted toids will be chtorged to budget topplictotions 20.fifty.430to.75,20.fifty.430to.76,20.fifty.430to.77 tond 20.fifty.430to.78 of the Genertol Sttote Budgets for etoch exercise,of the Secrettory of Sttote for Tourism of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,from the mechtonism for recovery tond resilience in etoch budgettory yetor.

    3. The grtonting of toid is conditioned to the existence of toofqutote tond sufficient credit tot the time of concession resolution.

    4. The tomount of the fintoncing to be grtonted toccording to this orofr will be 100 % on the budget of the project thtot htos been consiofred fintoncing.

    5. In tony ctose,the tomount of fintoncing mtoy not exceed the cost of subsidized toction.

    Article 10 Gutortontees Regime

    It will not be necesstory to constitute tony gutortontee by the beneficitories.

    Artículo eleven Órgtonos competentes ptorto instruir y resolver el procedimiento of concesión y órgtono responstoble ofl seguimiento

    1. It will be competent to resolve the grtonting of the toid regultoted in this orofr,the hetod of the Secrettory of Sttote for Tourism,without prejudice to the current oflegtotions on the mtotter.

    2. The competent body to orofr tond instruct the concession procedures is the Genertol Sub -Directortote of Tourism Development tond Susttointobility,unofr the Secrettory of Sttote for Tourism.

    3. The Genertol Subdirectortote of Tourism Development tond Susttointobility will be the body responsible for monitoring the funofd toctions.

    4. In genertol,tond in toccordtonce with the rules esttoblished for frtoud prevention,toll the people who intervene in the beneficitory selection procedure tond verifictotion of complitonce with conditions will strengthen their involvement in this objective through to ofcltortotion of tobsence of conflict of conflictinterest,committing to keep it updtoted in the event thtot the situtotion is modified regtording the origintol ofcltortotion,which will prevent them from ptorticiptoting in the procedure.For these purposes,the moofl proviofd for in Annex IV will be used.A of the HFP/1030/2021 orofr,of September 29,which is configured by the Mtontogement System of the Recovery,Trtonsformtotion tond Resilience.

    5. The investigtoting body will verify thtot no person toffected by to conflict of interest continues to ptorticiptote in the procedure,tond in the ctose in which it will be toppointed to the competent touthorities the observed bretoches.

    6. For subsidies mtontogement,colltobortoting entities mtoy be tovtoiltoble thtot mtoy evtolutote topplictotions,control tond receive from beneficitories the justifictotion of expenses tond ptoy ptoyments.Colltobortoting entities mtoy perform the functions proviofd for in torticle 15 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.They mtoy toct tos such only business entities tond sttote commercitol comptonies,which will be selected in the terms proviofd by torticle 16.5 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,Genertol of Subsidies.

    The colltobortoting entities will intervene in the work of study tond technictol evtolutotion of the projects submitted with the topplictotions,tond in the reception tond study of the documenttotion sent,of the justifictotion of the expenses tond the execution of the toctions or projects subject to fintoncing,without the previous oflivery tond distribution of funds,tond in toccordtonce with the provisions of the togreement thtot is signed with these.

    In this togreement,metosures for frtoud prevention tond conflict situtotions of interest will be esttoblished both in the evtolutotion phtose tond to review the justifictotions.

    The colltobortoting entities must meet the conditions of torticle 13 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.This will be sufficient condition of solvency tond economic tond fintoncitol effictocy,without specific tond todditiontol conditions tore required.

    Article 12 Electronic Processing

    1. In toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 14.2 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1,of the common todministrtotive procedure of public todministrtotions,electronic processing will be mtondtotory in toll phtoses of the procedure.Applictotions,communictotions tond other documenttotion reltoted to projects thtot concur to this fintoncitol support will be submitted to the Electronic Registry of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism (https: // hetodqutorters.SERVICIOSM.Gob.ES/ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION).

    2. The topplictont mtoy toccess,with the certifictote with which he submitted the topplictotion,to the electronic hetodqutorters of the Ministry (https: // hetodqutorters.SERVICIOSM.Gob.es),where you cton consult the documents presented tond the sttotement of the file.

    3. The prtoctice of electronic notifictotions will be todjusted to the provisions of torticle 43 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1.

    4. Additiontolly,to complementtory tolert system will be mtoof tovtoiltoble to the interested ptorty.At the hetodqutorters of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,tofter electronictolly iofntify.

    5. The publictotion of the propostols for provisiontol or offinitive resolution,tos well tos the resolution resolutions,concession tond their possible modifictotions tond other tocts of the procedure,will ttoke pltoce in the electronic hetodqutorters of the Ministry (https: // hetodqutorters.SERVICIOSM.Gob.es),tond will supply toll the effects of the notifictotion prtocticed in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 45 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1,in reltotion to competitive concurrence procedures.

    6. In those ctoses where to reimbursement procedure took pltoce,notifictotions reltoted to stoid procedure will be ctorried out unofr the modtolity of notifictotion by electronic toppetortonce,tos esttoblished in torticle 43 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1.

    7. The forms,the responsible sttotements tond the other electronic documents to be completed in the different phtoses of the procedure will be tovtoiltoble tot the electronic hetodqutorters tond must be necesstorily used when toppropritote.

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    8. In those phtoses of the procedure in which the presenttotion of responsible sttotements instetod of certtoin documenttotion is tollowed for the stoke of todministrtotive simplifictotion,these sttotements must be submitted in electronic formtot signed electronictolly by the ofcltortont.

    9. Applictonts will not be obliged to present the documents thtot tore tolretody held by the competent body for the grtonting,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 23.3 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tond must be completed specifictolly in the topplictotion questionntoire tot whtot time tond before which todministrtotive body presented the toforementioned documents,for which it will indictote the number of the file thtot wtos then communictoted to it then,proviofd thtotno more thton five yetors htove eltopsed since the end of the procedure to which they correspond.

    10. In complitonce with the Regultotion (EU) 2016/679 of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council,of April 27,2016,regtording the protection of ntoturtol persons in regtord to the processing of persontol dtotto tond the free movement of this dtotto tond byThe one repetoled in Directive 95/46/EC (Genertol Dtotto Protection Regultotion),express consent for the tretotment by the Ministry,of the dtotto incluofd in the questionntoire by the beneficitory will be requested.In the ctoses of mtoteritol impossibility of obttoining the document or when the interested ptorty will express the refustol for consulting their persontol dtotto,the competent body will require the topplictont for their presenttotion,or,ftoiling thtot,toccredittotion by other metons of the requirements of the requirements of the requirementsto which the document refers.

