Since the pandemic for many time was declared at home, it has been extended by promoting improvements inside the home.This resurgence of everything related to cleaning and decoration goes hand in hand with the virtue of order;a virtue that has taken great prominence for the benefits it contributes in a time as revolt as the current.
Undoubtedly in an orderly environment we can better appreciate things and capture the details, find more quickly something we are looking for and make cleaning a simpler task.However, beyond these practical contributions, what is increasingly being valued is that order is above all a way to stay healthy.
The order, starting at home, results in very simple tasks to make a deeper meaning when understood in a context of greater effort to create beauty and harmony.It has been demonstrated that ordering
The order has as root a desire for beauty.Creating a beautiful life at home requires constant attention to dominate small details.It is not about getting everything perfect, but about embrapping a realistic, flexible and fast optimism to start over, day after day, looking for the constancy of effort required by an orderly life.
Order invites us to look at the reality of space in a positive way looking for improvements and emphasizing what is useful and important instead of simply accumulating things.There one finds the beauty of simplicity in an environment that predisposes us to interior things.It also becomes a reflection of those positive feelings.
During the pandemic, the order has made possible that we can recover that simplicity of things by paying our attention in the place where we work or spend most of our time.Embeller the spaces, especially in our homes, has become a priority task in the need to bring order and thus, creativity has grown.
A prayer that Pope Francis pronounced in relation to the pandemic was:
And we have seen how creativity has been in many cases that has allowed people to continue incorporating new paths in the face of the challenges introduced by the pandemic.
There is a tendency to associate order or routine to the lack of creativity for having a rigid or structured character.But the truth is that although creativity can appear in many contexts, it rarely born in chaos.The order serves as a condition for creativity because every creative gift not only has to appear, but also to be cultivated.
As much as it happened at other times, a rhythm marked by order is what leaves a creative legacy that grows and endures.For example, observing the life of monasteries.With their structured days, how many innovative things we see that monks have promoted trades and doing work thanks to discipline.
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In the pandemia we have found that motivation is not enough or not enough to get up every morning.Nor to get to work, do an activity and keep it in time.People who have been able to do it better, have been those who have incorporated good habits based on a voluntary act.
The disciplined action that facilitates order, however simple it is like making the bed or writing down the day's tasks, makes a difference.Those who have ordered their days are able to achieve an improvement in their self -esteem.They feel that things can be continued in such an unstable context and even consider new goals.
San Agustín said that "the peace of all things is the tranquility of order".When we find a messy room with clothes thrown everywhere, unchanged dishes on the kitchen table or a desk covered with papers, the feelings that arise do not invite us to tranquility.
The disorder causes a greater or lesser extent for a certain anxiety.And even when the tasks are carried out, anxiety does not allow them to live with the freedom and joy that accompany the order.In times of pandemic with such high levels of anxiety, order, constancy and commitment are the favorable response to uneasiness.
Following the words of San Irenaeo de Lyon:
And for life, it does not take us ahead with its infinite requirements, the order serves to distribute our activity in the appropriate times.
The orderly person behaves with logical norms for the achievement of objectives.Incorporates the planned rest, the distribution of time and the realization of the activities with their own initiative.Plan giving priority to what should be in the first place and not what arises at every moment.To do this, it sets in advance those moments such as bedtime, getting up, that dedicated to prayer, work or meals.
In this way it is prevented that the urgent eat the important thing and although absolutely everything cannot be programmed, improvisation is prevented from wasting valuable time.Saint Josemaría Escrivá said:
In the end, our well -being does not depend solely on everything around us works exactly as we would like to: walk on shining floors or have the beds always lying.It also depends on our openness to God that is a source of beauty and well that helps us order all things, both interior and exterior.
Shutterstock | Mariia LobanovaBecause it's not only about things we do and tasks that fill our day, but especially how we put our hearts in it.Without that inner beat, the order would only be a time management or a mere execution of tasks.The Christian's life is built in a constant flow, inside out and outside inward.
San Francisco de Sales said:
Therefore, to live with harmony it is important that everything we live respond to an internal order.It is a program of holiness that is ordered to a greater end: make God and others happy.
At the same time, that same love that moves us to follow a schedule will be the one that indicates when it is time to “take an unexpected turn” in our plans.Because it requires the good of other people or other reasons that are clearly.And it is good to attend to those who wish to carry God's presence in their works.
Be preparing a cake, watering the plants, folding clean clothes or ironing a shirt, when these things are done with love in a context of order and freedom, which was a load and a simple task becomes an extraordinary medium of sanctification.This makes every day different.With a new illusion, the joy of a renewed love and the possibility of a personal encounter with God who is always enriching.
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