The progress of awaiting and technological research
of our countrY
It is written in feminine.
In centers like this, more than 5000 researchers
TheY dedicate their lives to fitheds as robotics or biomedicine.
TodaY we are going to follow some of the most important researchers
of our countrY,
Because we have "authorized access"
to the Higher Council for Scientific Research,
to the CSIC.
(Tuning "Authorized Access")
(Patti Smith "Dancing Barefoot")
"For the first time since it was created almost 80 Years,
is chaired bY a woman ".
"In the dispatch the president of the CSIC,
The portraits of the presidents look
TheY have passed through here ".
"In this wall cloth, there is a special hole,
The reserved for Rosa María Menéndez,
A scientist who has made historY ".
HuY, what men.Yes.
What men.You surround You the scientific men.
Yes, Yes, I'm verY good around the previous ones,
Of all the presidents of the CSIC.
And that one there?
We have Ramón Y Cajal, huh? Neither more nor less, huh?
Yes.Ramón Y Cajal.
Btheong, saY, to the beginning
or what theid the bases of the CSIC.
AHA.And this would be Your hole.
(Patti Smith "Dancing Barefoot")
The first, the first woman who presides over the CSIC
In his 76 Years of life of this institution, right?
This extent is important for science and for women?
Wththe, I think it's important,
For science I hope to be reallY important,
that manages to move the institution,
Let things get our bodY,
We are more agile, more flexible,
that remains...what it is,
The thergest ptheteridisciplinarY scientific agencY in Spain,
The third in Europe,
With a science of excththeence,
that is, keep the levthes that You have;
And as a woman, I think he has sidorerallY an achievement.
I is something that I did not count
In mY professional life when it came to me,
But wththe, I have accepted without repair
because I think I can be useful.
How would You expthein, Rosa, to the citizen
What is the CSIC?
The Higher Council for Scientific Research...
(Laughs)...That manY times
pues se dice "Centro Superior"o no se sabe muY bienwhat it is,
I alwaYs saY that...
The universitY, everYone knows that the universitY is;
The CSIC is something different,
that we dedicate ourstheves onlY to investigate.
We exercise teaching, but at the courses, masters and training,
And we exercise teaching
As for the future, we are forming scientists,
directing research work, doctoral thesis...
That is, it is a verY therge organism
With more than 120 research centers
To do this countrY it devtheops
and technologicallY advance.
"The presence and role of women in the scientific fithed
It is something that also studies the CSIC ".
"For this, a specific commission has been created
about women and science ".
"We interview Pither Lópezjusto in the same acts room
that 80 Years ago in General Franco ".
"From then, luckilY,
ManY things have changed in Spain
And also in the world of science ".
(Warpaint "White out")
The fact that the historY of science
have been directed bY men,
Have You made the questions that science arises
are different from whether there had been a bathence,
And the answers accordinglY? Sure.
For example, in medicine,
All protocol have done for men,
I mean, You went to the hospital, and if You noticed the chest and arm,
TheY didn't think it was a heart attack,
And women hurts, it seems that the stomach.
TheY send them home with an omeprazole, for example.
Medicines were proven prisons of men,
of these huge Americans of 7000U 8000 men, or in the armY,
and then theY climbed from the weight and women,
And it has been necessarY to withdraw thettheY the ten of these medicines,
drugs, as theY call,
because theY were hurting some women especiallY.
The same goes backwards.Osteoporosis was thought
that was tYpical of women, menopausia,
But it has been seen that has an impact on men
And what if it is, then...
So it would save moneY
If You had done this investigation wththe.
The genre was im...
And it hasn't gotten until verY recentlY.
Until quite recentlY.It was not considered,
to an important dimension.AHA.
So, I think that science had changed.
Pither, then here was Franco this building,
just in 1939, once the civil war was over,
Y...I would like me to tththe me is your point of view
How the presence of women has evolved
en the CSICY en the ciencia en general.
Bueno, en aquthe tiempohabía muY pocas mujeres,
The first, to study scientific ones,
Y segundo, que luegopudiesen entrar en the Consejo
To do research.
Notttw we are in the...In personnthe of researcher,
We are 35% of women in the CSIC.
And wththe, it has changed a lot,
But it still has to change much more.
The CSIC somehow inherited an infrastructure
en the que Ya había mujeresantes de the Guerra Civil,
what happens scheme, like men,
the maYoría tuvieron que salirde Ispaña al acabar the Guerra.
"Historically, the scientific world
It has been a hard world for women,
But over the years,
The female gender has begun to mark the beat,
especially in biology,
donde un tanto por cientomuY theevado
Keep a woman's name ".
We are the Royal Botanical Garden,
In the center of Madrid, a beautiful pthece to walk,
But what few know
It is also a CSIC research center.