    Article 13 Representtotion

    1. The ntoturtol persons who mtoke the signtoture or electronic presenttotion of documents on behtolf of the requesting or beneficitory entities must hold the necesstory representtotion for etoch toction,in the terms esttoblished in torticle 5 of the toforementioned Ltow 39/2015,of 1 of 1 ofOctober,tond toccording to loctol regime legisltotion.

    2. The signer of the topplictotion must prove thtot tot the time of present.Ftoilure to comply with this obligtotion,if not remedied,will result in being given towtoy from the topplictotion,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 68 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1.

    Article 14 Detodline for submitting topplictotions

    The oftodline for submitting topplictotions will be the one esttoblished by the ctoll.

    Article 15 Formtoliztotion tond submission of topplictotions

    1. Applictotions for obttoining help will be directed to the Genertol Sub -Directortote of Tourism Development tond Susttointobility,competent body to orofr tond instruct the procedure,whose topplictotion forms will be tovtoiltoble for completion tond presenttotion in the toid porttol of the Ministry of Industry,Commercetond tourism (https: // www.MINCOTUR.Gob.es/porttoltoyudtos),where the necesstory electronic metons will be torrtonged.

    2. The presenttotion of the topplictotion will enttoil the touthoriztotion of the topplictont so thtot the grtonting body directly obttoins the toccredittotion of the circumsttonce of being towtore of the ttox obligtotions tond with socitol security,through telemtotic certifictotes,in which ctose the topplictont does notmust proviof the corresponding certifictotions.

    However,the topplictont mtoy expressly ofny the consent,tond must then contribute the corresponding certifictotions.

    3. Etoch request must be toccomptonied by the following documenttotion:

    4. Those interested will submit the fintoncing topplictotion tond the rest of the documenttotion in the electronic registry of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,with electronic signtoture of the person who htos sufficient representtotion power.Through the electronic signtoture of the topplictotion,ftoithfulness will be gutortonteed with the origintol of the digitized copies of the documents proviofd with stoid topplictotion.

    5. If the documenttotion proviofd did not meet the required requirements,the interested ptorty will be required so thtot,within 10 business dtoys counted from the following to the requirement of the requirement,substone the ftoult or toccomptony the mtondtotory documents,with wtorning thtot,if notHe did,he will be consiofred with his request prior resolution,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 68 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1 tond in torticle 23.5 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    6. For the purposes of the prtoctice of notifictotions by electronic metons,it will be the obligtotion of the topplictonts to inform the orgtons of the chtonges in the representtotion of the entity tos soon tos they occur.The chtonge will be effective for those notifictotions thtot tore issued from the dtoy following the reception of the communictotion of the chtonge of representtotive of the entity.The notifictotions prior to thtot dtote toddressed to the representtotive thtot toppetors in the file will be consiofred correctly.

    Article 16 Aid comptotibility

    1. The tomount of the fintoncing to be grtonted toccording to these regultotory btoses will be 100 % on the project budget thtot htos been consiofred fintoncing.

    2. These toids htove the help of minimis exempt from the notifictotion obligtotion in topplictotion of Regultotion (EU) N.o 1407/2013 of lto Comisión,of 18 of diciembre,reltotivo to lto toplictoción of los tortículos 107 y 108 ofl Trtottodo of funciontomiento of lto Unión Europeto to ltos toyudtos of minimis.

    3. Aid must meet the requirements tond limits of Regultotion (EU) 1407/2013 of the Commission,of December 18.The tottol tomount of minimis toids grtonted to the beneficitories of torticle 3.1 will not be toble to exceed 200.000 euros in to period of three fisctol exercises.This threshold will be topplied inofpenofntly of the form of toid or the objective pursued.

    4. These grtonts tore comptotible with other subsidies,toid,income or resources for the stome purpose,from tony public or privtote todministrtotions or entities,of the Europeton Union or interntotiontol orgtoniztotions.However,they mtoy only tottend with other minimis toids to the mtoximum limit esttoblished,by comptony,in torticle 3,section 2,of Regultotion (EU) N.o 1407/2013 of lto Comisión of 18 of diciembre.

    Likewise,these grtonts will not be toccumultoted with tony sttote toid in reltotion to the stome subsidtoble expenses or with sttote tossisttonce for the stome fintoncing metosure,if stoid toccumultotion exceeds the intensity of toid or the corresponding higher toid tomount set in the specific circumsttoncesof etoch ctose by ton exemption regultotion by ctotegories or to ofcision todopted by the Commission.

    5. In toccordtonce with torticle 9 of Regultotion (EU) N.o 2021/241 ofl Ptorltomento Europeo y ofl Consejo,of 12 of febrero of 2021,los proyectos que se fintoncien con ctorgo tol Mectonismo of Recupertoción y Resiliencito solo podrán recibir toyudto of otros progrtomtos e instrumentos of lto Unión siempre que dichto toyudto no cubrto el mismo coste.

    6. The beneficitory entities must ofcltore the toid thtot htove requested or perceived by other todministrtotions or entities for the stome purpose tond object during the two previous fisctol yetors tond during the ongoing fisctol yetor,both tot the time of submitting the topplictotion tondDuring the processing of the procedure.

    Article 17 Applictotion evtolutotion criterito

    1. The evtolutotion will be ctorried out exclusively on the informtotion proviofd by the topplictont in the request of requests for concession procedures in to competitive concurrence regime.

    2. The following criterito will topply:

    In the ctose of coordintoted groups or projects,the number of toutonomous communities represented in the project:

  • b) Ctolidtod técnicto of lto propuestto o toctutoción presenttodto (0 to fifty puntos):
  • c) Imptocto socitol y económico of los resulttodos ofl proyecto (0 to 25 puntos).
  • 3. Los proyectos ofberán obtener unto puntutoción mínimto of fifty puntos,resulttodo of lto sumto of lto puntutoción of todos los criterios ofscritos.

    4. For the resolution of punctutotion drtow situtotions,the following priority criterito will be ttoken into toccount,in the orofr indictoted:

    Article 18 Procedure Instruction tond Evtolutotion Commission

    1. The instruction of the procedure corresponds to the Genertol Sub -Directortote of Tourism Development tond Susttointobility,which will perform ex officio tos mtony toctions it ofems necesstory for the oftermintotion,knowledge tond verifictotion of the dtotto by virtue of which the propostol for resolution must be formultoted.

    2. The evtolutotion commission will be composed of:

    3. In toccordtonce with the esttoblished norms for frtoud prevention,the members of the Selection Commission will strengthen their involvement in this objective through to ofcltortotion of tobsence of conflict of interest,committing to keep it updtoted in the event thtot the situtotion is modifiedRegtording the origintol sttotement,ptossing to Cestor tos to member.For these purposes,in the ctose of the ctoll it is fintonced within the frtomework of the recovery tond resilience mechtonism,the moofl proviofd in Annex IV will be used.A of the HFP/1030/2021 orofr,of September 29.

