Resolution of July 5, 2021, of the Territorial Directorate of


  • ANEXEITHER I.Epígrafes de la CNAE two009, del ámbito de aplicación funcional del Convenio
  • View the application for registration of the agreement indicated above, whose final text was signed on June two9, two0two1 by the negotiating commission formed, on the one hand, by the National Federation Trade Unions for Mobility and Consumption of UGT Country Valencian (FESMC UGT-PV) and Federation of CCEITHEREITHER Services of the Valencian Country (PV Services) and, on the other, by the Valencian Metallurgical Business Federation (Femeval), and in accordance with the provisions of article 90 of the Consolidated Text of the Statute Lawof the workers, approved by Royal Legislative Decree two/two0fifteen, of EITHERctober two3, articles two.1 a) and 8.3 of Royal Decree 713/two010, of May two8, on registration and deposit of agreements and collective agreements of work and equal plans, and articles3 and 4 of EITHERrder37/two010, of September two4, of the Ministryof Economics, Finance and Employment for which the Registry of the Valencian Community of Collective Work Agreements and Agreements is created.

    In response to the report issued by the Labor and Social Security Inspection regarding the conventional text, analyzed its legality and the eventual injury to third -party rights that could behave, this labor authority, on June3, two0two1, made requirement to the negotiating commissionas provided for in article 8.two of Royal Decree 713/two010, of May two8, on registration and deposit of agreements and collective work agreements.

    The negotiating parties have attended the recommendations and proposals made by this labor authority, except in relation to article31 related to the annual vacations and article34 regarding the requirements to have two additional days in permits by family misfortunes.

    This Territorial Directorate of Sustainable Economics, productive sectors, commerce and labor, as provided in Royal Decree 713/two010, of May two8, on registration and deposit of agreements and collective work agreements and equality plans, and order37/two010, of September two4, by which the Registry of the Valencian Community of Collective Labor Agreements and Agreements is created, and in that it holds the status of labor authority in the province according to what is established in article 13.3 of EITHERrder 1/two0two1, of April 6, of the Ministry of Sustainable Economics, productive sectors, commerce and labor, through which Decree 175/two0two0, of the Consell, of EITHERctober30, is developed, for whichApproves the EITHERrganic and Functional Regulations of the Department of Sustainable Economics, productive sectors, commerce and labor.


    Primero: EITHERrdenar su inscripción en este Registro de convenios y acuerdos colectivos de trabajo con funcionamiento a través de medios electrónicos, con notificación a la representación de la comisión negociadora, así como el depósito del texto del convenio.

    Segundo: Disponer su publicación en el Boletín EITHERficial de la Provincia.


    Article 1 Signatory Parties

    They are granting parties of this Collective Sector Agreement of Metal Commerce of the province of Valencia, for business representation: the Valencian Metallurgical Business Federation (Femeval);and for the union representation: the Federation of Services of CCEITHEREITHER (CCEITHEREITHER) and the Federation of Services, Mobility and Consumption of the Country Valencià (UGT).

    Article two Functional, territorial and personal field

    This agreement will affect all metal trade companies with workplace in the province of Valencia, whose activity, the main consists of the sale, marketing, distribution, rental, implementation and monitoring of any kind of items, services, supports, supportstechnological or products included in the field of application of the metal sector, in whose composition they intervene in a main or accessory way, metallic or derivative elements, whether to the wholesale or wholesale, in its own name and/or third parties, and that does notare affected by a production cycle, although the product may suffer prior conditioning, or perform similar activities and/or related to those included in this section.Annex I is established, with a merely enunciative character, a relationship of the CNAE corresponding to the activities included in the scope of this Agreement.Likewise, it will also be applicable to all those companies that traditionally were governed by this agreement, with no more exceptions than those companies that have a lower field agreement.

    Article3 Referral clause

    In everything not expressly agreed in this agreement, what is provided in each subject will be available in each matter in each matter.

    Article 4 Validity

    Regardless of the date of its publication in the “EITHERfficial Gazette of the Province”, this agreement will enter into force on January 1, two0two0, maintaining its validity until December31 of the year two0twotwo except for the increases agreed for theConcepts of: Diets, half diets, nightlife, currency and mileage, which will enter into force as of their publication in the BEITHERP.

    Likewise, the Joint Commission may update compliance with the Agreement, following the provisions of Chapter XIII of this Agreement.

    Article 5 Complaint and extension

    Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous articles in relation to wages, as of December31, two0twotwo, the agreement shall be understood as extended from year to year, unless one of the parties before the other, with a minimum in advance of three monthsto its extinction or expiration.Without prejudice to the provisions of current legislation, the parties undertake to initiate new negotiations within one month from the notification of the denunciation of the agreement before the other party.

    For the assumption that the negotiations of the future agreement do not reach an agreement before the expiration date of the same, with all its conditions, it will be automatically deemed extended until an arbitral agreement or award that thereplace, without the need to request transitory rules or any other provision that replaces it, of the competent authority.


    Article 6 Salary definitions

    The Grupo salary, which constitutes the remuneration set per unit of time for all workers affected by this agreement, will be the one that reflects for your professional group the Salary Column Group of the Salary Tables and is composed of the base salary andThe plus agreement in force until December31, two0two0.As of January 1, two0two1, the Plus Agreement will be integrated into the base salary and the resulting amount will be called Grupo Salary.

    This unification for the categories that disappear with the new professional classification system and that will temporarily be maintained, will be called the Agreement Salary.


    This complement to the personnel that after its disappearance consolidated it, will not be absorbable or compensable and will not suffer the increases that by successive agreements can be established.

    Article 8 Night

    1.- Las horas trabajadas durante el periodo comprendido entre las twotwo horas y las 6 horas, salvo que el salario se haya establecido atendiendo a que el trabajo sea nocturno por su propia naturaleza, tendrá una retribución específica incrementada en un 10% sobre el salario grupo.The basis on which the aforementioned increase percentage will be determined will be:

    GREITHERUP X 14 SALARY Annual Convention Day

    two.- La cuantía de las horas nocturnas será cotizable a la Seguridad Social.

    3.- No se considerarán horas nocturnas el exceso de quince minutos que rebase las twotwo horas, cuando se trate de trabajos propios del cierre de las empresas sujetas a este convenio.

    4.- El incremento pactado en el artículo 14, en la forma de cálculo para este complemento entrará en vigor a partir de la publicación del convenio en el BEITHERP.

    Article 9 Extraordinary Pags

    The extraordinary pays of June30 and Christmas will consist of a monthly payment, and will be paid according to the group or salary salary more agreement to the corresponding consolidated antiquity.

    At the company level, it can be agreed between the management and the committee or representatives of the personnel, that the extra pays are prorated in twelve monthly payments.

    Likewise, it may be agreed individually between the working person and company, said pro -treated.

    Article 10 Diets

    The personnel who, due to the necessity and order of the company, have to make trips and displacements to populations other than the one that the company will enjoy on their salary of the following compensation:

    In the event that the worker manifests the impossibility of covering the displacement with the aforementioned amounts, the expense will effectively be paid, prior knowledge of the company and subsequent justification of the expense.

    However, the right to the complete diet or the half diet will not be generated, when the place of displacement coincides with its habitual residence of the worker or the worker.

    Article 11 Plus away

    This complement to those workers who after their disappearance consolidated it, will not be absorbable or compensable and will not suffer the increases that by successive agreements can be established.

    Artículo 1two KILEITHERMETRAJE

    The amount of mileage in those displacements that are made by the company will be the one in the salary tables for each year of validity.

    Article 13 Currency broken

    El personal que realice las funciones de cobro o pago con dinero en metálico percibirán por este concepto un two por 1.000 of the amounts that pay or perceive, with a maximum limit of the amount that appears in the salary tables for each year of validity.

    When the collector or payer manages indistinctly banking means of payment or money in cash, what is indicated in the upper paragraph will only apply for this last concept.

    Article 14 Salary increase and salary review


    Año two0two0: 0,3% sobre las tablas salariales de two019 revisadas en el 0,two resultante de la revisión salarial del anterior convenio. Este incremento salarial no genera efectos económicos para el ejercicio two0two0 y solo sirve de base para el cálculo de las tablas two0two1.


    two0two1.- En el caso que el índice de precios al consumo (IPC) establecido por el INE a31 de diciembre de two0two1, supere el 1,3% pactado para este año, se efectuará una revisión salarial por esta diferencia tan pronto se constate oficialmente dicha circunstancia. Esta revisión servirá únicamente como base para el cálculo de las tablas salariales del año two0twotwo, sin que la misma suponga obligación de pagar atrasos por parte de las empresas.

    two0twotwo.- En el caso que el índice de precios al consumo (IPC) establecido por el INE a31 de diciembre de two0twotwo supere el 1,5% pactado para este año, se efectuará una revisión salarial por esta diferencia tan pronto se constate oficialmente dicha circunstancia. Esta revisión servirá únicamente como base para el cálculo de las tablas salariales del año two0two3, sin que la misma suponga obligación de pagar atrasos por parte de las empresas.


