Ayuso presents an investment of 4.8 billion for birth

  1. Laura Bartolomé

Isabel Díaz Ayuso presentó ayer a la Confederación Empresarial de Madrid-CEOE la Estrategiade Natalidad aprobada en el Consejo de Gobierno, con el objetivo de "revertir el reto demográfico" y recuperar así los 75.000 nacimientos anuales que hubo de media entre 2007 y 2011.

The regional government plan has an investment of more than 4.8 billion euros and consists of 80 measures and a net fertility Plan. Among them, Díaz Ayuso highlighted the measures most related to the business sector and emphasized conciliation, to which he will allocate some 300 million euros over the next few years.

Asimismo, indicó que seguirán impulsando incentivos económicos a empresas para el fomento del teletrabajo y la flexibilización de la jornada laboral y pondrán en marcha ayudas de hasta 2.000 euros para contratar a personas en el hogar para el cuidado de hijos.

In addition, he stressed that they will work with organizations to assist companies that wish to obtain a certification of good conciliation management and that efforts will be made to promote children's schools in business environments that allow them to do so.

Ayuso presenta una inversión de 4.800 millones para natalidad

Sin embargo, la principal medida del Ejecutivo regional se basa en una ayuda económica mensual de 500 euros, desde el quinto mes de embarazo hasta que el niño cumpla dos años, para mujeres menores de 30 años con rentas inferiores a 30.000 euros. En este sentido, Ayuso ha anunciado recientemente la rebaja de los requisitos para solicitarlo, al bajar de 10 a 5 años la exigencia de empadronamiento.

In this context, Díaz Ayuso stressed that this strategy is not an Agenda 2030 to "impose a political vision that justifies intervention on the boards of directors or in their daily life as companies, nor is it a reason to collectivize, polarize, divide or draw political profit from the ruins left by the war" but a commitment they made in Madrid on May 4.

For his part, CEIM President Miguel Garrido considers many of the strategy's proposals to be "absolutely relevant to help," but believes that "all of us" must "push and pressure" other administrations, specifically the central executive, to take the measures that are his responsibility "to solve this problem."