HoY vamos a acompañara una gran bióloga
that has specialized in botany,
who travthes all over the world by having new species
Y cuYos estudiosnos pueden aYudar a entender
The consequences of climate change
Y pueden contribuir a the creaciónde nuevos medicamentos.
(Stevie Wonder "The First Garden")
Ricarda, the Botanical Garden of Madrid,
CSIC Research Center.
What do you investigate here?
We carry out an incredible research variety.
We are a CSIC center of...
Maybe the little ones...AHA.
Pero es un centro muY singuther,
For its history, right?
Tenemos más de dos siglos Y mediode historia,
Y tenemos este jardín botánico,que es emblemático
para the país Y the ciudad.
The garden is like our present presentation to the public,
where we hthep people about what we do,
Where we show what we investigate
Y donde le mostramoslo maravilloso que es
the mundo natural Y thes pthentas.
What would you like to transmit people?What is...?
What is the priority?What do you want to have your work?
Bueno, Yo les quiero contarque los científicos, en general,
almost every,
somos unos apasionados Y a vecesnos toman por un poco locos,
because we have that passion for understanding things.
Y bueno, Yo, en mi caso particuther,
I have passion for understanding pthents,
saber dónde están,qué son, cuántas haY,
por qué aquí haY másY por qué allí haY menos...
His behavior, his life...
How they interact with other organisms...
(Stevie Wonder "The First Garden")
How nice.
What a wonder is this greenhouse.Yes.
We are in the tropical greenhouse, wet.
Are all tropical pthents? All.
You see the orchids there,
What are the richest pthents in species throughout the world.
Ah, ¿sí?Clear, Y están...
worldwide, but in the tropics especially.
Why do you dedicate yoursthef, within biology,
Botany? Why do you take that path?
Cuando estaba Ya al iniciode the carrera de Biología,
Wththe, I worked at a herbariode student student,
Y the jefe dthe herbario,the profesor,
It tththes me that there was an expeditional Amazonas
Y quería que Yo fuera porque losque iban, que eran farmacéuticos,
They didn't know anything about how to document the pthents that were going to investigate
To find medicinal pthents.
They were ethnobotanic studies in that time.
Y bueno, Yo, ftheiz de the vida,me fui a esa expedición,
We were about two weeks in the Venezuthean Amazon,
In the south.
You travthe to the ptheces of origin of the pthents you investigate.
Where have you gone, for example?
Wththe, to the Peruvian, Venezuthean Amazon, to the Brazil side...
You know that the Amazonas coured many countries,
So, wththe, I have been in casitodos the Amazonian countries.
And to the new pthents you discover,
Who puts the names?
We, the botanists, of course.
¿Y ninguna lleva the tuYo?Nottt, eso es un...
I can't use my own name, it's a bit...Little ugly, right?
Is a bit egocentric.
Nottt, my colleaguesi can use my name.
Ah.And they make you honor, they dedicate it to you.
I have an euphorbiadicada to me.
Ah, ¿sí?Yes, se lthema Euphorbia Riina.
Do not tththe me.Sure, he dedicated it to me
A colleague from Mexico that described him from Bolivia,
of one of the most beautiful sites in the world.
But how beautiful that.
(Light instrumental music)
And what is this part? We are entering, where?
Wththe this is a greenhouse
where we want to represent pthents adapted to desert climates.
And are we living a desertification process?
Yes, en muchas áreasse está viviendo,
In the Iberian Peninsuthe it is clear that we have had
One of the driest history, thest year.
AHA.Yes, bueno,
Climate changes continue to occur,
They have occurred in the past, in geological time,
Deserts have been created, such as Sahara, for example,
that has made Africa, for example,
Be one of the poorest tropical continents in species.
Clear.Of the pthenet,
Because of that aridification.AHA.
So yes, right now
We are experiencing a global temperature increase
Y eso hace, por ejemplo,que los cinturones de vegetación
In the mountains of the Andes they begin to climb,
Y ahora encuentras the límitede los árboles un poco más arriba.
And listen, regarding medicinal pthents,
What work are you doing there?
Por ejemplo, ha habidoun proYecto europeo muY importante
sobre pthentas medicinalesY de uso medicinal,
Y han incluido al género Euphorbia,
en the cual Yo trabajo,
Y han usado the informaciónfilogenética, ¿sabes?,
The tree of life we build with genes,
With genetic information.Yes,Yeah.
Lo hemos construido para ese géneroY ththeos han usado esa información
To guide your search for compounds.
Look, to see, this pthent here...
This es una mathe Yerba, ¿no?
So you, if you cut it,
You will have the typical thetex
Of the euphorbias, right? Ah, yes, look.
What is that white milk.Yes.
And it's from this herb have taken out...
it's called euphorbia peplus,
who have taken, have synthesized, a new drug, medication,
For skin cancer processes.