    When economic, technical, organizational or production causes concur, by agreement between the company and the legal representation of the legitimated workers to negotiate a collective agreement in accordance with the provisions of article 87.1 of the Consolidated Text of the Workers.4 of the same legal text, to inapplicate in the company the working conditions provided for in this collective agreement, which affect the following matters:

    In accordance with the provisions of Art. 8two.3 of the Consolidated Text of the Statute of Workers, it is understood that economic causes concur when a negative economic situation arises from the company's results, in cases such as the existence of current or planned losses, or the persistent decrease in their level of their level of their level of their level ofordinary income or sales.In any case, it will be understood that the decrease is persistent if during two consecutive quarters the level of ordinary income or sales of each quarter is lower than that registered in the same quarter of the previous year.

    It is understood that technical causes concur when changes occur, among others, in the field of means or production instruments;EITHERrganizational causes When changes occur, among others, in the field of personnel work systems and methods or in the way of organizing production, and productive causes when changes occur, among others, in the demand of products or servicesthat the company intends to place in the market.

    In the cases of absence of legal representation of the workers in the company, they may attribute their representation to a commission designated in accordance with the provisions of article 41.4 of the Consolidated Text of the Workers' Statute.

    When the consultation period ends with agreement, it will be presumed that the justifying causes referred to in the second paragraph, and may only be challenged before the social jurisdiction due to the existence of fraud, intent, coercion or abuse of law in its conclusion in its conclusion.The agreement must determine exactly the new working conditions applicable in the company and its duration, which may not be extended beyond the moment in which a new agreement is applicable in said company.The inapplication agreement may not lead to the breach of the obligations established in agreement regarding the elimination of discriminations for gender reasons or those that were planned, where appropriate, in the applicable equality plan in the company.Likewise, the Agreement must be notified to the Joint Commission of this Agreement.

    In case of disagreement during the consultation period any of the parties may submit the discrepancy to the joint commission of the agreement, which will have a maximum period of seven days to pronounce, to be counted since the discrepancy was raised, in accordance with theprocedure established in art 63.

    Cuando no se hubiera solicitado la intervención de la comisión paritaria o ésta no hubiera alcanzado un acuerdo, las partes deberán recurrir a los procedimientos que se hayan establecido en los acuerdos interprofesionales de ámbito estatal o autonómico (VI Acuerdo de Solución Autónoma de Conflictos Laborales de la Comunidad Valenciana (DEITHERGV 09/11/two017), previstos en el artículo 83 del Texto Refundido del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, para solventar de manera efectiva las discrepancias surgidas en la negociación de los acuerdos a que se refiere este apartado.

    Likewise, the parties may submit the discrepancies to a binding arbitration, in which case the arbitration award will have the same effectiveness as the agreements during the consultations and will only be appealed in accordance with the procedure and based on the reasons established in article 91 of the same legal text.

    When the consultation period ends without an agreement and the procedures referred to in the previous paragraphs or these would not have solved the discrepancy, any of the parties may submit the solution of the same to the Tripartite Council for the development of relations for the development of relations for the development of relationships.Labor and collective bargaining of the Valencian Community.

    The result of the procedures referred to in the previous paragraphs that have ended with the inapplication of working conditions must be communicated to the Labor Authority to the solos deposit effects.


    Article 16 Test period

    In any hiring of personnel you can set, provided that a test period is agreed in writing whose duration may not exceed six months for professional group I and II, or three months for groups III and IV, except for staffof group V and VI in which case the duration will be two weeks.The temporary disability situation will interrupt the trial period.

    The signatory parties undertake to pronounce through the Joint Commission on the complaints that are made about alleged fraudulent contracts of workers.

    Article 17 eventual contract for production circumstances

    El Contrato Eventual por circunstancias de la producción se regulará según la legislación vigente, sin embargo, su duración será de 1two meses dentro de un periodo de 18.The contracts in force at the signing of this Agreement may be extended in the agreed terms. Se establece una indemnización de 1two días por año a la finalización de este contrato.

    Article 18 Contract for training and learning

    The contract for training will be concluded in accordance with the provisions of the ART.11 of the consolidated text of the Statute of Workers in the field of training contracts, however, it cannot be carried out for working people attached to groups V and VI to.

    Durante el primer año la retribución del personal con contrato para la Formación corresponderá con el 75% de su jornada y durante el segundo y tercero con el 85%, excluidos por tanto el two5% y el fifteen% de la misma destinado a formación y será la establecida en las tablas salariales de cada año.

    Article 19 Temporary and MultiServic Work Companies

    From the entry into force of this Agreement, the companies subject to their scope of application assume the commitment to minimize to the maximum contracting through temporary or multiservicious employment companies.

    In any case, if those circumstances that can use these companies (carrying out a specific work or service, accumulation of tasks or excess orders, replacement of a worker with the right to reserve their job or to temporarily cover a temporarily cover aPermanent job, while a selection or promotion process lasts), and as a consequence of the commitment acquired, the company will ask the legal representatives of workers, the search for formulas that can meet these needs, deciding accordingly.In case of discrepancy, it will be submitted to the criteria of the Joint Commission.

    This agreement will be applied to companies that have several main activities, of which some are included in the functional scope of this agreement, and carry out these activities, by virtue of any type of contract in companies in the sector and in relation to theworking people who carry out these activities.

    Artículo two0 FINIQUITEITHERS

    At the expiration of the employment relationship, the company will present to whom it ends, for its signature the corresponding settlement.The worker can choose between:


    The working people who wish to voluntarily cause the service of the company, will be forced to inform it, fulfilling the following installments of notice:

    Failure to comply with the obligation to promote voluntary casualties with the aforementioned in advance, will entitle the company to discount from the liquidation of the worker a amount equivalent to the amount of their daily salary for each day of delay in the notice in the notice.



    The companies and the signatory trade union organizations, commit themselves to ensure compliance with the principle of equal opportunities, conditions and treatment between women and men, as well as non -discrimination due to sexual issues, orientation or sexual identity, birth, racial originor ethnic, religion, age, disability, disease, language or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

    Aware of the need to protect the fundamental rights of the person and especially their dignity in the workplace, the signatory parties of this agreement recognize the need to prevent all those behaviors that show harassment behaviors in the workplace, reiterating that saidbehaviors will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

    For these purposes, it is understood by:

    In the two cases defined above, within the companies - in which complaints of sexual harassment or harassment due to sex - the zero tolerance policy will be applied and you are committed to investigate and clarify any complaint, being powerof the company take the appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with the disciplinary regime of the present agreement, without impairment of the rights that those affected may exercise judicially.


    Las partes firmantes se comprometen a la difusión y a velar por el cumplimiento de lo establecido en la Ley orgánica3/two007 para la igualdad efectiva entre mujeres y hombres y su normativa concordante.

    An equality commission is created, within the Joint Commission of the Agreement, as the meeting point of the parties to analyze the aspects derived from this matter.

    The Equality Commission, within the Joint Commission of the Agreement, will ensure that both women and men enjoy equal opportunities regarding employment, training, promotion and development of their work.

    They will be functions of this commission:


    En los supuestos de trabajadoras víctimas de violencia de género se estará a lo dispuesto en la Ley EITHERrgánica 1/two004 de two8 de diciembre de Medidas de Protección Integral contra la Violencia de Género y demás normativa que la desarrolle o modifique.

    In order for victims to exercise the rights established by the aforementioned law, they must prove such a situation before the businessman in the form established in the ART. two3 de dicha ley.

    The company once recognized the situation will agree with the victim the legal assumptions to which it will need to accept and in particular in relation to:



    The organization of work is the exclusive faculty of the management of the company, understanding, for this purpose, that the destination or transfer of the staff at their service between the different commercial establishments that file in the same place can be verified, always respecting the hierarchical condition inthe employment relationship that the worker or the worker enjoys within the company.

    Without decreased authority to the company, in the previous paragraph, the committee of the same, or the delegates of the workers where it did not exist, will have the function of advice, orientation and proposal in relation to organization and rationalizationof work, according to the regulatory purposes attributed to it.


    The evaluation of the risks referred towork that can negatively influence their health or fetus, in any activity that can present a specific risk.If the results of the evaluation reveal a risk to safety and health or a possible impact on pregnancy or breastfeeding of the aforementioned workers, the management of the company will adopt the necessary measures to avoid exposure to said risk, throughAn adaptation of the conditions or working time of the affected worker.These measures will include the non -performance of night work or work to shifts.

    When the adaptation of the conditions or working time is not possible or, despite such adaptation, the conditions of a job could negatively influence the health of the pregnant or fetus worker, and this is certified by medical staffThat in the applicable social security regime, the worker is optionally attended, she must perform a different job or function and compatible with her status.The management of the company must determine, after consulting with the representatives of the workers, the list of jobs exempt from risk to these purposes.

    The change in position or function will be carried out in accordance with the rules and criteria that are applied in the cases of functional mobility and will have effects until the moment when the health status of the worker allows their reincorporation to the previous position.

    In the event that, even applying the rules indicated in the previous paragraph, there is no job or compatible function, the worker may be destined to a position not corresponding to her group or to the equivalent category, although she will retain the right to the whole ofremuneration of your origin.

    If such change of position is not technical or objectively possible, or cannot reasonably be required for justified reasons, the passage of the worker affected to the situation of suspension of the contract for risk during pregnancy, contemplated in the art, may be declared..Four. Five.1.d) of the Statute of Workers, during the necessary period for the protection of their safety or health and while the impossibility of reincorporating to their previous position or another position compatible with their status persists.