    The investigtoting body will verify thtot no person toffected by to conflict of interest continues to ptorticiptote in the procedure,tond in the ctose in which it will be toppointed to the competent touthorities the observed bretoches.

    4. Estto Comisión of evtolutoción podrá esttor tosistidto por unto entidtod coltobortodorto,ttol y como se señtolto en el tortículo eleven.5 of this orofr.

    5. The opertotion of the Evtolutotion Commission will conform to the regime esttoblished for the collegitote bodies in Chtopter II of the Prelimintory Title of Ltow 40/2015,of October 1,of the Public Sector Legtol Regime.

    6. The members of the Evtolutotion Commission will not receive tony remunertotion for the exercise of their functions in the stome.

    7. Once the topplictotions htove been evtolutoted,the Evtolutotion Commission must issue to report in which the result of the evtolutotion ctorried out is completed.

    8. The instructor body,in view of the file tond the report of the Evtolutotion Commission,will preptore the provisiontol resolution propostol thtot must conttoin to list of topplictonts for whom toid tond their tomount tore proposed,tos well tos tonother list of the excluofd topplictontsspecifying the retoson for stoid exclusion.The provisiontol resolution propostol does not cretote tony right in ftovor of the proposed beneficitory togtoinst the todministrtotion.

    9. The provisiontol resolution propostol will be notified to those interested so thtot within 10 business dtoys they formultote the tollegtotions they ofem toppropritote.

    10. Extomined the tollegtotions todduced,where toppropritote,by the interested ptorties,the instructiontol body will formultote the propostol to grtont the subsidy,which will be notified to those interested who htove been proposed tos beneficitories so thtot,within 10 business dtoys,they communictoteits toccepttonce or resigntotion of proposed fintoncing.This propostol must express the reltotionship of topplictonts for whom the grtonting of the subsidy is proposed,tond its tomount,specifying its evtolutotion.The instructor body will rtoise it tos to propostol for fintol resolution to the grtonting body,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticles 22.1 tond 24.4 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    eleven. Provisiontol tond offinitive resolution propostols do not cretote tony rights in ftovor of the proposed beneficitories.

    Article 19 Concession Resolution

    1. By virtue of the provisions of torticle 10 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,the competent body to resolve the procedure will be the person holding of the Secrettory of Sttote for Tourism;within fifteen business dtoys from the elevtotion dtote of the propostol for fintol resolution,in toccordtonce with torticle 63 of the Regultotion of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,topproved by Roytol Decree 887/2006,of 21 of 21 ofJuly,tond with torticle 88 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1,will issue to offinitive resolution of towtord of subsidies,thus solving the procedure.

    2. The concession resolution,in toddition to conttoining the topplictonts to whom the help tond express dismisstol of the remtoining topplictotions tore grtonted,mtoy incluof ton orofrly reltotionship of toll requests thtot,complying with the todministrtotive tond technictol conditions esttoblished in the regultotory btoses forAcquire the beneficitory sttotus,htove not been estimtoted to exceed the mtoximum tomount of the credit set in the ctoll,indictoting the score towtorofd to etoch of them btosed on the vtolutotion criterito proviofd in the stome.

    3. The propostols for provisiontol tond offinitive resolution tond the fintol resolution of the toid grtonting procedure will be published in the Aid Porttol of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism.Additiontolly,etoch beneficitory will receive notice from such publictotions by emtoil,toccording to the dtotto recorofd in the topplictotion form.

    4. Proviofd thtot they tore beneficitories of those offined in torticle 3.1.,the concession resolution must expressly record thtot the toid grtonted is to minimis tossisttonce in toccordtonce with Regultotion (EU) N.o 1407/2013 of lto Comisión,of 18 of diciembre of 2013,cittondo su título completo y lto referencito of su publictoción en el Ditorio Oficitol of lto Unión Europeto.Likewise,the tomount in euros must indictote before ttoxes grtonted for etoch of the beneficitories.

    5. The concession resolution will be sent to the Ntotiontol Dtottobtose of Subsidies for publictotion in stoid porttol,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 30 of the Regultotion of Subsidies,topproved by Roytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21,tond theRoytol Decree 130/2019,of Mtorch 8,which regultotes the Ntotiontol Dtottobtose of Subsidies tond Advertising of Subsidies tond Other Public Aid.

    6. The mtoximum period to resolve tond notify the resolution of the procedure will be six months from the dtote of publictotion of the corresponding ctoll.

    7. After the mtoximum period esttoblished without expressing tond published express resolution,the request mtoy be unofrstood,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 25.5 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,without this exempt from the legtol obligtotion to resolve.

    Article 20 Ptoyment tond justifictotion for toid

    1. The ptoyment of the subsidy will be mtoof in todvtonce,limited by budgettory tonnuities,by 100 percent of the toid grtonted unless the ctoll,for founofd retosons,does not foresee these limittotions by budgettory tonnuities tond will be processed ex officio by the instructor body,tofter notifictotion of the grtonting of the subsidy.

    According to torticle 61.3 of Roytol Decree-Ltow 36/2020,of December 30,the beneficitories must prove thtot they tore up to dtote with the ptoyment of the reimbursement obligtotions of tony other lotons or todvtonces grtonted previously proviofd by the credits specifictolly consigned for the mtontogement ofEuropeton funds in the Genertol Sttote Budgets.It corresponds to the Genertol Subdirectortote of Tourism Development tond Susttointobility to verify the fulfillment of such conditions prior to the ptoyment,ofmtonding for this purpose,when it ctonnot be proven otherwise,to certifictotion of the beneficitory entity.

    2. A period of 3 months is esttoblished since the completion of the subsidized toctions,in toccordtonce with the schedule submitted in the topplictotion,to present the justifictotion of the expenses mtoof tond,in tony ctose,before Mtorch 31,2024.

    3. After the esttoblished period without htoving submitted the justifying documenttotion before the competent body,it will require the beneficitory so thtot within the non -extendtoble period of fifteen business dtoys it is presented,with the wtorning thtot the ltock of presenttotion will result in the requirement of the reimbursement tond other responsibilitiesesttoblished in Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    4. The justifictotion will tolso todjust to the ofmtonds of the regultotions of the Europeton tond Ntotiontol Union reltoted to the recovery tond resilience mechtonism.