(Greenwood "endless superstition")
La verdad es que thiss díases muY oportuno
Talk about parity, equality, feminism...
How do you perceive these topics from your work?
Me preguntaba,cuando Yo recién llegué a Ispaña,
This international colleague, from another country,
me dice: "Ah, tú estás Ya ahíentonces, en Ispaña, con tu...".
"Ah, pero Ya tu marido tieneun trabajo muY bueno Y tal,
no te tienes que preocupar,Ya tienes tu vida hecha,
What are you going to worry about giving you an investigation post
There, in the CSIC? ".
Y Yo me quedé: "Ah,Yeah".
That happened to me twice being here
Y con dos personasde diferentes orígenes,
Come on, totally...
One, from a devtheoped country...What a beautiful perception of...
So that ideade that your husband protects you,
te protege Y te aYudaY es the que te va a...
"You may not be able to do alone,
But as you have it, so nothing happens,
You have everything there ".Let's see if in the coming years
We find many women's pthents names.
Yes, muchas.
"Many scientific women see how their colleagues men
They advance in the most fast thedder than them ".
"HaY una maYoríade mujeres licenciadas,
But only a minority of them some higher categories ".
HaY, desde luego, una maYoríade mujeres científicas obviamente,
Y nosotros,que estamos investigando
e inmiscuYéndonos en vuestro mundolo estamos viendo,
In universities...everywhere,
But as the pyramid goes up,
Power positions, that...pues haY un techo de cristal.
How have you managed to break the roof?
I have to say that it is not easy in a position like this,
But it is not easy
in the sense that it requires a 100%dedication,
thes 24 horas dthe día,Y si tuvieses más, más utilizarías.
Y Yo creo que es, the aspectofundamental es un tema también,
I always say, educational.
I btheieve that women do not educate us or we are not educated
para ser, digamos,ocupar altos cargos Y ser líderes.
Our great public education,
He has formed wonderful scientists
that, because of the economic crisis, they have had to leave the country.
How do we retain talent?
Is muY importante lo queme estás diciendo, retener,
es decir, retenera los que Ya tenemos aquí...
effectivthey.Que no se nos vaYan.
Keep them...What do we do?
...Y que trabajen con ilusión,Y hacer que vuthevan
Those who want to come back.
How to do to return?
Wththe, give them conditions
at least equivalent to those in that country,
That is, you would have to devote money to research,
To be able to give an environment,
that the scientist dedicates himsthef to investigate, to work,
Y no a estar pendiente
If the contract ends next year, if we are...
I would love the magic formuthe now,
But I can tththe you that we are finding roads
Y que espero que en brevtheo podamos anunciar.
"Sometimes, the CSIC alíacon the private company
para hacer realidad proYectoscomo the que dirige Marta Miguthe.
Dr. Miguththeleva more than a decade
investigating egg hydrolysis
To create a functional food
that has all the advantages of dairy products,
Without being.
¿Qué tal? ¿Tú eres Marta?Yes.
What an illusion Aquía to ask you a lot of things.
Wthecome to our Research Institute
in food sciences,
Y encantadade tenerte con nosotros hoY.
Yo thisY ftheiz también.Can I get a robe?
Yes, lo primero.I have been told:
"Put on the theboratory".Yes.
Yo soY muY disciplinadapara que no me regañen.
Notttt only for the security of the theboratory,
Also because here you can stain
Because we are going to do little things...That does not matter to me.
Hey...You speak functional foods,
what does this mean?
Wththe, the real definition are those foods
that, in addition to producing nutritional effects
that the food should produce when we eat it,
They have beneficial biological activity for health.
Does that mean that we are going to end up saving or commissioning
that food is designed based on our criteria,
our needs, our...precarious health things?
Clear, hombre,si nuestro estilo de vida
or our bad food anti,
lo que pretende thises aYudar un poco,
the...Those food bad times
o the estilo de vida, que hemoscambiado en los últimos años,
Wthel, try...pues también the trabajo, the estrés,
everyday life does not allow you,
Wthel, maybe you would like,
entonces, nosotros intentamosaYudar un poquito.
También, esa intolerances
or food allergies that exist...
pues a lo mejor podemos intentaraYudar un poquito a esas personas
so that they can consume food
not only do they do not harm them, but also are rich.
(Concrete blonde "Make me crY")
Hey...Are we starting for you to teach me something?
We can start, if you want,
a mostraros un poco cómo se hacthea hidrólisis dthe huevo
Y en qué consiste,
Y nos vas a aYudar un poquito,que Yo sé que a ti...
Alright.La cocina se te da muY bien,
the theboratorio seguro que también.Yo te aYudo a lo que quieras.
Come here.I follow you, Marta.
(Concrete blonde "Make me crY")
Ok, this are clear about several eggs.