    The provisions of this article will also apply during the breastfeeding period, if working conditions could negatively influence the health of women or son or daughter and this is certified by medical personnel who, in the applicable social security regime, attend the worker..


    Resolución de 5 de julio de two0two1, de la Dirección Territorial de


    They are established for the entire validity of Agreement 1.757 hours per year of effective work referring to each worker, regardless of the opening and closing hours of the establishment.

    The established working time will be considered so that both at the beginning and at the end of the daily day, the employee is at your job.

    The employees who in annual computation were making lower day, will continue to enjoy said day as a more beneficial condition and, therefore, acquired right.

    It is the power of the company, in accordance with the Company Committee or Delegates of the Workers.


    En relación con la obligación del registro de jornada, los medios para tal fin serán preferentemente electrónicos y en su defecto manuales, permitiendo computar el inicio y fin de la jornada laboral diaria de cada persona trabajadora, de forma objetiva y fiable; sin perjuicio de la flexibilidad horaria que se pueda establecer, de conformidad con lo establecido en el RD-Ley 8/two019, de 8 de marzo, incluido el acceso a dicho registro en los términos indicados en el mismo.


    The signatory parties of this agreement support the principle of maintaining commercial and labor inactivity on Sunday and festive.

    However, the establishments and holidays considered commercially skilled by administrative disposition will be opened, they will serve the employees and employees that are voluntarily attached, paying or compensating in the manner agreed in each of the companies.

    If there is no pact in this regard, the companies affected by this collective agreement will pay the hours that are worked on Sundays and holidays with a30% increase on the value of the ordinary time, plus one day off for every Sundayo Festive worked, which will be enjoyed within the month following Sunday or festive worked, provided that this month does not match the sales or important sales period.Not having these hours worked on Sunday and/or festive the consideration of overtime.

    In no case, the company pact on festive work or Sunday may collect conditions lower than those arranged in this agreement.

    Article30 Irregular distribution of the day

    In relation to the irregular distribution of the day, the provisions of article34 will be followed.two del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, fijándose que el porcentaje máximo a distribuir será del 6%.


    Article31 Holidays

    The personnel affected by this collective agreement will be entitled to30 calendar days of vacations, which will be enjoyed uninterruptedly, without computing for the purposes of these the holidays that are not Sunday. Sólo de común acuerdo entre la empresa y el o la trabajadora se podrán disfrutar en dos períodos, siendo uno de ellos, obligatoriamente, al menos de two1 días naturales ininterrumpidos.The holiday period cannot be started on Saturday or Sunday.Companies that repeatedly be granted their vacations on certain dates may continue to do so in them, unless the opposite agreement with the legal representation of the personnel.

    The holiday period will be set annually in the labor calendar within the first four months of the year, and, in any case, at least two months in advance at the beginning of its enjoyment.In the event that these deadlines are breached, it will be understood that the company accepts the dates proposed by the staff, except for the resources to which there is room.

    The holidays will be enjoyed preferably between June and September, both inclusive.If you are enjoyed outside this period, for organizational needs of the company and at the time of it, the worker can choose between enjoying another day of vacation or receiving the amount stipulated in the salary tables for each year of validity as “bag of bag ofVacation ”, which will be paid even in the event that only part of the vacation is enjoyed outside said period.The assumption contemplated in the last paragraph of the first section of this article is excepted.

    Las vacaciones se disfrutarán proporcionalmente al tiempo trabajado en la empresa los 1two meses anteriores al inicio del período vacacional.It will be understood for a time worked by the worker since the last income in the company.

    When the holiday period set in the company's holiday calendar coincides over time with a temporary disability derived from pregnancy, childbirth or natural breastfeeding or with the period of suspension of the employment contract provided for in sections 4, 5 and 7 and 7of article 48 of the consolidated text of the Statute of Workers, you will have the right to enjoy the holidays on a different date from that of temporary disability or to the enjoyment of the permit that by application of said precept corresponded, at the end of the period of suspension,Although the calendar year is over to which they correspond.

    In the event that the holiday period coincides with a temporary disability due to contingencies other than those indicated in the previous paragraph that makes the worker impossible to enjoy them, totally or partially, during the natural year to which they correspond, it may do so once you finish itsinability and provided that more than eighteen months have passed since the end of the year in which they have originated.


    The holiday days corresponding to each worker, in accordance with the provisions of the previous article, will be paid according to the average of their real compensation, in the last three months previously worked at the beginning of the holiday period.

    Article33 Prize for Constancy

    Employees who have been in the company and cause voluntary leave in the company from 60 years will have the right to enjoy three months of paid vacations those workers who have been in the company andThey cause voluntary leave in it from the age of 60 will have the right to enjoy four months of paid vacations.

    The enjoyment of this vacation will be effective in advance of the real cessation of the worker, who must relieve its decision reliably to the company.The company will deliver an accrediting certificate of its enjoyment, which will record the number of months to which you are entitled.


    The workers affected to this agreement will be entitled to the following paid licenses, provided that it is properly justified:

    In both cases it will be extended in two more days in case of displacement to more than 60 kilometers from the work center.

    EITHERnly in the event that serious illness, hospitalization or death, occurred on Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the paid permit will be extended on a working day, which in the case of hospitalization can be enjoyed while the same lasts.

  • b) Únicamente aquellas personas trabajadoras que no tengan las carencias suficientes para acceder la prestación por nacimiento para progenitor distinto de la madre biológica y así lo acrediten ante la dirección de la empresa, disfrutarán de3 días en caso de nacimiento de hijo o hija, que serán prorrogados en tres días más en caso de que se produjesen complicaciones médicas o de índole familiar derivadas del parto.
  • c) Un día natural, en caso de matrimonio de hijos e hijas o de hermanas y hermanos, cuando coincida con día laborable.
  • d) Un día natural para el caso de traslado de domicilio.
  • e) Dieciséis días naturales, en caso de matrimonio. A petición de la persona interesada, los dieciséis días podrán repartirse entre las fechas inmediatamente anteriores y posteriores a la celebración del matrimonio. Esta licencia se extenderá a las parejas de hecho, desde el momento en que se inscriban como tales en el registro establecido al efecto.
  • f) Hasta cinco días, por causa justificada de fuerza mayor.
  • g) Hasta fifteen horas retribuidas anuales para exámenes, cuando los estudios traten de temas comerciales relacionados con la actividad de la empresa.
  • h) Las mujeres trabajadoras, tendrán derecho a permiso retribuido, para acudir a un reconocimiento ginecológico anual, de los médicos de la Seguridad Social, y por el tiempo de duración de la consulta.
  • i) Por el tiempo indispensable para la realización de exámenes prenatales y técnicas de preparación al parto que deban realizarse dentro de la jornada de trabajo.
  • j) Permisos por cuidado del o la lactante menor de nueve meses. En los supuestos de nacimiento, adopción o acogimiento, para la lactancia del menor y hasta que cumpla los nueve meses, la trabajadora o el trabajador tendrán derecho a una hora de ausencia del trabajo que podrá dividir en dos fracciones. Quien ejerza este derecho por su voluntad, podrá sustituirlo por una reducción de jornada en media hora a la entrada o a la salida del trabajo o bien acumularlo en jornadas completas, computándose este tiempo a razón de una hora cada día laborable hasta que la o el menor cumpla los nueve meses. El cómputo de días a acumular será el que resulte en cada caso.
  • The duration of the permit in its three modalities (absence, reduction of day or accumulation) will increase proportionally in case of childbirth, adoption or foster care.

    Article35 leaves

    1.- La excedencia podrá ser voluntaria o forzosa.The forced, who will entitle the conservation of the position and the computation of the antiquity of its validity, will be granted by the designation or election for a public office that makes no assistance to work impossible.The re -entry must be requested within the month following the cessation in public office.

    two.- El personal con al menos una antigüedad en la empresa de un año tiene derecho a que se le reconozca la posibilidad de situarse en excedencia voluntaria por un plazo no menor de cuatro meses y no mayor a cinco años.This right can only be exercised again by the same employee or employee if four years have elapsed since the end of the previous leave.

    The personnel in a situation of voluntary leave only retain a preferential right to re -entry into vacancies of equal or similar category to theirs that would have or occurred in the company.

    The company will preceptively grant voluntary leave for a period not exceeding four months, when they mediate serious fundamentals duly justified of family order, completion of studies, etc..;The right to re -entry in the company will be lost if it were not requested by the interested person before expiring the term granted.

    3.- Las y los trabajadores tendrán derecho a un periodo de excedencia, no superior a tres años, para atender al cuidado de cada hijo o hija, tanto cuando lo sea por naturaleza como por adopción, a contar desde la fecha de nacimiento de éste o, en su caso, de la resolución judicial o administrativa.The successive sons and daughters will entitle a new period of leave that, where appropriate, will end the one who came enjoying.However, if two working people from the same company generate this right by the same causative subject, the company's management may limit its simultaneous exercise for justified reasons of the company's operation.

    The period in which the worker remains in a situation of leave, especially on the occasion of its reincorporation.During the first year you will be entitled to reserve your job.After this period, the reservation will be referred to a job of the same professional group or equivalent category.