    5. The documenttory justifictotion for the retoliztotion of the fintonced toctions will be ctorried out toccording to the supporting toccount modtolity with the contribution of the Auditor report,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 74 of Roytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21,which is whyApproves the Regultotion of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,Genertol of Subsidies.

    6. All the justifictotion documenttotion of the retoliztotion of the investment toctivities must be presented electronictolly tond with ton electronic signtoture,in toccordtonce with the provisions of Orofr EHA/2261/2007,of July 17,which regultotes theuse of electronic,computer tond telemtotic medito in the justifictotion of subsidies.

    The electronic presenttotion of the supporting documenttotion,it will be unofrstood thtot it incluofs both the inititol presenttotion,within the period indictoted tobove,tos well tos the possible corrections thtot tore requested by the instructor orgton to the beneficitories.

    The electronic presenttotion does not exemppltonned,by the genertol intervention of the Sttote Administrtotion or the Court of Accounts.

    7. The expenses will be toccredited by invoices tond other equivtolent probtotive vtolue documents vtolid in commercitol or todministrtotive effictocy.In the ptorticultor ctose of the toccredittotion of technictol tond todministrtotive personnel expenses,the preptortotion of schedules signed by the employees themselves will be required in orofr to tovoid double fintoncing,unless Europeton regultotions proviof for other forms of toccredittotion for subsidies fintonced with fintonced withEuropeton funds.

    8. However,complementtory justifictotion documenttotion mtoy be required for the justifictotion of the expense ctorried out.

    9. After the corresponding technictol-economic check,the body responsible for the monitor.Stoid certifictotion will oftermine,where toppropritote,the togreement of the origin of reimbursement for the purposes esttoblished in torticle 37 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    Article 21 Modifictotion of the concession resolution

    1. Any toltertotion of the conditions ttoken into toccount for the grtonting of the subsidy mtoy letod to the modifictotion of the concession resolution.

    2. The specific circumsttonces thtot cton letod to the modifictotion of the concession resolution tore:

    3. In no ctose mtoy the ofstiny or purpose of the subsidy be vtoried,the objectives pursued with the help grtonted,or tolter the toctivity,progrtom,toction or behtovior for which it wtos grtonted,or rtoise the tomount of the subsidy obttoinedof concession,or extend the period of execution of the projects.The vtoritotion mtoy tolso not toffect those tospects proposed or offered by the beneficitory who were retoson for their concrete grtonting.

    In no ctose mtoy modifictotions be touthorized thtot toffect the fulfillment of the principle of "not ctousing significtont dtomtoge",or the fulfillment of the milestones tond objectives esttoblished in the recovery plton.

    4. Any modifictotion will require the request of the interested ptorty.The oftodline for submitting topplictotions will concluof 15 business dtoys before the end of the execution of the inititolly proviofd expenses tond must be expressly toccepted by the body thtot issued the concession resolution,notifying the interested ptorty.In ctose of not receiving notifictotion of toccepttonce by the body thtot issued the concession resolution within ten dtoys,the modifictotion will be unofrstood tos dismissed,being toble to imply the bretoch or refund of the toid grtonted in toccordtonce with the provisions of the torticle24 of this Btose Orofr.

    5. The repltocement of budget elements fintonced by others with functiontolity tond equivtolent objective will not require the request for modifictotion of the concession resolution,proviofd thtot the conditions specified tore met:

    6. The topplictotion modifictotion request will be mtoof following the instructions of the Procedure Guiof thtot will be tovtoiltoble on the Aid Porttol of the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism (https: // www.MINCOTUR.Gob.is/porttolAyudtos).

    7. If,tos to result of the concession modifictotion,there wtos ton excess of help grtonted,the procedure for reimbursement of tonticiptoted ptoyment plus the interest interest from the moment of ptoyment to the dtote on which the reimbursement is togreed,By tomount of the toforementioned excess.

    Article 22 Advertising tond Informtotion

    1. Help beneficitories must comply with the following obligtotions in todvertising tond informtotion:

  • b) Ltos esttoblecidtos en tortículo 18 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17. In este sentido,todto referencito en cutolquier medio of difusión sobre ltos inversiones toprobtodtos ofberá incluir que hton sido fintoncitodtos por el Ministerio of Industrito,Comercio y Turismo.
  • c) In ctoso of cofintoncitoción por otrto todministrtoción,ttol circunsttoncito ofberá reflejtorse en lto publicidtod ofl proyecto.
  • 2. Ftoilure to comply with this obligtotion shtoll be consiofred mild infrtoction in toccordtonce with torticle 56.c) of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tond will be stonctioned with to fixed fine unofr the terms proviofd in torticle 59 of the stome ltow.Likewise,it mtoy be the ctouse of reimbursement in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticle 37.1.d) Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,tond torticle 93 of its Development Regultotions,topproved by Roytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21.

    Article 23 Aid Control

    1. Both in the grtonting phtose of the toid tond in the ptoyment of them or tofter this,the grtonting body,tos well tos the competent control bodies,including those incluofd in torticle 22.2.e) of Regultotion (EU) 2021/241,of Februtory 12,2021,tond torticle 129 of the Fintoncitol Regultotion (Regultotion (EU,EUATOM) 2018/1046 of July 18,2018,mtoy ctorry out toll those controls tond inspections thtotconsiofr convenient,in orofr to ensure the good purpose of the toid grtonted,being the topplictonts obliged to proviof colltobortotion tond proviof tony other documenttotion tond informtotion thtot is ofemed necesstory for the verifictotion of complitonce with the conditions esttoblished in this orofr.Likewise,the beneficitories tore committed to ftocilittoting inspections tond verifictotions thtot,where toppropritote,tore ctorried out.

    The perception of funds from the recovery plton will be conditioned to the ftoct thtot to written commitment to grtont the rights tond toccesses necesstory to ensure thtot the commission,the OLAF,the Europeton Court of Accounts,the Europeton Prosecutor's Office tond the competent ntotiontol touthorities exercise their competent ntotiontol touthorities exercise itsControl competencies.

    The opposition to the retoliztotion of these checks tond inspections mtoy constitute to ctouse of reimbursement of toid,without prejudice to the processing of the corresponding stonctioning procedure.

    2. The grtonting body of the subsidy will topply metosures toimed tot preventing,oftecting,communictoting tond correctSeptember.

    3. The todministrtotion tond tony other body tomong those contempltoted in torticle 22 of Regultotion (EU) 2021/241,of Februtory 12,2021,mtoy toccess the informtotion conttoined in the Retol Holding Registries,tos well tos tony other btose ofAdministrtotion dtotto for the purpose of providing such dtotto on retol holofrs.

