Know how to do your will if you are a minor

While September is the month of the will, where notaries offer discounts of up to 50 percent in their rates, any month of the year is good to do yours, no matter the age or heritage you have, only the firm intention of notLeave problems to your relatives and loved ones on the day you are not.

En México, la mayoría de las personas buscan hacer su testamento cuando son adultos mayores porque sienten que ya vivieron lo suficiente, tienen un patrimonio que heredar a sus hijos o nietos y buscan prever cualquier situación, sin embargo, los más jóvenes también pueden hacerlo, y el trámite es muy sencillo.

In Edomex, testament from 16 years

Currently the State of Mexico is among the 23 entities of the country that provide young people 16 years and old, while Jalisco and Michoacán from 18.

De acuerdo con Rosa María Montiel Bastida, presidenta del Consejo Directivo del Colegio de Notarios del Estado de México, a la fecha 8 de cada 10 personas siguen falleciendo sin dejar un testamento, sin embargo, los adultos jóvenes deben tener conciencia de la importancia de este documento, ya que apenas lo hace 5 por ciento de las personas en edad de hacerlo.

What do you need if you are 16 years old?

De acuerdo con el Colegio Nacional del Notariado Mexicano, para heredar sólo necesitas una identificación oficial, hacer una cita con el notario y firmar el documento correspondiente.

If you are a minor you can present your driving license, passport, military card or birth certificate.In the latter case, only two witnesses that identify you are required.Once with the notary you must explain what your family dynamics and its characteristics are;if you are single or single or married to or without children;What are your wishes for succession or inheritance of your assets.

Conoce cómo hacer tu testamento si eres menor de edad

Fill the corresponding format.Define the heir or heirs. Si es más de uno debes indicar qué porcentaje de la herencia corresponderá a cada parte.If you have minor children you can name a tutor, who will take care of the care, food and education of the older children with some disabilities.You can also inherit the care of your pets.

Subsequently, you must deliver the format and a copy of your official identification.Then the notary will tell you that the will is ready.Go with your identification and carry money to cover the fees.It is important that you read the document before signing it.Solve any questions and comment its content with witnesses.Sign until you have been satisfied with the written points.

Once signed, the notary takes the document to the General Archive of Notaries and gives notice of the will for its integration to the National Database of the Testament Notices Registry System.About a month later, you can collect the document in the notary you went to.

How many witnesses do you need?

If the testator or notary requests it or in special cases.When the testator does not know how to read, write, sign, be blind or deaf, or do not speak Spanish.

What can be inherited?

The lack of a culture of prevention and fear - not recognized - causes people to ignore the advantages of the will, where debts, pets and even the care of minor children or disability can be inherited.

In the case of debts, who receives them does not pay a weight in their pocket;It only takes care of the process of selling and coverage of debts as far as the money obtained by the goods reaches. Si el monto del adeudo supera la suma de los bienes, los herederos no tendrán obligación de aceptar la herencia, y si es menor, podrán saldarlo y quedarse con el resto.

When doing their will, parents can name a tutor who - to his death - is responsible for the care, food and education of older children with some disabilities.

Pet care for a trusted person can also be included in a will.What is not allowed is to inherit money or goods to a company animal.

What comes when there is a will?

In general, heirs go to the notary or may also do so judicial via.The search is done and opens.The albacea that you decided in your will is appointed.An inventory and appraisal of your goods are made, the goods are administered, your will be distributed and fulfilled.

What happens when there is no testament?

La mayoría de los familiares tramita una sucesión testamentaria, la cual puede durar mes y medio, o intestamentaria que puede durar hasta tres meses.

In the General Archive of Notaries, all information is compiled at the state level and reported the wills granted by people.

In addition, this file allows you to consult the National Testament Registration System to verify whether or not there is a testament, and if there are one or more.

The testament is a revocable and modifiable act, so it can be changed as much as it is, if during his life he granted several wills, the last one will be the one that will fulfill his will and, therefore, the only valid.

Un testamento puede ser nulo cuando la persona no estaba en pleno uso de sus facultades, la persona fue violentada o no era quien decía ser o realizó una usurpación, y cuando no se formalizó ante un notario público."If these characteristics do not exist, the will will be fulfilled".

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How much does a will cost?

Un testamento en el territorio mexiquense normalmente cuesta 3 mil 500 pesos, pero en septiembre está en mil 950 para el público en general y 950 para los adultos mayores.

Thanks to an agreement with the system for the integral development of the family of the State of Mexico (DIFEM) the cost is 950 for older adults.Did you know that after the deaths derived from Pandemia by COVID-19, from January of this year to date the succession activity doubled.