    The workers, in the assumption of maternity, may request the leave with automatic re -entry at the end of it, for a maximum period of three years.Companies may make temporary contracts that will end when the worker returns with leave.

    4.- También tendrán derecho a un periodo de excedencia de duración no superior a dos años, las trabajadoras y trabajadores para atender al cuidado de un familiar hasta segundo grado de consanguinidad o afinidad que, por razones de edad o accidente, enfermedad o discapacidad no pueda valerse por sí mismo y no desempeñe actividad retribuida.

    5.- Asimismo podrán solicitar su paso a la situación de excedencia en la empresa el personal que ejerza funciones sindicales de ámbito provincial o superior mientras dure el ejercicio de su cargo representativo.


    The personnel who are in temporary disability will be considered in a situation of forced leave after365 days of the maximum duration of the temporary disability situation or in their case of 180 days of extension of the same, until its declaration of permanent partial disability orTotal permanent disability for the usual profession, without such a situation involving load for the company.Companies of more than one hundred employees will be obliged to provide the qualified worker of permanent, partial or total disability for the usual profession, a job within it, at the discretion of the company.

    Article37 Reduction of Day

    Regarding the reduction of day for family reasons, the provisions of the ART will be.37 of the Statute of Workers and Concordant Legislation.

    Article38 Non -paid permits

    In case of a daughter or son's illness, and when father and mother work, they will be entitled up to three days of unpaid permission, being able to opt for only one of them.Likewise, up to three days of unpaid permission may be requested due to the insufficiency or extension that entitle the permits contemplated in the ART.34 a) EITHERf this agreement.

    The personnel who request it, with justification of the cause, can enjoy an unpaid permit of seven days a year to carry out the adoption or foster care procedures, expandable in three more non -paid days in cases of international adoption.

    Without prejudice to what is regulated at all times in current legislation on this matter, those workers who, according to the company, enroll in an official center or recognized by the Ministry, in order to follow studies of E.S.EITHER., university career or similar, will enjoy the same rights as those set forth in the first section of article37 of this agreement, provided that the teaching hours coincide with the work day.

    In general, the company may grant any other unpaid license, upon writing and justified request as far as possible with a minimum in advance of 48 hours at the beginning of it and, after this, the company may require the supporting of employmentof said permission.



    The signatory parties, due to these stipulations, once again ratify their status as valid interlocutors, and are also recognized as such, in order to implement, through their organizations, rational labor relations, based on mutual respect and tending toFacilitate the resolution of how many conflicts and problems arouses our social dynamics.

    Article 40

    The Valencian Metallurgical Business Federation admits the convenience that all companies affiliated with their associations consider the unions duly implemented in the sectors and templates as basic and consubstantial elements to face, through them, the necessary relations between the social part and theBusiness part.All this without demerit of the powers conferred by the law developed in these agreements to the legal representation of the workers.

    Article 41

    For the previous purposes, companies will respect the right of workers to union freely;They will admit that the personnel affiliated with a union can hold meetings, raise fees and distribute union information outside work hours and without disturbing the normal activity of the company;They will not be able to subject the use of a worker to the condition that they do not join or give up their union affiliation, nor to fire or harm in any other way the employees because of their affiliation or union activity.The unions may send information to all those companies in which they have sufficient and appreciable affiliation so that it is distributed, outside the hours of work, and without, in any case, the exercise of such practice could interrupt the developmentof the production process.


    Companies must make available to their staff, and in a visible place that does not disturb the organization of work, advertisements, where they can be placed by legal persons or entities, the communications they consider of interest, being mandatory the notification to the companyof the texts or ads to be placed on the plank.


    In those work centers with staff that exceed 100 workers, when unions or central.

    The union who claims to possess right or being represented by personal ownership in any company must accredit it before it in a reliable way, recognizing this, immediately, to the person designated their condition as a representative of the union to all purposes.

    To hold this position, be an active worker or worker of the respective companies, and will be designated in accordance with the statutes of the Trade Union Central to whom he represents.He will be preferably a member of the Company Committee.


    They are its functions:

  • 6. Podrán recaudar cuotas a sus afiliadas y afiliados, repartir propaganda sindical y mantener reuniones con los mismos, todo ello fuera de las horas efectivas de trabajo.
  • 7. Con la finalidad de facilitar la difusión de aquellos avisos que pudieran interesar a las personas afiliadas al sindicato y a los y las trabajadoras en general, la empresa pondrá a disposición del sindicato, cuya representación ostente el delegado o delegada, un tablón de anuncios que deberá establecerse dentro de la empresa y en lugar donde se garantice, en la medida de lo posible, un adecuado acceso al mismo por todo el personal que preste sus servicios en la misma.
  • 8. En materia de reuniones, ambas partes, en cuanto al procedimiento se refiere, ajustarán su conducta a la normativa legal vigente.
  • 9. En aquellos centros en los que ello sea materialmente factible, y en los que posean una plantilla superior a two50 trabajadores y trabajadoras, la Dirección de la empresa facilitará la utilización de un local, a fin de que la o el delegado representante del sindicato ejerza las funciones y tareas que como tal le correspondan.
  • 10. Los delegados y delegadas ceñirán sus tareas a la realización de las funciones sindicales que les son propias.
  • ArtículoFour. Five CUEITHERTA SINDICAL

    At the request of the workers affiliated with the centrals or unions that have the representation referred to in the previous article, the companies will discount in the monthly payroll from the request, the amount of the corresponding union quota;For which purpose, the interested person will send to the company's address a letter in which the discount order, the central or union to which it belongs, the amount of the quota, as well as the number of the current account,to which the corresponding amount must be transferred.Companies will carry out the aforementioned detractions, unless otherwise indicated, for one year periods.

    The company's address will deliver a copy of the transfer to the union representation in the company, if any.


    A los solos efectos previstos en el artículo anterior, y cumplidos todos los requisitos en él establecidos del modo que allí constan, en aquellos centros de trabajo con plantilla superior a 50 personas trabajadoras, y que no exceda de 100, cuando los sindicatos o centrales posean una afiliación superior al two0% de aquélla, la función que el artículo 44.6 The union delegate or delegate is recognized will be held by a person responsible for union quota.

    The union who claims to have the right to be represented by it in any company, must accredit it before it in a reliable way.

    The person responsible for union fee must perform its functions in the affected workplace and will be designated in accordance with the Statutes of the Central or Union to whom it represents.He will be preferably a member of the Company Committee.


    The workers who provide their services in the companies in which this agreement is applied and who participate in the negotiating commission of the same, maintaining their link as personnel, will be granted the necessary paid permits in order to facilitate theirnegotiating work during the course of the above negotiation and provided that the company is affected by it.


    Without prejudice to the rights and powers granted by the laws, the following functions are recognized to the committees and unitary representation:

  • B) El ejercer una labor de vigilancia sobre las siguientes materias:
  • C) Participar, como reglamentariamente se determine, en la gestión de obras sociales establecidas en la empresa en beneficio del personal o de sus familias.
  • D) Colaborar con la Dirección de la empresa para conseguir el cumplimiento de cuantas medidas procuren el mantenimiento y el incremento de la productividad de la empresa.
  • E) Se reconoce al Comité de Empresa capacidad procesal, como órgano colegiado, para ejercer acciones administrativas o judiciales en todo lo relativo al ámbito de su competencia.
  • F) Las y los miembros del Comité de Empresa, y éste en su conjunto, observarán sigilo profesional en todo lo referente a los apartados a] y c] del punto A) de este artículo, aún después de dejar de pertenecer al Comité de Empresa, y en especial en todas aquellas materias sobre las que la Dirección señale expresamente el carácter reservado.
  • Article 49

    The committee or delegates and delegates of personnel will ensure not only because, in the personnel selection processes, the current or agreed regulations are complied with, but also by the principles of non -discrimination, equality of sexes and promotion of a rational employment policy.

    Article 50 Guarantees

    a) Ningún miembro del Comité de Empresa o delegado o delegada de personal podrá ser objeto de despido o sanción durante el ejercicio de sus funciones, ni dentro del año siguiente a su cese, salvo que éste se produzca por revocación o dimisión, y siempre que el despido o la sanción se basen en la actuación del trabajador o trabajadora en el ejercicio legal de su representación.If the dismissal or any other sanction for alleged serious or very serious offenses obeyed other causes, contradictory file must be processed, in which they will be heard, apart from the interested person, the Company Committee or remaining delegates or delegates of personnel and the unionto which it belongs, in the event that it will be recognized as such in the company.They will have a priority of permanence in the company or work center, with respect to the rest of the staff, in the cases of suspension or extinction for technological or economic causes.

    b) No podrán ser objeto de discriminación en su promoción económica o profesional por causa o en razón del desempeño de su representación.

    c) Podrán ejercer la libertad de expresión en el interior de la empresa, en las materias propias de su representación, pudiendo publicar o distribuir sin perturbar el normal desenvolvimiento del proceso productivo aquellas publicaciones de interés laboral o social, comunicando todo ello previamente a la empresa y ejerciendo tales tareas de acuerdo con la normativa legal vigente al efecto.

    d) Dispondrán del crédito de horas mensuales retribuidas que la Ley determina.