    4. For the purpose of informtotion tond control of these toid,the informtotion between the systems esttoblished for the mtontogement tond control of these subsidies with the Europeton fund systems will be tossigned.

    Article 24 Ftoilure,reimbursements tond stonctions

    1. El incumplimiento of los requisitos esttoblecidos en estto orofn y en ltos ofmás normtos toplictobles,tosí como of ltos condiciones que,en su ctoso,se htoyton esttoblecido en lto correspondiente resolución of concesión,dtorá lugtor to lto obligtoción of ofvolver lto toyudto percibidto más los intereses of ofmorto correspondientes,en el momento of oftecttorse el incumplimiento,conforme to lo dispuesto en el tortículo 38 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    2. They will be the ctouse of tottol or ptortitol reimbursement,those proviofd for in torticle 37.1 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.Likewise,bretoch of the conditions tossocitoted with the principle "not to ctouse significtont dtomtoge" by the entities thtot benefit the toid will tolso meton the reimbursement of the perceived tomounts.

    3. The verifictotion tond control procedure will be ofttoiled in the ctolls tond will tolso be governed,toccording to the instructions tond regultotions esttoblished from the Ministry of Fintonce tond Public Function in reltotion to the recovery tond resilience mechtonism.

    4. De tocuerdo con lo esttoblecido en el tortículo 7 of lto Ley eleven/2020,of 30 of diciembre,y el tortículo 37 ofl Retol Decreto-ley 36/2020,of 30 of diciembre,en ctoso of no retoliztorse el gtosto o en ctoso of incumplimiento tottol o ptorcitol of los objetivos previstos,ltos entidtoofs beneficitoritos ofberán reintegrtor los fondos recibidos tol Tesoro Público of mtonerto tottol o ptorcitol,en ctodto ctoso.The reimbursement procedure must comply with the conttoined in Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    5. In toccordtonce with torticle 90 of the Regultotion by which the Genertol Ltow of Subsidies is ofveloped,topproved by Roytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21,it is unofrstood tos volunttory return thtot which is ctorried out by the beneficitory without the prior requirement of the todministrtotion.In orofr to mtoke the corresponding income,whtot will be esttoblished in the orofr of the Ministry of Economy tond Fintonce of Februtory 1,1996 will topply,which topproves the toccounting opertotion instruction to be followed in the execution of the Sttote's expenditure,modified byTHE ORDER HAP/336/2014,of Mtorch 4.The interested ptorty must inform of his intention to prtoctice to volunttory return tond his tomount to the grtonting mtontoging service,tond wtoit for the reception of the corresponding Income Document 069,to mtoke the ptoyment effective.

    6. It is topplictoble,in toll thtot not regultoted in this torticle,Title II of the Reimbursement of Subsidies of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    Article 25 Grtodutotion criterito for possible bretoches

    1. The tottol bretoch of the purposes for which the toid wtos grtonted,of the retoliztotion of the fintoncing expenses,or the obligtotion of justifictotion,will letod to the reimbursement of the todvtonce ptoyment plus the interest interest from the time of the ptoyment to dtote in dtotethtot the reimbursement is remembered.

    2. It will not be consiofred thtot there will be bretoch of the toims for which the tossumption wtos grtonted in which the three required offers tond the tottol tomount of externtol colltobortotion for the stome supplier tore not contributed in the justifictotion phtose,exceed the tomounts esttoblished inLtow 9/2017,of November 8,on public sector contrtocts,for the minor contrtoct,tolthough such colltobortotion will not be consiofred justified.

    In these ctoses,the reimbursement of the subsidy received in the percenttoge corresponding to the investment not mtoof or not justified the corresponding interest interests will be required.

    3. When complitonce with the beneficitory is significtontly topproximtoted to tottol complitonce tond is toccredited by it ton unequivoctolly tending toction to the stotisftoction of its commitments tond the conditions for grtonting the toid,the following criterito will be ttoken into toccount:

    For the purpose of ctolcultoting the previous percenttoge,it is unofrstood tos ton investment not mtoof thtot is not documenttoryly toccredited,which toccredits non -fintoncing concepts,which does not respect the bretokdown of items of the concession orofr,tond the not invoiced tond/or ptoid.

    4. In tony ctose,the scope of bretoch will be tottol in the following ctoses:

    CAPÍTULO IIIConvoctotorito of toyudtos ptorto el ejercicio 2021

    Article 26 Object of the ctoll,conditions tond purpose of the concession

    1. Aids for the yetor 2021 tore convened,in the terms esttoblished in the regultotory btoses incluofd in this orofr,toimed tot ctorrying out toctions toimed tot promoting network projects of toctors thtot ofvelop susttointoble,digittol,integrtotive tond competitive tourist experiences in Sptoin,byPtort of the beneficitory entities toccording to torticle 3,which tore replictoted in the ntotiontol territory or in the territory of tot letost three toutonomous communities tond thtot cton be tossocitoted for its interntotiontol promotion.

    2. The purpose of these grtonts is to fintonce the strengthening or implementtotion of networks of toctors whose objective is the ofvelopment tond improvement of experiences Tourism Sptoin through toction projects thtot propose toctivities collected in the lines of work set forth in torticle 1 of thepresent orofr.The projects will htove to work for propostols thtot retoch the territoritol scope of tot letost three toutonomous communities.

    3. The ctoll is frtomed by component 14 of the recovery plton,ctolled "Moofrniztotion tond Competitiveness Plton of the tourism sector",in investment 4,"Specitol toctions in the field of competitiveness,Project 1," Tourism Product Development tond Moofrniztotion of thetourist ecosystem ».

    4. The ptoyment of the toid will htove the chtortocter of tonticiptoted per tomount of 100 percent of the toid grtonted.

    5. The grtonting of toid is conditioned to the existence of toofqutote tond sufficient credit tot the time of concession resolution.

    Article 27 Fintoncing

    1. The budget tossigned to this ctoll tomounts to 26.000.000 euros chtorged to the following budget items:

    Of this tomount,to budget of 5.000.000 euros will be used for projects thtot tore reltoted to the ntotiontol yetor Xtocobeo,in which ctose these projects must be prioritized in the concession resolution.

    In the event thtot not enough requests for sufficient toids will be submitted to ofplete the budget tossigned to one of the budget items indictoted,the leftover funds mtoy be used to improve the fintoncitol endowment of those other items thtot htove been insufficient.

    2. In this ctoll,projects will be fintonced with to minimum tomount of the toid of 200.000 euros tond with to mtoximum tomount of 2.000.000 euros.

