Something happens and is nothing positive or hopeful. Entre septiembre de 2020 y junio de 2021 dejaron el país 57.000 people and follow the renovations of passports, vaccines and procedures to have another nationality - by the via parents or grandparents - to, above all, to meet the European community.It is a greater rhythm than those in the IDUS of 2001.When, in direct reference to Yirigoyen, De la Rúa embalurled-see Tita MerelloThe general life of the Argentine Republic.Then Duhalde chosen by Congress came after the five presidents, the default announced by Adolfo Rodríguez Sáa and cheered by legislators.The one who leaves.The violence.The death of Kosteki and Santillán in 2002 on the Avellaneda bridge.The deaths on the streets never clarified, the loads of the mounted police, the fury, the horde, the fear that it would break into private homes and the fuse lit that there were prevention weapons in them.The looting.
We are already in the air of 2001 to remember and not repeat it, it is usually said every time they allude to those days in those days.Of course, not to repeat it.There are similarities but also many differences.It is so.That is the neutral look, more legitimate than the difficult objectivity when exercising these trades.Although each one has their way of seeing or wishing what is convenient, it is better to leave it in the hands of the truth, sweet, acid or bitter.To be as it is, without ideological infiltration.
We will understand, I ask that a global study on the great and tragic migrations due to constant wars or the traffic of people will not develop here.Mexican cartels have added to their businesses the traffic of men, women and children, along the three thousand kilometers with the United States.The detail with magnifying glass of that powerful bloody machinery includes any human condition so brutally that it is difficult to process it.
Here, where we are and there is a permanent emigration, it is also slow and growing rhythm.One does not have the claim to build a thesis in this regard.Is in sight.
The flight of education, dropout, social assistance with an endless power in resources without anyone changing.It is as if the plan were to let it be forever.Institutions are sustained but with signs of geological tremor. Quienes se marchan saben bien que el futuro es un chiste cruel.The problems in insulting exposure are the same for decades: meat, dollar, IMF, violence in the streets -insecurity is one of the reasons that light the desire to go looking for life in other part -, retirements, paranoiaworked, the theft of minimum happiness, the little guys to entertain people, contradictory and changing rattle.
They know.I know-I wouldn't like to mention, but I am the guy I have more by hand-that I am not fishing for complosions, fishing approval.I can be something else, the opposite.They are the facts.Since we are in fishing matters, they know that the largest world custard is on the Patagonian coast and is wildly razed by fleet.They will not stop.There is no way or will or resources: it will continue until that sea of wonder.Of course they also know those who leave.
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— junichi_y Thu Feb 24 19:07:55 +0000 2011
It is the decision of the majority, of course.Let's not say nonsense. Para millones de argentinos dejar el país donde se ha nacido, sus vínculos, sus sueños abollados pero sueños al fin, es impensable.Of course.Only the dropper on the roof will continue there without remedy, glue, repairs or buckets distributed in increasingly large number.
Leave es una cuestión por reducción al realismo.How many lives are there?A.Is the script of a life known?No, and there is no way to rewrite it.A few hours ago I saw on television a good note about the end of the year to hug friends and family.None of the interviewees and returned for the holidays said that it was going to stay again in the country.None.The deadline, with pandemia, was around two years of separation from the first leg.Without saying it, I found it worse than before.
They are personal decisions.Bricks are made up of human life.The good reasons for those who, youth, or remotely are in their heads to leave the place where it has been born for generations or arrived before yesterday.It is not even a very distant idea.Personal matter, of convictions, emotional, even in a place that offers expulsive missiles.
As regards this scribe sitting, I will not miss that every person has the right to emigrate if it is his will.There is no talk of exile or exile, a pity that in human history it is the worst after death.The right to leave, to go.Freedom and law without being considered betrayal of the country.It is the transcendent relationship with the homeland, a word that moves but can be used with abuse.
Es lamentable acudir a las argumentaciones lacrimógenas que tirios y troyanos echan a vuelo: “¿Por qué? ¿Podés quedarte a pelearla desde adentro?”¡ Por favor! ¡Cargar sobre la delicada decisión más peso, más culpa! ¿A pelear qué? ¿Qué quiere decir desde adentro?
You have a homeland, not to have the idea that it is the best place on earth.You have, it would be said, in the heart, it is a discreet, interior flame.But there are shared homelands.Where is it or has been happy.Where the adventure of love was present.Where you walk without looking back.Take distance, see trips through museums or cathedrals but people are very enriching, no one can put it in discussion.It would have to be a matter through exchanges for all social class.To see, to know.
Well, the homeland.It always gets in the heart.Although Joan Manuel Serrat's song comes to heat the blood: “I do not feel foreigner anywhere/ where there is a fire and wine I have my/ home/ and not to forget what I was/ my homeland and my guitar I carry them in me/ One is strong and the other is a paper ".
La ciencia desafía a Ómicron: nuevos estudios aumentan la esperanza de que las vacunas prevengan enfermedades graves