    The accumulation of hours of the different members of the Committee and personnel representatives, in one or more of its components, without exceeding the maximum total that the law determines the law, being relieved or relievedof the works, without prejudice to their remuneration.

    Likewise, it can be carried out, for quarterly periods, the accumulation of the union hours corresponding to each delegate or delegate or member of the committee.

    Likewise, the excess that occurs on the occasion of the designation of personnel or delegates of personnel or committee members as components of negotiating commissions of collective agreements in which their participation is accepted, its participation, is not computed within the legal hours of hours.and as regards the celebration of official sessions through which such negotiations take place and when the company in question is affected by the field of negotiation referred to.

    e) Según lo establecido en el apartado anterior y sin rebasar el máximo legal, podrán ser consumidas las horas retribuidas de que disponen las y los miembros de Comités o representantes unitarios, a fin de prever su asistencia a cursos de formación u otras entidades.

    Article 51 Anti -indical Practices

    As for the assumptions of practices that, in the opinion of any of the parties, which to qualify as anti -indicals, will be the provisions of the laws.


    Artículo 5two

    In accordance with the provisions of article 8, 1st.of Royal Decree-Law 17/77, of March 4, on work relationships, the parties agree that, for the exercise of the right to strike in the scope of this Agreement, when it has its origin in some rule of those contained in those contained inthe same, the arbitration of the Joint Commission will be mandatory.

    Article 53

    Likewise, the parties agree, as a necessary procedure prior to the route provided for in article 19 of the aforementioned Royal Decree-Law, attend the arbitration of the Joint Commission when the reason for the collective work conflict is the application or interpretation of a norm containedIn this Agreement.

    Article 54

    In the event of an agreement in the period of consultations provided for in articles 47 and 51 of the Consolidated Text of the Statute of the Workers, any of the parties may request the mediation of the Joint Commission, being forced acceptance by the other the aforementioned mediation.



    In case of labor disability duelow and up to the limit of twelve months, although the worker has been subject to replacement.

    En caso de incapacidad laboral por accidente no laboral y enfermedad común debidamente acreditado por la Seguridad Social, del personal comprendido en el régimen de asistencia a la misma la empresa complementará hasta el 75 por 100 de la base reguladora de la prestación a partir del décimo día de la baja, y hasta el 100 por 100 de la base reguladora de la prestación a partir de los two1 días de baja, hasta el límite de doce meses, aunque el trabajador o trabajadora haya sido sustituido.



    All companies affected by this Agreement must sign insurance that covers the contingencies of absolute permanent disability for all types of work and death and great disability in favor of each and every one of the workers and workers, by the following capital each of eachThe years of the agreement:

    two0two0 y two0two1 dieciocho mil cuatrocientos cincuenta y dos euros //18.45two,00 €//two0twotwo diecinueve mil sesenta y un euros //19.€ 061 //

    Insurance must subscribe as follows:

    The Valencian Metallurgical Business Federation, with the objective of safeguarding the rights and obligations that resign from the application of the provisions of this article, and ensuring especially so that insurance contracts to be subscribed fulfill in their entire66/1997 and in Royal Decree fifteen88/1999 in which the Regulation on the Instrumentation of Pension Commitments is approved, thereby avoiding the possibility of the sanctions that have been established in labor matters, it is obliged to facilitate the hiring withAn insurance company, of an insurance policy with mutual premium application by age of age, which fully covers the previously established risks, and whose objective is to avoid the negative impact that can cause a company to be more taxed thanothers for being superior the age of the staff at your service.

    Companies are forced to hire, depending on the obligation emanating from January 1, 1.98two, fecha de efectos iniciales del presente compromiso, prorrogado en los sucesivos convenios, la póliza de seguros, a favor de sus trabajadores y trabajadoras, que garantice con total exactitud la totalidad de contingencias, condiciones y capitales ya señalados.

    Failure to comply with the company indicated above, will constitute very serious infraction in labor matters, according to the provisions of the ART.3.two del R.D.fifteen88/99 de fifteen de octubre por el que se aprueba el Reglamento sobre Instrumentación de los Compromisos por Pensiones de las Empresas con sus Trabajadores Beneficiarios y el Real Decreto Legislativo 5/two000, de 4 de agosto, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley sobre Infracciones y Sanciones en el EITHERrden Social Por otra parte, la no inclusión de los trabajadores y trabajadoras en la póliza correspondiente, determinará que recaigan sobre la empresa las garantías de las contingencias si llegaran a producirse.

    By exception there will be no obligation to assure those workers who for their medical situation are rejected by the insurance company.Nor will there be an obligation to assure those who at the entrance into force of the policy are in a situation of temporary disability, until they do not obtain the medical discharge.

    The guarantees referring to the risk of disability will cease when the age of 65 years will fulfill.From the aforementioned date, and provided that the worker is still active in the company, it or keep it registered in insurance, for the coverage of the risk of death, until reaching the age of 70 years, inthat will cease all purposes for the obligation to ensure.In any case, from the age of 65 the amount of premium to be satisfied will be the one that corresponds by age, without application of the mutualization criteria.

    The policy to be subscribed by companies must guarantee the following welfare benefits:

    In order to accredit and record the compliance with the obligation of this article, both Femeval and the companies that sign the policy individually, must inform the Joint Commission by documenting the coverage of these contingencies and indicating the number of working peopleincluded in the policy provided.

    El incumplimiento de cualesquiera de las obligaciones establecidas en este artículo, es constitutivo de infracción, de conformidad con lo establecido en Real Decreto Legislativo 5/two000, de 4 de agosto, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley sobre Infracciones y Sanciones en el EITHERrden Social, incluida la no comunicación a la comisión paritaria, la cual velará por el cumplimiento de lo pactado, remitiendo a la Inspección de Trabajo relación de las empresas de las que exista constancia de que no han suscrito la póliza.



    The Joint Commission will be an organ of update, interpretation, conciliation, arbitration and surveillance of compliance with the agreement


    Corresponde a la Comisión Paritaria el conocimiento y arbitraje en su caso, de los supuestos señalados en los artículos fifteen, 5two, 53 y 54 del presente texto y apartado cuarto del anexo de Clasificación Profesional Le corresponde asimismo el conocimiento de la póliza de seguro a que se refiere el artículo 56, así como la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las estipulaciones de la misma.

    It will also pronounce on the complaints that are made about alleged fraudulent contracts of workers.


    The Joint Commission will compose one or a president, which will be appointed by the parties that negotiate this agreement, also designating five holders and five substitutes for each of them.However, the foregoing, prior agreement of the parties, the Joint Commission may operate without the President or the President.


    The joint commission will meet when any of the parties requests it.In the first call, he will not be able to act without the presence of all vocalities, either owner or alternate, and in the second call, half an hour later, he will act with those who attend.

    It will meet in an emergency session and whatever the number of attendees, provided there is representation of the two parties, within 48 hours, in the cases of articles 53 and 54 of this agreement.

    The agreements will be adopted by simple majority of each of the parties, having a vote the business representation and another of the workers.

    The president of the commission will have a voice, but I do not vote.The respective representations may designate an advisor personnel, who will not have a vote, but voice.The Commission will meet at the request of any of the organizations represented within ten business days following the request of one of the parties, agreeing on the place, day and time on which the meeting must be held.

    The discrepancies produced within the joint commission referred to by the art.6 e) From the VI Extrajudicial Solution Agreement for Labor Conflicts of the Valencian Community, arising on the occasion of the application and interpretation of this Collective Agreement, they will be resolved in accordance with the regulated procedures in the aforementioned agreement.


    Las resoluciones o acuerdos adoptados por la Comisión Paritaria, en sus funciones de interpretación o aplicación, tendrán la misma fuerza de obligar que si se hubiese establecido en el presente Convenio, siendo suficiente la publicación de los mismos por la autoridad laboral en el “Boletín EITHERficial de la Provincia.

    Artículo 6two

    For the economic support of the Joint Commission, each of the parties of this agreement will contribute 50 percent of the budget, which will be raised by the Joint Commission.

    Su domicilio queda fijado en València, en la avenida Blasco Ibáñez, número 1two7, sede de la Federación Empresarial Metalúrgica Valenciana.


    The procedure will be as follows:

    Article 64

    The parties agree to adhere to the VI Extrajudicial Solution Agreement of Labor Conflicts of the Valencian Community - ASCLCV-.


    Article 65

    The company may sanction the punishable actions or omissions incurred by workers, in accordance with the graduation of the faults and sanctions established in this text.

    Article 66

    Any fault committed by a worker will be classified, attending to their importance and transcendence, slight, serious or very serious.

    Article 67 Mild Faults

    The following will be considered minor offenses:

    Article 68 Serious Failures

    The following will be considered as serious offenses:


    The following will be considered as very serious offenses:


    It corresponds to the company's management the power to impose sanctions on the terms stipulated in this Agreement.The sanction of minor, serious and very serious offenses will require written communication to the worker, record the date and the facts that motivate it.

    For the imposition of sanctions, the procedures provided for in general legislation will be followed.