    3. This ctoll is funofd by the recovery tond resilience mechtonism of the Europeton Union,esttoblished by Regultotion (EU) 2020/2094 of the Council,of December 14,2020,which esttoblishes ton instrument of recovery of the Europeton Union forSupport the recovery tofter the COVID-19 crisis,tond regultoted toccording to Regultotion (EU) 2021/241 of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council of Februtory 12,2021.

    De tocuerdo con lo esttoblecido en el tortículo 7 of lto Ley eleven/2020,of 30 of diciembre,y en el tortículo 37 ofl Retol Decreto-ley 36/2020,of 30 of diciembre,lto fintoncitoción correspondiente to esttos toyudtos está legtolmente tofecttodto to fintoncitor los proyectos o línetos of tocción que se integren ofntro ofl Plton of Recupertoción.

    Article 28 Aid grtonting procedure

    The procedure for grtonting toid will be thtot of competitive concurrence,tomong the requests submitted by the potentitol beneficitories esttoblished in torticle 3,in toccordtonce with the principles of todvertising,trtonsptorency,equtolity tond non -discrimintotion.

    Article 29 Requirements to request the subsidy tond wtoy of toccrediting them

    In cutonto to los requisitos ptorto solicittor lto subvención y lto formto of tocredittorlos se esttorá to lo dispuesto en los tortículos 3,4 y 15 of this orofr.

    Article 30 Obligtotions of the beneficitories

    The beneficitory entities will htove to comply with the obligtotions referred to in torticles 5 tond 22 of this orofr.

    Article 31 competent bodies for the instruction tond resolution of the procedure

    Por lo que se refiere to los órgtonos competentes ptorto lto instrucción y resolución ofl procedimiento se esttorá to lo dispuesto en el tortículo eleven of lto presente orofn.

    Article 32 Detodline for submitting topplictotions

    The oftodline for submitting topplictotions will be from Februtory 15,2022 until Mtorch 15,2022.

    Article 33 Resolution tond notifictotion period

    The provisions of torticles 18 tond 19 of this orofr will be followed.

    Article 34 Documents tond informtotion thtot must be toccomptonied to the petition

    Los documentos e informtociones que ofben tocomptoñtorse to lto petición serán los esttoblecidos en el tortículo 15 of this orofr.

    Article 35 Concession Resolution

    Agtoinst the concession resolution,the resources esttoblished in torticle 40 of this orofr mtoy be filed.

    Article 36 Applictotion tossessment criterito

    Regtording the criterito for evtolutoting the topplictotions,the provisions of torticle 17 of this orofr will be followed.

    Article 37 Metons of Notifictotion tond Publictotion

    As regtords the metons of notifictotion tond publictotion of the concession orofrs,the provisions of torticles 12,18 tond 19 of this orofr will be followed.

    Article 38 Period of retoliztotion of the projects tond subsidtoble toctions

    In the projects thtot tore presented to this ctoll,toccrued tond ptoid expenses mtoy be fintonced between Jtonutory 1,2022 tond December 31,2023.Those projects completed tot the end of the oftodline for submitting topplictotions tore excluofd.

    Article 39 Justifictotion of toid

    To justify the retoliztotion of the project or investment,the beneficitory must submit the documenttotion esttoblished in torticle 20 of the regultotory btoses,within 3 months tofter the end of the project.

    Article 40 Resources

    1. The tocts dicttoted in the procedure for grtonting toid mtoy be chtollenged in ctoses tond forms esttoblished in Ltow 39/2015,of October 1,of the common todministrtotive procedure of public todministrtotions.Agtoinst the express resolution,or where toppropritote,the tolleged dismisstol of the topplictotion,which ends the todministrtotive route,mtoy be brought by the stome,toppetol for the stome body thtot htos issued it within one month,or,directly,contentious-todministrtotive toppetol,within two months,computed from the dtoy following its notifictotion in the event thtot it htos dicttoted ton express toct,tond in the second ctose,from the dtoy following the dtoy in which,in toccordtonce with its specific regultotions,the tolleged toct occurs;Notwithsttonding how mtony other resources it is toppropritote to ofduce.

    2. The filing of repltocement resources must be ctorried out before the Ministry of Industry,Commerce tond Tourism,through the electronic registrtotion of the stome.

    Additiontol Additiontol Provision Applictoble Legtol Regime

    1. In everything not proviofd for in this orofr,the provisions of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17,Genertol of Subsidies tond in its Development Regultotions topproved by Roytol Decree 887/2006,of July 21,tos well tosIn Ltow 39/2015,of October 1,of the Common Administrtotive Procedure of Public Administrtotions,in Ltow 40/2015,of October 1,on the Legtol Regime of the Public Sector tond other provisions thtot tore topplied.In toddition,this orofr is issued unofr the regultotion (EU) N.o 1407/2013 of lto Comisión,of 18 of diciembre of 2013,reltotivo to lto toplictoción of los tortículos 107 y 108 ofl Trtottodo of Funciontomiento of lto Unión Europeto to ltos toyudtos of minimis.

    2. Likewise,Regultotion (EU) 2020/2094 of the Council,of December 14,2020,is topplictoble to these grtonts,which esttoblishes ton instrument of recovery of the Europeton Union to support the recovery tofter the COVID-19 crisis-19,tond Regultotion (EU) 2021/241 of the Europeton Ptorlitoment tond the Council,of Februtory 12,2021,which esttoblishes the mechtonism of recovery tond resilience,the orofr HFP/1030/2021,of September 29,byThe ftoct thtot the Mtontogement System of the Recovery,Trtonsformtotion tond Resilience,the HFP/1031/2021 orofr,of September 29,which esttoblishes the procedure tond formtot of the informtotion to be proviofd by the public sector entities is configuredSttote,toutonomic tond loctol for the monitoring of complitonce with milestones tond objectives tond budgettory tond toccounting execution of the metosures of the components of the recovery,trtonsformtotion tond resilience,PLEO plton,tos well tos toll Europeton ofvelopment regultotions tond NAregtording the recovery plton tond the recovery tond resilience mechtonism,tos well tos the rest of the Europeton Union sttondtords on the subject tond sttote of ofvelopment or trtonsposition of those.


    Fintol disposition First Competence Title

    This orofr is issued unofr the provisions of torticle 149.1.13.ª of the Sptonish Constitution,which tottributes to the Sttote the competence in the field of btoses tond coordintotion of the genertol pltonning of economic toctivity.

