The body is a simile of reality where it lives.When, throughout the world, confinement closed the streets, we began to suffer physical and mental contractures.We somatize duels as pain, and anxiety is an increasingly palpable sequel to this narrow and endless parenthesis.Fear, tensions, weight of work and sondades are translated into a meat language on our legs, stomachs, hearts and heads.This fitted discomfort has ancient roots;"Anguish" meant in Latin "gorge, narrow place, abyss".The same goes for the tension that oppresses us: "stress" comes from Strictus, in the sense of "strict, tight, constipated".Sadness strangles the air, the voice is silent.Until, suddenly, as in a spell, certain words allow us to leave the icy passage and find relief.
How many times, trying to raise our mood, we talk to ourselves to conjure fear, just as we whispered the fearful child of darkness.We tell ourselves that it is necessary to trust, be strong, not to give up.This ability to unfold in a serene self that tries to appease the other self is a surprising and ancient feat.Homer already told the Odyssey that sometimes the crying shook Ulysses, and then hid his face after the mantle, moistening the fabric in silence.Upon returning to Ithaca, the navigator found his palace occupied by strangers and had to beg in his own city.Defeated, he said: "Heart, be patient, on other occasions you suffered tougher setbacks, but you endured".For the first time in our culture, a human speaks not with his peers or with the gods, but with himself.The intimate dialogue was born like this, with a call to calm and calm.
During these stormy times, amputated duels have exacerbated our discomfort. C.S. Lewis intuyó que el dolor por la muerte de un ser querido se expresa a menudo en el idioma de la angustia.Con más de cincuenta años, el devoto profesor de Oxford aceptó casarse con la poeta norteamericana Helen Joy Davidman —católica, divorciada y comunista—, que le pidió ayuda para evitar la expulsión del país cuando le denegaron el permiso de residencia.By surprise, that marriage of convenience in maturity led to an unexpected and deep falling in love, which shortly later would truncate cancer.Cuando ella murió, Lewis escribió en Una pena en observación: “Nadie me había dicho que la pena se viviese como miedo.The same stomach agitation, the same concern.I am not scared, but the feeling is identical.I endured saliva.Before so many roads and now so many alleys without exit ”.The moving thing is that these reflections noted in notebooks, their notes on sadness, became a book that would help him - like so many people, still today - to escape from narrow street, of the circular trench.
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— Techno Weeds Sat Mar 17 10:40:17 +0000 2018
Anxiety is a narrow room. Luis Buñuel lo explicó en su película El ángel exterminador, donde unos amigos se reúnen a cenar en un lujoso salón y después, por una razón inexplicable, no consiguen atravesar el umbral para salir.According to the filmmaker, they would have been attacked by a mysterious and unnameable plague.Among those four walls, despair and surreal humor follow each other: a tragic comedy about suffocation and restlessness.Cuando el túnel nos aprisiona, la risa ensancha los pulmones con aire fresco.Conversando con otros exiliados españoles en México, el director señaló la clave: “Los hombres cada vez se ponen menos de acuerdo y por eso se combaten entre ellos.But why don't they understand each other?In the movie it is the same, why don't they get together to a solution? ”According to Buñuel, we should amazed us not that the characters are unable to leave, but do not try to collaborate.Today, more than ever, you have to observe the sorrows, talk to the heart, laugh at the gorge and dare to seek help.Courage is needed to unleash the caged words.We do not always understand how much strength you need to live in fragility.
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