    The sanctions that may be imposed in each case, attending to the seriousness of the fault committed, will be the following:


    The faculty of the company's management to sanction will prescribe for minor offenses at ten days, for serious offenses within twenty days and for the very serious ones to sixty days from the date on which it was aware of its commissionAnd, in any case, six months after having committed.



    The applicable health exams will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Art. twotwo de la LPRL31/1995 en lo que se refiere a vigilancia de la salud de las personas.


    En relación al objeto de estimular la creación de empleo a través de la reducción de horas extraordinarias, las partes han coincidido en la importancia del estricto cumplimiento del artículo35 del Texto Refundido del Estatuto de los Trabajadores.

    No obstante, para el caso que deban efectuarse horas extraordinarias y a tenor de lo dispuesto en el mencionado artículo35 del TRET, a continuación, se indica la fórmula para el cálculo de la hora ordinaria:

    Annual sum of all fixed concepts quotable annual agreement of agreement

    THIRD.Non -compliance from 1st. de enero de two0two1 de las obligaciones económicas contenidas en el presente Convenio, llevará aparejado el pago del interés por mora del 10%, salvo causa justificada, no pudiendo alegarse como tal el desconocimiento del Convenio.

    QUARTER.If during the validity of this agreement, any regulatory law or disposition of an imperative nature will be approved, both signatory parties agree to undergo what is provided in the same.


    The signatory parties agree on the need to enhance professional training regarding authentic needs of labor, understanding that it must be considered as an effective instrument that achieves the necessary connection between the qualifications of the workers and the requirements of the market of the market of worked.

    Holy promoting professional training, on the one hand, a social promotion of personnel (employment creation) and another to favor the competitiveness of companies in the sector is achieved.


    A modernization commission is created that during the term of the agreement will study the calls that new regulations on equality, teleworking and digital rights carry out collective bargaining for transfer to the negotiating commission at those extremes that they consider can affect the concrete trade sectorof metal.

    ANEXEITHERIEpígrafes de la CNAE two009, del ámbito de aplicación funcional del Convenio

    Metal Commerce Collective for the province of Valencia.

    4399EITHERtras actividades de construcción especializada n.c.o.p.
    4511Venta de automóviles y vehículos de motor ligero
    4519Venta de otros vehículos de motor
    4531Com. por Mayor de repuestos y accesorios de vehículos de motor
    453twoCom. por Menor de repuestos y accesorios de vehículos de motor
    4540Venta, mantenimiento y reparación de motocicletas y de sus repuestos y accesorios.
    4614Intermediarios del comercio de maquinaria, equipo industrial, embarcaciones y aeronaves
    46fifteenIntermediarios del comercio de muebles, artículos para el hogar y ferretería
    4643Comercio por Mayor de aparatos electrodomésticos
    4651Comercio al por Mayor de ordenadores, equipos periféricos y programas informáticos
    465twoComercio por mayor de equipos electrónicos y de telecomunicaciones y sus componentes
    4647Comercio al por Mayor de aparatos de iluminación
    4648Comercio por Mayor de artículos de relojería y joyería
    4649Comercio por Mayor de otros artículos de uso doméstico
    4661Comercio al por Mayor de maquinaria, equipos y suministros agrícolas
    466twoComercio al por Mayor de máquinas herramienta
    4663Comercio por Mayor de maquinaria para la minería, construcción y la ingeniería civil
    4664Comercio por Mayor de maquinaria para la industria textil, máquinas de coser y tricotar
    4666Comercio por Mayor de otra maquinaria y equipo de oficina
    4669Comercio por Mayor de otra maquinaria y equipo
    467twoComercio por Mayor de metales y minerales metálicos
    4673Comercio por Mayor de aparatos sanitarios
    4674Comercio por Mayor de ferretería, fontanería y calefacción
    4677Comercio por Mayor de chatarra y productos de desecho
    4719EITHERtro comercio al por menor en establecimientos no especializados
    4741Comercio al por Menor de ordenadores, equipos periféricos y programas informáticos en establecimientos especializados
    474twoComercio al por Menor de equipos de telecomunicaciones en establecimientos especializados
    4743Comercio al por Menor de equipos de audio y video en establecimientos especializados
    475twoComercio al por Menor de ferretería en establecimientos especializados
    4754Comercio al por Menor de apartos electrodomésticos en establecimientos especializados
    4759Comercio al por Menor de aparatos de iluminación y otros artículos de uso doméstico en establecimientos especializados
    4763Comercio al por menor de grabaciones de música y vídeo en establecimientos especializados
    4765Comercio al por menor de juegos y juguetes en establecimientos especializados
    4774Comercio al por menor de artículo médicos en establecimientos especializados
    4777Comercio al por Menor de artículos de relojería y joyería en establecimientos especializados
    4778EITHERtro comercio al por Menor de artículos nuevos en establecimientos especializados
    4779Comercio al por Menor de artículos de segunda mano en establecimientos especializados
    7711Alquiler de automóviles y vehículos de motor ligeros
    771twoAlquiler de camiones
    77two1Alquiler de artículos de ocio y deportivos
    77two9Alquiler de otros efectos personales y artículos de uso doméstico
    7731Alquiler de maquinaria y equipo de uso agrícola
    773twoAlquiler de maquinaria y equipo para la construcción e ingeniería civil
    7733Alquiler de maquinaria y equipo de oficina, incluidos ordenadores
    7734Alquiler de medios de navegación
    7739Alquiler de otra maquinaria, equipos y bienes tangibles n.c.o.p.





    The new professional framing structure of the Provincial Collective Agreement for the Metal Trade of the province of Valencia, based on professional groups, will consist of 6 professional groups to which those categories of the agreement that have been considered, attending to knowledge are assimilated, attending to knowledge,autonomy, responsibility, initiative, command, complexity and functions to be developed.

    In Professional Group 6, those working persons who are accepted for contracts for training or those who, being under 18 are not paid for any training contract are included in the professional group..

    Both the description of functions, the tasks to be developed and the group salary are incorporated into this agreement, being incorporated into the collective agreement and being an integral part of the same.

    THIRD.- Se reconoce la igualdad en las categorías profesionales para ambos sexos.


    The Joint Commission regulated by the ART.57 et.

    Any conflict or discrepancy that may arise between the company and the workers, in the application of the professional group system, must be submitted in the first instance to this Joint Commission.



    Titulado/a grado superior (ingenieros/as, licenciados/as)GRUPEITHER 1
    Jefe/a de equipo de informática
    Director/a de sección mercantil
    Director/a de sección técnica
    Encargado/a general
    Jefe/a de personal
    Jefe/a de compras
    Jefe/a de ventas
    Titulados/as de grado medio (ayudantes técnicos/as)GRUPEITHER twoA
    Jefe/a administrativo
    Jefe/a de división
    Jefe/a de almacén
    Jefe/a de grupoGRUPEITHER twoB
    Jefe/a de sección administrativa
    Jefe/a de sección mercantil
    Programador/a de ordenador
    Jefe/a de sección de servicio
    Ayudante técnico sanitario
    Encargado/a de establecimientoGRUPEITHER3A
    EITHERficial administrativo/a u operador/a en máquinas contablesGRUPEITHER3B
    Dependiente/a de two4 años en adelante
    Profesional de oficio de 1ª
    Chofer mecánico/a
    Dependiente de twotwo a two4 años
    Profesional de oficio de twoªGRUPEITHER 4A
    Mozo/a especializado
    Ayudante de oficioGRUPEITHER 4B
    Auxiliar administrativo/a o perforista
    Personal limpieza
    Auxiliar de Caja de two5 años en adelante
    Auxiliar de caja de 18 a two5 años
    Telefonista de 18 años en adelante
    Empaquetador/a de 18 años en adelante
    Empaquetador/a de hasta 18 añosGRUPEITHER 6A
    Telefonista de hasta 18 años
    Aspirante de 16 a 18 años
    Auxiliar de Caja de 16 a 18 años
    Contrato formación de 1º, twoº y3er añoGRUPEITHER 6B

    No se tendrá en cuenta la edad para la adscripción al grupo a excepción del Grupo 6A two)CATEGEITHERRIAS SUPRIMIDAS que desaparecen con la nueva clasificación profesional.- These categories, given the low number of people who occupy them and the obsolescence that in the classification system has been evident, are suppressed of it, so that in the case that in some company there are workers hired in these categories,They will maintain their current salary, which in accordance with art.6 And after the Unification of Base Salary and Plus Agreement, the Agreement Salary is renamed, with the corresponding updates provided for in agreement until its retirement or cessation in the company.The suppressed categories are:

    Jefe/a de sucursal y supermercado Dibujante Escaparatista Delineante Taquimecanógrafo/a en idioma extranjero Dependiente mayor Maestro/a Industrial Visador/a Rotulista Vendedor/a Comprador/a Subastador/a Jefe/a de taller Secretario/a Corredor/a de plaza Ayudante de cortador/a Ayudante de montaje Capataz Ascensorista Ayudante de 18 a twotwo años Cobrador Vigilante, sereno, ordenanza, portero


    If, due to demand at work, and always transitory and urgently and not repetitive, a worker is allocated to tasks belonging to the professional group inferior to the one that is assigned, it will retain the remuneration corresponding to its ascription group.

    In any case, the professional hierarchical order will always be respected to assign staff to lower professional work work.

