Anti -Vacunas group breaks into a hospital in Costa Rica

A group of people who oppose vaccination against COVID-19 entered by force this Wednesday in a hospital in Costa Rica, apparently to try to get a minor who is hospitalized, made by which 6 people were arrested.

“This incident put at risk not only the security, medical and welfare staff of the hospital but also the users and patients themselves.Costa Rica will move forward with this pandemic with science, education and the correct collective actions, never with violence and conspiracy theories, ”said the president of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), Román Macaya.

The events occurred at the San Vicente de Paúl hospital, in the city of Heredia, about 15 kilometers west of San José, where a group of people who rejects vaccination presented with the independent deputy Shirley Díaz, who, although he says he is notAnti -Vacunas, usually support these groups.

The Ministry of Security reported that four women of surnames Ramírez, Corella, Reyes and Brenes were arrested for resistance to the authority, as well as two surname men Villalobos and Ramírez.

Grupo antivacunas irrumpe en un hospital de Costa Rica

The CCSS announced that it will denounce before the Public Ministry the people involved in this facts.

In videos that circulate on social networks, the deputy is observed with the protesters, and then these people force the hospital for force, apparently to try to get a minor who is hospitalized.

The director of the Medical Center, Priscila Balmaceda, explained that the child entered through a respiratory pathology, so given the risk factors and the current epidemiological context, the placement of the vaccine against the COVID-19.

In Costa Rica, the Government decreed as mandatory the Vaccine against COVID-19 for minors, health personnel and teachers.

Balmaceda explained that the child "a situation that required the intervention of the Social Work Service was detected, which associated with the parents' refusal to vaccinate the child referred to requesting the criteria by the National Board of Trustees of Children".

The official said that prior to violent facts, he attended broadly to the father of the child, who was accompanied by deputy Shirley Díaz and for a legal advisor, to explain the medical and administrative situation around the case.

"In my status as deputy of the Republic I was invited to participate in the call of a group of fathers and mothers and their legal representatives before the impediment of graduation of the hospital of a child, of one of them, who remained hospitalized,"Deputy Díaz expressed in her social networks.

He also added "deeply regret the violent acts that happened, when the social worker refused to continue attending the father affected by the presence of her lawyer, which unleashed reactions outside my control".