In a Telegram group, they share intimate photos of poblanas without their consent


The psychologist and sociologist Andi Martín del Campo denounced that there is a group on Telegram called Pelle T3: Puebla filter group, where men share intimate photos of people from Puebla without their consent in order to receive other “packs”.

Through a video, published on his Instagram account, he explained that the aforementioned group, as its name suggests, is a filter to enter a "VIP" or exclusive group, which serves only to present the "rules".

In Pelle T3, those interested are asked to send three “packs” of poblanas where their chest or crotch can be seen, show their faces when they are without clothes and share their social network. Likewise, in a derogatory way, they ask not to share photographs of overweight women.

After verifying that the requirements are met, the applicant can enter the VIP group.


In Telegram group, they share intimate photos of poblanas without their consent

In addition, the creator of the group, the user Rokubungi, "presumes" that they have the intimate photos of at least 150 poblanas.

In this regard, the mayor Eduardo Rivera Pérez asked to denounce these types of events in case they know who are involved, as well as condemned this type of act, for which he promised to investigate who is the creator or creators of this group where they harass students and women of different ages, to avoid something like what happened in a school in Yucatan.

It is necessary to specify that sharing this type of material is a crime, which is contemplated within the Olympia Law. Therefore, people who publish, share or distribute images, videos or audios of intimate sexual content of a person of legal age without their consent, will be punished with up to 6 years in prison and a fine of more than 89 thousand pesos.

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It should be specified that it is also a crime to make videos, audios or photos with intimate sexual content without the approval of the person(s) involved.

If you were the victim of digital harassment or dissemination of sexual content without your consent, you can go to denounce the public ministries or contact the Cyber ​​Police of the National Security Commission on telephone 088.

You can also request guidance on the Facebook accounts @AtencionCiudadana088, Twitter @CEAC_CNS, or by email or the PF Mobile Application.
