Discover how to become a charismatic person

Personal growth

Through certain exercises it is possible to train our social skills

Lucía Ramírez Pavía

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the charisma is the gift that some people have to attract or seduce for their presence or their word.Being charismatic is uncommon and, although it is something precious, most believe it is innate.However, there are experts who defend the opposite, such as psychotherapist Richard Reid, known as the charism coach, who forms both companies and people individually in acquiring or perfecting this skill.

When it comes to understanding the charism, the following key points must.

The base of the charisma

Starting from the first point, it will always act according to what you want to cause in the people around us.Carmen Verdasco, Life Coach formed at the University of Miami, underlines a fundamental issue: «It is about having empathy.If they educate us in empathy since childhood, it would not be so difficult to work on this ability ».That is why knowing how to communicate is so related to charismatic people.And to transmit any message, it is essential to pay attention to how we communicate with our body, body language.In this sense, there are tricks that can be learned from experts.For example, to communicate enthusiasm, the hands are usually sustained with the palms up, as if the bottom of a large balloon is held, while to communicate authority, the fingers of the fingers with their hands should be joined.

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Descubre cómo convertirte en una persona carismática

If there is something incompatible with charismatic personality, it is the lack of security in oneself.And at this point, the fact of knowing how to relate to others is fundamental.In the words of the Coach Verdasco, that today we are relating through devices - we use WhatsApp to discuss any question, work meetings are remotely through a camera ... - It is causing a loss of confidence in people at the time at the time at the time at the timeto relate to face."And when you stop practicing a skill, it reduces learning capacity," he says.

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However, you can work.There are techniques that help a person feel comfortable.A simple sample to understand: instead of entering a room and placing yourself on a table in the corner, you must walk slowly to the center and look around.In this way, the message issued is trusted and security.The most effective resource according to Richard Reid is to adopt the role of the host: to smile for people and worry about them, check if they want to take something or ask how they find.

The importance of getting out of the ordinary

In these situations, the ideal is to address others avoiding closed questions that may seem to be done by commitment.Instead of starting a conversation with a "How about?"(That gives rise to the answer "well"), it is better to raise phrases such as "Tell me how you are", which can foster a fluid dialogue.

A good example is that of humorist David Sedaris, who in his masterclass about the importance of storytelling and his relationship with humor.For example, it raises a hypothetical situation: «The next time you get on a taxi you do not talk to the driver about the time he does or about the current news, ask something different like ... when was the last time you saw a monkey?".This example is one of the multiple that leaves the mold of the conventional conversation.Because to train the charisma it is important to dare to ask new questions, which will surely lead us to surprising answers.

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