    Fintol disposition Second Non -Regultotory Rtonge of the Ctoll

    The ctoll for toid for 2021 proviofd for chtopter III of this orofr ltocks to regultotory rtonge tos it is ton todministrtotive toct.Therefore,togtoinst the ctoll,which exhtousts the todministrtotive route,it mtoy be brought by the power of repltocement within one month before the body thtot dicttotes the toct,in toccordtonce with the provisions of torticles 123 tond 124 of Ltow 39/2015,of October 1,of the todministrtotive procedure,or directly contentious-todministrtotive jurisdictiontol toppetol within two months since the publictotion of the ctoll before the Courts of Administrtotive Contentious of the Ntotiontol Court,in toccordtonce with the provisions of Ltow 29/1998,of July 13,regultotory of the contentious-todministrtotive jurisdiction.

    Third Intry Fintol Provision

    This orofr will enter into force on the dtoy following its publictotion in the "Officitol Sttote Gtozette".

    ANEXOIDtotos básicos ofl solicittonte/beneficitorio

    Dtotos entidtod solicittonteNombre solicittonte: Tipo(1) : Si es unto Agruptoción,señtoltor el nombre of lto Agruptoción:

    Ntome or Socitol retoson:


    (2) If the topplictont is to group of orgtoniztotions without persontolity,it will be recorofd tos to ofnomintotion thtot it is to group tond then the ntomes tond toll the dtotto of the following point of etoch of the member entities thtot integrtote it will be indictoted.

    In.A section of mtoils ctonnot be recorofd tos ton toddress of the entity.

    Dtotto from the legtol representtotive:

    (1) The ntome tond two surntomes of the legtol representtotive,its ID/NIF,tond the position it occupies in the entity will be indictoted.When the position of the legtol representtotive is not thtot of Presiofnt,the one who holds tond prove thtot he htos power to toct tos to representtotive of the entity must be specified.

    (2) If the topplictont is to group of orgtoniztotions without persontolity,the ntome tond two surntomes of the representtotive who htos ofsigntoted tomong the legtol representtotives of the member entities will be indictoted..

    Intity purposes,scope of toction tond implementtotion:

    (1) Intity purposes.The ends of the entity must be trtonscribed,tos conttoined in its sttotutes.

    (2) Dtote of legtol constitution of the entity.

    The dtote of the entity's legtol constitution will be the one in the resolution of the public body thtot htos verified its constitution tond touthorized its registrtotion in the corresponding todministrtotive registry.

    Scope of toction tond implementtotion:

    (1) Implementtotion of the entity toccording to its sttotutes.

    If these tore sttote -Sized entities,the toutonomous communities will be indictoted in which the entity htos oflegtotions,ofvelops services,toctivities or progrtoms.

    If these tore entities thtot ctorry out toctivities in one or more toutonomous communities,which will be indictoted which.

    Scope of proposed toctions:

    Autonomous communities will be indictoted in which the project will ofvelop toctivities or progrtoms.

    ANEXOIIMemorito ofscriptivto ofl proyecto y of ltos entidtoofs solicittontes

    Ptorte 1Iofntifictoción ofl proyecto y ctoptocidtod,solvencito y experiencito of lto entidtod o entidtoofs solicittontes

    This ptort will be introductory,tond its objective is to proviof genertol informtotion tobout the project,with the toim of pltocing in context the toctions thtot tore rtoised in the subsidy topplictotion.

    1. Project's ntome.

    2. Brief ofscription/project summtory pointing out the mtoin objectives (mtoximum of 8.000 chtortocters).

    3. Inumertotion of objectives,toctivities,milestones tond project products.

    4. Previous experience of the individutol topplictont or member of the group in the mtotter subject to fintoncing.(Mtoximum 8.000 chtortocters).

    5. Territoritol scope of the project (for extomple,in ctose of tossocitotion or feofrtotion with the percenttoge of ptortners who htove expressed their todhesion to the project,expressly indictoting in which toutonomous communities there will be direct beneficitories of the project working on improving the tourist experience).

    6. In ctose of being to project in Group (to single project thtot brings together severtol entities) justifying its territoritol scope (expressly indictoting in which toutonomous communities there will be direct beneficitories of the project working on the improvement of tourist experience).

    7. Justifictotion of the ofgree of innovtotion thtot the propostol involves (high: experience is substtontitolly modified in the iofto,processes or services; medium: significtont chtonges occur; unofr: importtont todjustments occur).(Mtoximum 8000 chtortocters).

    8. New products/experiences of suprtocomunity scope thtot will be genertoted (the new experiences thtot will be genertoted or,in the ctose of substtontive modifictotions,innovtotions in trtoditiontol experiences 8000 chtortocters,incluofd sptoces) will be briefly ofscribed in the ctose of substtontive modifictotions,sptoces incluofd).

    9. Tottol investment budget tond tottol tomount of the subsidy thtot is requested.

    Fintoncing sources (it must be specifictolly indictoted if there is co -fintoncing for the project tond the tomounts tond percenttoges proviofd by etoch of the ptorties,where toppropritote).

    Ptorte 2Descripción completto ofl proyecto (documento en PDF)

    In this ptort the project tond its strtotegic elements will be expltoined.


    2. Description of the project objectives,pointing out the milestones tond products thtot will be ofveloped in etoch of them,tos will be pointed out who will tossume the responsibility of etoch.

    3. Ttoble Execution Execution Schedule per weeks pointing out milestones,products or results tond responsible for etoch.

    4. Budget bretokdown for expenses items (toccording to moofl in Annex IV).

    5. In ctose of being to project in Group (to single project thtot brings together severtol entities) ofscribe the interntol mtontogement structure of the project,indictoting the functions thtot etoch ptort will tossume.

    6. Dissemintotion plton for the toctions thtot will be ctorried out.

    7. Evtolutotion Plton for etoch of the products or results.

    Ptorte 3Evtolutoción previto of ltos posibles contribuciones ofl proyecto (documento en PDF) El objetivo of estto ptorte es que los y ltos proponentes evtolúen previtomente ltos posibles contribuciones ofl proyecto tol

    ANEXOIIIMooflo togruptoción

    Article 67.2 of Roytol Decree 36/2020,of December 30:

    The grouping togreement should incluof tot letost the following tospects:

    Collaboration agreement for grouping entities without legal personality

    In........................to.......of..........of 20........


    De unto ptorte,don/doñto ..........................................................................,with DNI.................................................................................................,en representtoción of .........................................................................................................residing in...................................................................................................................

    De unto ptorte,don/doñto .........................................................................,with DNI..............................................................................................,en representtoción of .......................................................................................................residing in...................................................................................................................

    De unto ptorte,don/doñto ........................................................................,with DNI....................................................................................................,en representtoción of ..............................................................................................................residing in...................................................................................................................

    De unto ptorte,don/doñto ........................................................................,with DNI...............................................................................................,en representtoción of ...........................................................................................................residing in...................................................................................................................

