500 volunteers comb the streets of Valencia to prepare a census of homeless people

Hundreds of volunteers will tour the city of Valencia this Wednesday night to count how many homeless people there are in the city, their demographic profiles and their needs with the aim of x-raying the situation of this group .

This is the second Census of Homeless People carried out by the Valencia City Council and the city's social entities, in collaboration with the University of Valencia.

The volunteers, street by street, will carry out surveys of people who, during that night, spend the night without a roof over their heads. In total, there will be 104 teams of about five volunteers, with or without previous experience, led by a team leader in each group.

At the same time, surveys will be carried out in all reception centers and shelters in the city, a total of 15 centers, in order to obtain information on all people who lack a decent home.

The initiative will start at the Cabanyal Sports Center, where the volunteers will meet at 7:30 p.m. to start the activity. The Councilor for Social Services, Isabel Lozano, will welcome the participants. Next, the teams will comb all the streets of Valencia until approximately 02:00.

This year the University of Valencia will participate through a formalized contract with the City Council, so that, in addition to collaborating in the organization and design of the questionnaire that will be given to each homeless person, they also carry out a diagnostic study with the data extracted from the surveys carried out. This study will be announced at a conference, expected to be organized in the spring.

500 volunteers comb the streets of Valencia to prepare a census of homeless people

The Councilor for Social Services, Isabel Lozano, explained that the objective of this initiative is to "size up this problem" to guide the strategic lines that "combat residential exclusion, as well as raise awareness in society about the phenomenon of the homeless home in all its dimensions". Lozano has indicated that "it is important to have data to be able to face the situation in the best conditions", as reported by the consistory in a statement.

In this sense, Lozano has emphasized that the treatment of the data collected in the census of homeless people is done through the award of a contract, from the University of Valencia, to "guarantee certain levels of rigor and appropriate and scientific methodologies".

On behalf of the City Council, the team from the Care Center for the Homeless, the X4 Unit of the Local Police, the SAUS team, the Exclusion Section and the Service Center for Immigrants will actively participate in the census. of Cooperation. The rest of the Sections of the Service have also collaborated, and the COM Gravador Planes has provided the folders, made by young people with mental disabilities, for the team leaders.

Other municipal services have collaborated in the development of the activity: The Valencia Municipal Sports Foundation (FDM), which facilitates the Cabanyal Sports Center, the EMT, which will make four articulated buses available to the organization to transport the volunteers from the Cabanyal to different areas of the city, the Gardens Service and the Singular Gardens OAM, which will facilitate access to parks and gardens that night, and SERTIC (municipal computing), which has made registration possible through the page municipal website.

The Red Cross will also participate by providing ambulances to support the event, the Local and National Police will provide support during the count if necessary and the Consum supermarkets will provide juices and water for the volunteers. The operations center and data control will be located at the SAUS facilities, at calle Maria Llàcer, 20.

In this second census of homeless people, in addition to the City Council and the UV, 14 social entities will participate: Accem, Bokatas, Cáritas, Casa Caridad, Cepaim, the Valencia Anti-AIDS Committee, the Red Cross, the Health and Community Foundation, Médicos del Mundo , Natania, Messengers of Peace, Urban Evangelical Mission of Valencia, Rais Hogar Sí and San Juan de Dios.