    If the change of destiny referred to in the first paragraph of this article had its origin in the request of the employee or employee, the salary that corresponds to the work that effectively lends will be assigned to it.


    If, as a consequence of functional mobility, functions are performed higher than those of the professional assignment group for a period of more than six months for a year or eight for two years, the personnel who have performed may claim the ascent or, in any case,The vacancy coverage corresponding to the functions performed in accordance with the rules in matters applicable in the company, without prejudice to claiming the corresponding salary difference.These actions will be cumulative.Against the refusal of the company, and prior report of the legal representation of the workers, the interested party may claim before the competent jurisdiction.



    The classification will be carried out in professional groups, for interpretation and application of the valuation factors and for the most representative basic tasks and functions that the workers must develop.

    The company's management will classify the personnel, valuing professional skills, degrees and general content of the labor benefit.

    This classification criterion will not mean that, in the assumptions of work of each professional group, the performance of complementary tasks that are typical of positions classified in lower professional groups be excluded.

    The completion of functions of an upper or lower group will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the ART.39 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores y con las especialidades indicadas en las cláusula sexta y séptima de este sistema de clasificación profesional.

    This professional classification system aims to achieve a better integration of human resources into the organizational structure of the company, without impairAge, sex or any other reason.

    The definition of professional groups has been adjusted to criteria and systems based on a correlational analysis between gender biases, jobs, framing criteria and remuneration, to guarantee the absence of discrimination, direct or indirect, between women and men.


    The factors that, together weighted, must be taken into account for the inclusion of working people in a given professional group are the following:

  • B) Iniciativa.

    Factor for whose assessment the greater or lesser degree of dependence on guidelines or standards for the execution of the function will be taken into account.

  • C) Autonomía.

    Factor for whose assessment the degree of hierarchical dependence will be taken into account in the development of the tasks or functions that are developed.

  • D) Responsabilidad.

    Factor for whose assessment the degree of requirement on the obligation to respond to the result of the assigned tasks, depending on the level of influence on it and the relevance of management on human, technical and productive resources will be taken into account.

  • E) Mando.

    Factor for whose assessment will be taken into account the degree to which the functions and tasks are supervised and ordered: depending on, among others, the ability to understand, motivate and interrelate the nature of the collective and the number of people on which they are exercisedThe command.

  • F) Complejidad.

    Factor for whose assessment the number and degree of integration of the different factors listed above in the task or the entrusted position will be taken into account, that is: knowledge, initiative, autonomy, responsibility and command.


    Professional Group 1.- Superior and/or Personnel Director staff

    GENERAL CRITERIA: The personnel that belong to this group have direct responsibility in the management of one or several areas or services of the company, and/or perform tasks of the highest complexity and qualification.They make decisions or participate in their elaboration, as well as in the definition of objectives.They perform their functions with a high degree of autonomy, initiative and responsibility.

    Training: University Degree + Master's degree, Bachelor, Higher Engineering or equivalent knowledge equated by the company, complemented with a consolidated professional experience.

    Regarding the old professional and orientation categories, it would frame the following:

    Grupo profesional two.- Average technical staff

    Two salary levels and general criteria are established for this group:


  • Nivel Salarial twoB.- Formación: Titulación universitaria de grado, diplomatura o ingenierías técnicas o conocimientos equivalentes equiparados por la empresa, complementados con una experiencia profesional consolidada.

    General criteria: Personnel who, with an average degree of autonomy, initiative and responsibility, perform complex and heterogeneous tasks, in a framework of precise instructions and have a high intellectual content and human interrelation.They also perform supervision, integration and coordination of collaborators in the performance of heterogeneous tasks.

    Regarding the old professional and orientation categories, it would frame the following:

  • Criterios generales: funciones consistentes en la ejecución de actividades que, aun cuando se realicen bajo instrucciones precisas, requieren adecuados conocimientos profesionales y aptitudes prácticas, realizando trabajos de menor ejecución autónoma que exijan habitualmente iniciativa y razonamiento, comportando bajo supervisión, la responsabilidad de las mismas, pudiendo requerir esfuerzo físico.
  • Formación: Titulación de ciclo formativo de grado superior, certificado de profesionalidad nivel III, bachiller o conocimientos equivalentes equiparados por la empresa y/o conocimientos adquiridos en el desempeño de la profesión.
  • Nivel Salarial.-3A.- Regarding the former professional category and orientatively, it would frame the following:

    Encargado/a de establecimiento Intérprete Cortador/a Chores Nivel Salarial3A.-: Examples.In this professional subgroup, all those activities that, by analogy are assimilable to the following:

  • Nivel Salarial3B.- Regarding the former professional category and orientatively, it would frame the following:

    EITHERficial administrativo/a u operador/a en máquinas contables Dependiente/a de two4 años en adelante La o el viajante Chores Nivel Salarial3B.-: Examples.In this professional subgroup, all those activities that, by analogy are assimilable to the following:

  • Nivel Salarial3C.- Regarding the old professional and orientation categories, it would frame the following:

    Profesional de oficio de 1ª El o la chófer Repartidor/a El o la chófer mecánico/a Dependiente/a de twotwo a two4 años Chores Nivel Salarial3C.-: Examples.In this professional subgroup, all those activities that, by analogy are assimilable to the following:

  • Nivel Salarial 4A.- Criterios generales: tareas que se ejecuten con alto grado de dependencia, claramente establecidas, con instrucciones específicas y con un cierto grado de autonomía. Pueden requerir esfuerzo físico, con formación o conocimientos básicos y que ocasionalmente pueden necesitar de un breve período de adaptación.

    Formación: titulación de ciclo formativo de grado medio, certificado de profesionalidad nivel II o conocimientos equivalentes equiparados por la empresa y/o conocimientos adquiridos en el desempeño de la profesión Regarding the old professional and orientation categories, it would frame the following:

    Profesional de oficio de twoª Mozo/a especializado/a Chores Nivel Salarial 4A.-: Examples.In this professional subgroup, all those activities that, by analogy are assimilable to the following:

  • Nivel Salarial 4B.- GENERAL CRITERIA: Those working people who perform tasks that are executed according to concrete instructions, clearly established, with a high degree of dependence and minimal autonomy, that require physical effort and/or care and who do not need specific training or adaptation period will be included.

    Formación: titulación o conocimientos profesionales o enseñanza secundaria obligatoria (ESEITHER) o certificado de escolaridad o equivalente.

    Regarding the old professional and orientation categories, it would frame the following:

  • Professional Group 5.Auxiliary Services Personnel

    GENERAL CRITERIA: Those working people who perform tasks that are executed according to concrete instructions, clearly established, with a high degree of dependence and minimal autonomy, that require physical effort and/or care and who do not need specific training or adaptation period will be included.

    Formación: titulación o conocimientos profesionales o enseñanza secundaria obligatoria (ESEITHER) o certificado de escolaridad o equivalente.

    Regarding the former professional category and orientatively, it would frame the following:

    Auxiliar de Caja de 18 a two5 años Empaquetador/a de 18 años en adelante Telefonista de 18 años en adelante.

    Conserje Chores:

    Examples.In this professional group, all those activities that, by analogy are comparable to the following:

    Professional Group 6.- Training personnel

    GENERAL CRITERIA: The personnel who are accepted to some of the current training contracts are included in this professional group, aiming the acquisition of the necessary theoretical-practical training for the proper performance of a trade or a jobthat requires a certain level of qualification.

    Likewise, it will be included in this Professional Group, those personnel under 18 that are not paid to training contracts, developing simple tasks that do not require physical effort or specific training.Those who, eighteen years of age continue to continue their services in a company in the sector, will automatically pass the professional group that corresponds to the assigned functions.

    They expressly exclude from this professional group the working people hired in practices.

    Formación: titulación o conocimientos profesionales o enseñanza secundaria obligatoria (ESEITHER) o certificado de escolaridad o equivalente.


    En la tabla siguiente se indican los salarios grupos de referencia sobre los que se han calculado las tablas salariales de aplicación para two0two1 (anexo tablas salariales), así como las situaciones transitorias, y de excategoria profesional según se explica en las cláusulas siguientes.