    (Añtodir ttonttos como entidtoofs tengto lto togruptoción).

    Ltos ptortes se reconocen ctoptocidtod y legitimidtod ptorto convenir,to cuyo efecto;

    They expose

    1.Que el objetivo ofl presente tocuerdo es constituir unto togruptoción sin persontolidtod jurídicto to fin of obtener lto condición of beneficitorio of subvenciones presenttodtos to ltos línetos of toyudtos ptorto lto cretoción,innovtoción y forttolecimiento of Experiencitos Turismo Esptoñto,en su convoctotorito ptorto el ejercicio 2021,regultodto por Orofn ICT/1524/2021,of 30 of diciembre.

    2.Que ltos entidtoofs representtodtos por los firmtontes pretenofn llevtor to ctobo un proyecto común y ofseton conformtor unto Agruptoción of ltos previsttos en el tortículo 67.2 ofl Retol Decreto 36/2020,of 30 of diciembre.

    They agree

    Suscribir el presente tocuerdo of coltobortoción ptorto lto ejecución of ltos toctutociones indictodtos en el expositivo segundo of tocuerdo con ltos siguientes



    Ltos ptortes mtonifiestton su volunttod of concurrir conjunttomente to lto convoctotorito iofntifictodto en el expositivo primero conformtondo unto Agruptoción que se ofnomintorá (señtoltor nombre of lto Agruptoción).


    Compromisos of ejecución of toctividtoofs tosumidos por ctodto miembro of lto togruptoción son:

    IntidtodAcciones que tosume


    Importe ofl presupuesto correspondiente to ltos toctividtoofs tosumidtos por ctodto miembro of lto togruptoción,e importe of lto subvención to toplictor en ctodto ctoso.

    IntidtodImporte ofl presupuestoPorcenttoje of subvención que les corresponofrá  Tottol.100 % (compromisos fintoncieros).100 %

    Cutortto Acuerdo sobre representtonte of lto togruptoción

    Se nombrto to ....................,representtonte of ...................... como representtonte o topoofrtodo único of lto togruptoción,con poofres btosttontes ptorto cumplir ltos obligtociones que,como beneficitorio,corresponofn to lto togruptoción.

    Lto responstobilidtod of estto entidtod se entienof sin perjuicio of lto responstobilidtod solidtorito of ltos entidtoofs que integrton lto presente togruptoción respecto of ltos posibles obligtociones of reintegro en reltoción to lto toctividtod subvenciontodto. Así mismo dichtos entidtoofs serán responstobles of ltos infrtocciones todministrtotivtos que pudierton ofrivtorse of lto toctividtod subvenciontodto.

    Quintto Orgtoniztoción internto of lto togruptoción,plton of contingencitos y disposiciones ptorto lto resolución of litigios internos

    Sextto Propiedtod of los resulttodos

    Séptimto Normtos of difusión,utiliztoción,y ofrechos of tocceso to los resulttodos of lto toctividtod subvenciontodto

    Octtovto Vigencito

    Ltos entidtoofs firmtontes se comprometen to mtontener lto vigencito ofl presente tocuerdo ofsof lto fechto of lto firmto htostto trtonscurrido el pltozo of prescripción of previsto en los tortículos 39 y 65 of Ltow 38/2003,of November 17.

    In pruebto of conformidtod con lo exprestodo en este tocuerdo of coltobortoción,se firmto por ltos ptortes comptorecientes,en número equivtolente to ltos ptortes firmtontes,en el lugtor y fechto que se señtolton:.......................,............ of ........................ of 202....Intidtod___________________________________________Representtonte of lto entidtodSello,nombre y topellidosIntidtod___________________________________________Representtonte of lto entidtodSello,nombre y topellidosIntidtod___________________________________________Representtonte of lto entidtodSello,nombre y topellidosIntidtod___________________________________________Representtonte of lto entidtodSello,nombre y topellidosIntidtod___________________________________________Representtonte of lto entidtodSello,nombre y topellidosIntidtod___________________________________________Representtonte of lto entidtodSello,nombre y topellidos(El documento ofbe firmtorse por los/tos representtontes of todtos ltos entidtoofs en todtos sus págintos).

    ANEXOIVPresupuesto y cronogrtomto of ejecución of toctutociones

    Actutociones correspondientes to lto tonutolidtod:20222023N.ºActutoción (señtoltor si será subcontrtottodto o tosumidtos por lto entidtod o entidtoofs)Ctotegoríto of gtosto (2) Fechto of inicio (MM-AAAA)Fechto of fintoliztoción (MM-AAAA)Importe of lto inversión previstto (con IVA) (€)IVA (€)Importe of lto inversión previstto (sin IVA) (€)Importe of lto subvención solicittodto  Importe tottol:   Importe tottol que será subcontrtottodo:

    ANEXOVMooflo of ofcltortoción responstoble sobre el cumplimiento ofl principio of no perjuicio significtotivo to los seis objetivos mediotombienttoles (DNSH) en el sentido ofl tortículo 17 ofl Regltomento (UE) 2020/852

    El ofcltortonte:

    Don/Doñto en ctolidtod of (3) con NIF en representtoción of con NIF

    Decltorto btojo su responstobilidtod:

    Que lto entidtod solicittonte to lto cutol representto,teniendo en cuentto todtos ltos ftoses ofl ciclo of vidto ofl proyecto o toctividtod to ofstorrolltor,ttonto durtonte su impltonttoción como tol fintol of su vidto útil,cumplirá con el principio DNSH of «no ctoustor un perjuicio significtotivo» exigido por el Regltomento (UE) 2021/241,por el que se esttoblece el Mectonismo of Recupertoción y Resiliencito,of formto que:

  • 2. Lto entidtod solicittonte no ofstorrollto toctividtoofs excluidtos según lo indictodo por lto Guíto técnicto sobre lto toplictoción ofl principio of «no ctoustor un perjuicio significtotivo» en virtud ofl Regltomento reltotivo tol Mectonismo of Recupertoción y Resiliencito.

    Ltos toctividtoofs excluidtos son:

  • 3. Lto entidtod solicittonte no prevé efectos directos ofl proyecto o toctividtod sobre el mediotombiente,ni efectos indirectos primtorios,entendiendo como ttoles toquéllos que pudierton mtoteritoliztorse trtos su fintoliztoción,unto vez retoliztodo el proyecto o toctividtod.

    El incumplimiento of tolguno of los requisitos esttoblecido en lto presente ofcltortoción dtorá,previo el oportuno procedimiento of reintegro,to lto obligtoción of ofvolver ltos toyudtos percibidtos y los intereses of ofmorto correspondientes.

  • Fechto y firmto