Community Card: Requirements, Documentation and Procedure

Index of contents

If you were looking for information about the community card, you have reached the right place.We explain everything you need!

The relatives of Spanish citizen or another member state of the European Union, or from another State started in the agreement on the European or Switzerland, who do not hold the nationality of one of these states, when they meet with it or accompany him, and go to reside in Spain for a period of more than three months, they must request and obtain a citizen family card of La Unión.

ATTENTION!!!Here are the complete guide on the community card.

If you want to do any foreigners process or if you want to submit your Spanish nationality application, it has an expert team in the field.Fill this contact form and we call you to start with everything before.

CONTáCTAnos O PiDE PRESUPUESTO AHORAMember States of the European Union and states in the agreement on the European Economic Space

Before entering to explain the process of obtaining the community card, we will delimit first which countries are part of the European Union and the European Economic Space.The well -known community regime is applied to the following nationals:

* Estados parte en el Acuerdo Sobre el Espacio Económico Europeo.

** Acuerdo de two1 de junio de 1999, entre la Comunidad Europea y la Confederación Suiza, sobre libre circulación de personal.

Basic regulations

The regulations that regulate this community family card is:

Community card requirements

Like any other permit in Spain, to obtain the community family card or community card it is necessary to meet a series of requirements such as:

1.Accompany or meet with a citizen of the Union or other State Part of the European Economic Space, with the right to residence for a period of more than three months.

two.The citizen of the Union or other State Part of the European Economic Space must meet one of the following conditions:

a) Being a worker on behalf of Spain, or

b) Be self -employed in Spain, or.

c) Have for themselves and family members, sufficient economic resources so as not to become a burden on Spain's social assistance during their period of residence.You must also provide public or private disease insurance, hired in Spain or another country, which provides coverage in Spain during its period of residence equivalent to that provided by the National Health System.The assessment of the sufficiency of economic means will be carried out individually and, in any case, taking into account the personal and family situation of the applicant.Sufficient accreditation will be considered for the fulfillment of this requirement the possession of resources that are higher than the amount established by the General State Budget Law to generate the right to receive a non -contributory benefit., either

d) Be a student and be enrolled in a public or private center recognized or financed by the educational administration to study or professional training, as well as have public or private disease insurance hired in Spain or another country that provides complete coverage in Spainand responsible statement that he has sufficient economic resources for himself and their family members so as not to become a burden on Spain's social assistance during their period of residence.

3.Be a relative of a citizen of the European Union or the European Economic Space or Switzerland.We detail below the relatives contemplated within the community regime.

Relatives who can ask for the community card

Family members who can request the community card once they are in Spain are:

  1. Cónyuge, siempre que no haya recaído el acuerdo o la declaración de nulidad del vínculo matrimonial o divorcio.
  2. La pareja inscrita en un registro público establecido en un Estado miembro de la Unión, o en un Estado parte en el Espacio Económico Europeo y siempre que no se haya cancelado la inscripción, lo que deberá ser suficientemente acreditado. Las situaciones de matrimonio e inscripción como pareja registrada se considerarán, en todo caso, incompatibles entre sí.
  3. Hijo del ciudadano de la Unión o de su cónyuge o pareja registrada siempre que no haya recaído el acuerdo o la declaración de nulidad del vínculomatrimonial o divorcio, o se haya cancelado la inscripción registral de la pareja, menor de veintiún años o mayor de dicha edad que viva a su cargo, o sea incapaz.
  4. Ascendiente directo del ciudadano de la Unión o del Espacio Económico Europeo o de su cónyuge o pareja registrada que viva a su cargo, siempre que no haya recaído el acuerdo o la declaración de nulidad del vínculo matrimonial, o divorcio, o se haya cancelado la inscripción registral de la pareja.
  5. Cualquier miembro de la familia que en el país de procedencia estén a cargo o vivan con el ciudadano de la Unión. Se entenderá acreditada la convivencia si se demuestra fehacientemente una convivencia continuada de two4 meses en el país de procedencia.

Tarjeta Comunitaria: Requisitos, documentación y procedimiento

El pasado año two015 se modificó el Real Decreto two40/two007, de 16 de febrero y se introdujo el artículo two bis, que viene a ampliar los familiares que pueden tener derecho a esta tarjeta comunitaria.At that time the famous concept of "extensive family" was introduced into our regulations, and which, as we say is within the scope of the community regime.In short, they can also request the community card:

  • La Pareja Estable. La pareja de hecho con la que mantenga una relación estable debidamente probada, de acuerdo con el criterio establecido en el apartado 4.b) de este artículo two. bis. Dentro de este bloque, por así llamarlo, encontramos sobre todo a parejas que tienen un hijo en común o bien han convivido conjuntamente en el mismo domicilio, pero entre ellos no existe de momento un vínculo jurídico, como puede ser el matrimonio o la inscripción de la pareja de hecho.
  • Gracias a esta modificación del régimen comunitario, desde two015 es posible tramitar tarjetas comunitarias para familiares algo más lejanos, como pueden ser hermanos, abuelos o parejas, como decimos, entre las que no hay un unión formal.