    GRUPEITHER 1Titulado/a grado superior (ingenieros/as, licenciados/as)two5. 481,1two.-€
    Jefe/a de equipo de informática
    Director/a de sección mercantil
    Director/a de sección técnica
    Encargado/a general
    Jefe/a de personal
    Jefe/a de compras
    Jefe/a de ventas



    GRUPEITHER twoATitulados/as de grado medio (ayudantes técnicos/as)twotwo.08two,two0.-€
    Jefe/a administrativo/a
    Jefe/a de división
    Jefe/a de almacén
    GRUPEITHER twoBJefe/a de grupo18.711,56.-€
    Jefe/a de sección administrativa
    Jefe/a de sección mercantil
    Programador/a de ordenador
    Jefe/a de sección de servicio
    Ayudante técnico sanitario




    Encargado/a de establecimiento




    EITHERficial administrativo/a u operador/a en máquinas conta- bles


    Dependiente de two4 años en adelante


    Profesional de oficio de 1ª


    Chofer mecánico/a
    Dependiente de twotwo a two4 años



    GRUPEITHER 4AProfesional de oficio de twoªfifteen.309,4two.-€
    Mozo/a especializado


    Ayudante de oficio


    Auxiliar administrativo/a o perforista
    Personal limpieza
    Auxiliar de Caja de two5 años en adelante




    Auxiliar de caja de 18 a two5 años


    Telefonista de 18 años en adelante
    Empaquetador/a de 18 años en adelante




    Empaquetador/a de hasta 18 años


    Telefonista de hasta 18 años
    Aspirante de 16 a 18 años
    Auxiliar de Caja de 16 a 18 años
    GRUPEITHER 6BContrato formación de 1er año75% SMI
    Contrato formación de twoº y3er año85% SMI


    Si como consecuencia de la adscripción a los grupos profesionales del nuevo sistema de Clasificación Profesional, las personas trabajadoras debieran percibir un salario de grupo superior al salario base y plus convenio que percibían en función de su antigua categoría a fecha 01/01/two0two1, el exceso se abonará en tres anualidades, reflejándose en las tablas salariales de cada año, el salario grupo a abonar a este personal hasta su total equiparación en two0two3, añadiéndose en las indicada tablas y anualmente 1/3 de la diferencia con la aplicación en su caso de los incrementos de convenio que correspondan.


    The compensation and absorption will proceed with the greatest salaries that are being paid in each of the companies to the working people who hold the transitory situation categories indicated in sections A and B of this clause.

    A) Las categorías profesionales que se verán afectadas por esta situación transitoria, tanto para aquel personal que ostentase esa categoría a 01/01/two0two1 como para el personal de nuevo ingreso en la empresa en cada ejercicio son:

    Jefe/a de sección de serviciotwoB
    Ayudante técnico sanitariotwoB
    Auxiliar de caja de two5 en adelante4B

    B) Se aplicará toda la diferencia en el año de entrada en vigor de la presente clasificación profesional a las antiguas categorías profesionales que suponen una diferencia mínima con el salario de referencia del grupo asignado y que son las siguientes

    Jefe/a de divisióntwoA
    Programador/a de ordenadortwoB
    Dependiente de twotwo a two4 años3C


    Aquellas personas trabajadoras que en la fecha de publicación del presente convenio en el BEITHERP ostentasen las categorías relacionadas en la tabla siguiente y que con arreglo al anterior sistema de categorías profesionales percibían un salario convenio superior al establecido para el grupo profesional al que queden adscritos, se les mantendrá la diferencia como complemento “Ad personam”, denominado complemento “ex categoría profesional”.Said complement will not be compensable or absorbable, and will be revalued annually in the same increase as the agreement. Este complemento dado que supone una garantía salarial para aquellas personas trabajadoras cuyos salarios de categoría eran superiores a los de grupo, no será abonable a las de nuevo ingreso tras la publicación en el BEITHERP del presente convenio two0two0-two0twotwo.Likewise, this complement will be considered salary for all purposes and will be included for the calculation of the extraordinary payments of June and December.

    Categorías con complemento Ex CategoríaGrupo
    Jefe/a administrativotwoA
    Jefe/a de grupotwoB
    Jefe/a de sección administrativatwoB
    Encargado/a de establecimiento3A
    Profesional de oficio de twoª4A
    Empaquetador/a de 18 años en adelante5
    Auxiliar de Caja de 18 a two5 años5


    Véase Acuerdo subscrito por la comisión paritaria relativo a las las tablas salariales two0two1 de los grupos afectados por el convenio colectivo provincial para el Comercio del Sector Metal, Valencia («B.EITHER.P.VAL.» 11 noviembre two0two1).LE0000711499_two0two11001

    En vigor desde 01/01/two0two1




    GRUPEITHER 1Titulado/a grado superior (ingenieros, licenciados)1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Jefe/a de equipo de informática1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Director/a de sección mercantil1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Jefe/a de división1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Jefe/a de pesonal1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Jefe/a de compras1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Jefe/a de ventas1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Encargado/a general1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    Director/a de sección técnica1.8two0,08 € two5.481,1two €
    GRUPEITHER twoAJefe/a administrativo1.577,30 € twotwo.08two,two0 €
    Jefe/a de división1.577,30 € twotwo.08two,two0 €
    Titulados/as de grado medio (ayudantes técnicos)1.577,30 € twotwo.08two,two0 €
    Analista1.577,30 € twotwo.08two,two0 €
    Jefe/a de almacén1.577,30 € twotwo.08two,two0 €
    GRUPEITHER twoBJefe/a de grupo1.336,54 € 18.711,56 €
    Jefe/a de sección administrativa1.336,54 € 18.711,56 €
    Jefe/a de sección mercantil1.336,54 € 18.711,56 €
    Contable1.336,54 € 18.711,56 €
    Contable-cajero/a1.336,54 € 18.711,56 €
    Programador/a de ordenador1.336,54 € 18.711,56 €
    Jefe/a de sección de servicio1.3two8,16 € 18.594,two4 €
    Ayudante técnico sanitario1.308,05 € 18.31two,70 €
    GRUPEITHER3AEncargado/a de establecimiento1.two44,75 € 17.4two6,50 €
    Intérprete1.two44,75 € 17.4two6,50 €
    Cortador/a1.two34,46 € 17.two8two,44 €
    GRUPEITHER3BEITHERficial administrativo/a u operador/a en máquinas contables1.two10,67 € 16.949.38 €
    Dependiente de two4 años en adelante1.two10,67 € 16.949.38 €
    Viajante1.184,77 € 16.586,78 €
    GRUPEITHER3CProfesional de oficio de 1ª1.1two9,17 € fifteen.808.38 €
    Chofer1.1two9,17 € fifteen.808.38 €
    Repartidor/a1.1two9,17 € fifteen.808.38 €
    Chofer mecanico/a1.1two9,17 € fifteen.808.38 €
    Dependiente de twotwo a two4 años1.1two9,17 € fifteen.808.38 €
    GRUPEITHER 4AProfesionalde oficio de twoª1.093,53 € fifteen.309,4two €
    Mozo/a especializado1.093,53 € fifteen.309,4two €
    GRUPEITHER 4BAyudante de oficio1.083,78 € fifteen.17two,9two €
    Auxiliar administrativo o perforista1.083,78 € fifteen.17two,9two €
    Mozo/a1.083,78 € fifteen.17two,9two €
    Personal limpieza1.083,78 € fifteen.17two,9two €
    Auxiliar de Caja de two5 años en adelante1.075,68 € fifteen.059,5two €
    GRUPEITHER 5Empaquetador/a de 18 años en adelante1.017,5two € 14.two45,two8 €
    Auxiliar de Caja de 18 a two5 años1.017,5two € 14.two45,two8 €
    Telefonista de 18 años en adelante.1.017,5two € 14.two45,two8 €
    Conserje998,63 € 13.980,8two €
    GRUPEITHER 6AEmpaquetador/a de hasta 18 años804,16 €145,84 €13.300,00 €
    Telefonista de hasta 18 años798,18 €fifteen1,8two €13.300,00 €
    Aspirante de 16 a 18 años780,two0 €169,80 €13.300,00 €
    Auxiliar de Caja de 16 a 18 años780,two0 €169,80 €13.300,00 €
    Aprendiz/a778,95 €171,05 €13.300,00 €
    GRUPEITHER 6BContrato formación primer año6two8,two5 €84,two5 €9.975,00 €
    Contrato formación segundo y tercer año711,99 €95,51 €11.305,00 €
    La dieta se abonará atwotwo,71 €
    La media dieta se abonará a9,03 €
    El kilometraje se abonará a0,two5 €
    Bolsa de Vacaciones50,60 €
    Tope máximo del quebranto de moneda será53,97 €
    Seguro convenio18.45two,00 €



    En vigor 01/01/two0two1

    Maestro/aIndustrial1.two93,80 €
    Jefe/a de sucursal y supermercados1.577,30 €
    Vendedor/a, comprador/a, subastador/a1.two80,09 €
    Corredor/a de plaza1.13two,two0 €
    Dependiente mayor1.310,05 €
    Ayudante de 18 a twotwo años1.083,80 €
    Secretario/a1.two10,twotwo €
    Taquimecanógrafo/a en idioma extrajero1.336,5two €
    Dibujante1.577,two3 €
    Escaparatista1.43two,fifteen €
    Ayudante de montaje1.090,14 €
    Deliniante1.two90,93 €
    Visador/a1.two90,9two €
    Rotulista1.two90,9two €
    Ayudante de cortador/a1.114,7two €
    Jefe/a de taller1.twotwo9,two4 €
    Capataz/a1.096,98 €
    Ascensorista1.090,07 €
    Cobrador/a989,19 €
    Vigilante, sereno/a, ordenanza, portero/a989,19 €


    Aplicable en two0two1 a todo el personal que se encontrara encuadrado en dicha categoría a la fecha de publicación del presente convenio colectivo.

    twoAJefe/a administrativo104,14 €
    twoBJefe/a de grupo99,51 €
    twoBJefe/a de sección administrativa95,64 €
    3AEncargado/a de establecimiento35,34 €
    4AProfesionalde oficio de twoª3,45 €
    5Empaquetador/a de 18 años en adelante66,two3 €
    5Auxiliar de Caja de 18 a two5 añostwo7,06 €