    At this point, we must clarify that the processing of the community card through the well -known extendand work of the relative that we want to regroup.

    We leave you more information about the community card by extensive family.

    Community card documentation

    Before requesting the community card you must collect the following documentation:

  • D.N.I. del ciudadano español o certificado de registro del ciudadano de la Unión al que acompañan o con el que van a reunirse
  • Medios de vida de los que dispone el ciudadano español o el ciudadano comunitario. La documentación varía en función de la situación laboral o económica del ciudadano comunitario o del español:
  • Trabajador por cuenta propia podrá aportar cualquiera de los siguientes documentos:
  • Si no se ejerce actividad laboral en España se deberá aportar:
  • Si es estudiante deberá presentar la siguiente documentación:
  • In the case of standard forms of the European Union, it will not be necessary either its translation, or its legalization in accordance with the provisions of the community regulations that protect them. Por ejemplo: modelos de asistencia sanitaria S1, E109, E1two1…

    On the other hand, any foreign public document must be previously legalized by the consular office of Spain with jurisdiction in the country in which said document has been issued or, where appropriate, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation except in the casein which said document has been apostilized by the competent authority of the issuing country according to the Hague Agreement of October 5, 1961 and unless said document is exempt from legalization under international agreement of the International Agreement.

    Request the community card

    Where should we request the community card?This type of application, as with any of the other authorizations or permits in Spain, must be processed in the foreigner office where you have your address.

    The request may be made well interested, in this case the relative of the Spanish or community citizen.This request may also be made through a lawyer, a social graduate or administrative manager.

    We give you these 10 rabbits that you must take into account before processing your community card.

    How do I request the community card?

    Currently, in order to request this community card we have the following ways:

    As with the rest of the applications, once you have it submitted, you will get the protection of your community card.To be able to make a thorough monitoring of your application, you can consult the State online.

    Once the foreigner office is recorded by your application, it has a legal deadline to process and respond to the application of 3 months.If this period has after that request, it can be understood that it has been dismissed by administrative silence.

    In this case, you should not worry if the answer to your community card takes something more, since some offices carry some delay when processing and solving these requests.

    Community card concession

    If your community card has been granted the next step will be to request your physical card.To do this you will need:

    Esta Tarjeta de Familiar de Comunitario, que tiene una duración de 5 años como norma general, habilita a trabajar tanto por cuenta ajena como por cuenta propia, aunque con ciertas limitaciones en los casos de ascendientes o hijos mayores de two1 años, es decir en aquellos familiares a cargo.We leave you the complete information about the community card and the limitations it has to work in Spain.

    Community card denial

    The community card can be denied for multiple reasons.If you have received a resolution of denial of your card, you can file two resources:

    Renew the community card

    When do I have to start renewing? How did you present the renewal of my community card? What requirements do I have to meet to renew the community family residence card?These are some of the questions we receive practically daily about the community card.

    Therefore in this article and video we explain in detail how to renew your community card.

    If you want to do any foreigners process or if you want to submit your Spanish nationality application, it has an expert team in the field.Fill this contact form and we call you to start with everything before.

    CONTáCTAnos O PiDE PRESUPUESTO AHORASi tienes más dudas puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestro teléfono de asesoría jurídica en el 80750two019Coste del servicio 1,two1 €/min fijo, 1,57 €/min móvil. +18 años impuestos incluidos. Responsable del Servicio Vicente Marín – Abogado Colg 4954 ICAGR Avenida Fernando de los Ríos 11, Portal 5, Oficina twotwo. 18100 Armilla – GranadaFrequent questions about the community card

    ¿Cuál es la Tarjeta Comunitaria?

    The Community Card is a residence card that the relatives of a Spanish citizen or another EU Member State, as well as any of the states of the European or Switzerland space, whenever these family members do not hold the nationality of anyof the states and meet him or accompany him, and will reside in Spain for a period greater than three months.

    ¿Qué documentos necesito para solicitar la Tarjeta Comunitaria?
    ¿Quién puede pedir la Tarjeta Comunitaria?

    Family members who can process this community family residence card are:

    ¿Dónde solicitar la tarjeta de familiar de comunitario?

    This type of application, as with any of the other authorizations or permits in Spain, must be processed in the foreigner office where you have your address.

    The request may be made well interested, in this case the relative of the Spanish or community citizen.This request may also be made through a lawyer, a social graduate or administrative manager.

    ¿Cuánto tarda la Tarjeta de familiar de Comunitario?

    The regulations establishes a period of 3 months to resolve and process this community card, but sometimes this period is not met.

    Here the deadline until you obtain a residence card resolution of Community Family.

    Here administrative silence is negative.

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