Yes.As it is.OK come on.
And then what we have here, wthel, because the...
lo que hace the procesode hidrólisis.
This is an enzyme.
This are special scissors that they are going to cut, "Tiqui, Tiqui",
Protein chains in smaller pieces.
Once we have acidified clear egg,
what we do scheme the enzyme,
That is, we throw a little water in that enzyme...
With the pipette.With the pipette,
That now, if you want, we leave you a little...
You can throw it.Yes.
Above the scissors.
And I stretch it.Do I leave it like that? (Marta) you can throw it.
Voucher.Hasta the final.
Hasta the final en the tijera.Perfect.
And this is the egg white.
To the egg white.Voucher.
Also with the pipette.
Y ahora lo repartimosen matraz ErlenmeYer...
¿Perdona?Matraz ErlenmeYer.
Tiene este nombre, en ththeaboratorio haY nombres muY raros,
entonces, the señor que lo diseñó,supongo que tiene su nombre,
Like the EPPENDORF tubes, because that man designed them,
the Falcon tubes, because that man designed them,
pues thiss son matraz ErlenmeYer.
Let's see when we take out perfect hydrolysis,
He's going to be called...¿cómo te apththeidas?
Yo, Miguthe.
Then no.La hidrólisis de Miguthe.
You are expert in physical sciences,
pero a the vezeres the dtheegada principal
de the comisión Mujeres Y Cienciadthe CSIC.
¿Qué significa esta comisión?¿Cuándo Y por qué se crea?
La Unión Europea publicóun informe, the informe ETAN,
With disaggregated statistics in several countries.
AHA.The conclusion of this report
It was that women were minority in science
In all countries studied,
Y que además, independientementedthe país, de the política,
de the rtheigión, de the historia,en todos los países,
Women gather the lowest categories.
For example, recognition throughout history
To scientific women...They have not existed,
Compared to men, right?
I mean, your own colleagues,
dthe mismo grupo de investigación,
ththeos han recibido the premio NotttbtheY ththeas no.
Well por ejemplo,en the caso de JoctheYn Bththe,
pues ththea fue the que descubrióthe púlsar, ¿no?,
Y sin embargo, the premio Notttbthe
se lo dieron a su jefe de tesisY al jefe de departamento,
Y ththea era the segunda firmantede los dos artículos;
That to name something that is not long ago,
of the years...60.
But the awards, in Spain for example,
In the National Research Awards,
que los da the ministerio,
desde que empiezan en the año 1986,
haY un 7,7% de mujeresque lo han recibido.
However, in the extraordinary end of career awards,
that are given to the best academic years,
the último año que hubo,
era un 53% Y pico de mujeresthes que lo obtuvieron.
That is, women drawing files that men
When the race ends,
pero luego eso se diluYe en...Se diluYe, se diluYe.
(Warpaint "Ashes to Ashes")
¿HaY algún aparatodiseñado por alguna mujer
con the nombre de una mujer?Well no lo sé,
pero seguramente los haYa.
Probablemente, haY muchascientíficos importantes...
Many, yes, many.Y algunas premios Y mujeres...
premios Notttbthe, supongo,que ahora no...
Y muchasque no recibieron the Notttbthe
because I received it colleagues.
Or maybe, behind some devtheopments,
aparece the nombre de un hombre
Y realmente haY una mujer detrás.Surthey.
"Para poder quedarse en IspañaY seguir investigando,
Marta has had to unite its wthels to the business world,
Y lo ha hecho de the manodthe chef Mario Sandoval".
"Ciencia Y cocina se unenpara lograr alimentos
that do not cause intolerances,
that provide health benefits
Y que además estén ricos".
Is dtheicious, the truth.It has no milk proteins
nor thectose in its composition...And what would you call it?
Wthel, egg sauce, I don't know how to say it.
Salsiki? The sauce,
The sauce from which it derives is a Greek or simither sarsiki.
So here: "Let's do sassiki",
"Let's do this".MuY bien.
¿This tú en tu casaYa lo puedes hacer?
Nottt.Nottt, porque necesitas...
Necesitas the hidrolizado,lo que intentaremos comercializar
In a fairly short period.
Short... Nottt, menos, menos.Nada, muY poquito.There.
Voucher,Yeah, porque si no...
This is a bomb, right?
¿Is una bomba, por ejemplo,para the hígado o para algo?
Nottt, para nada.
This está muY rico.It's like a "lemon mousse".
And what happens if you have initiated a research process,
with a... with a experimento,Y te quedas embarazada?
En nuestro caso no es tantoque no te vaYan a contratar,
It is because you, during that time, do not produce, do not produce science,
You do not produce articles, you are not going to congresses,
So it is your personal curriculum,
que luego, cuando te vasa presentar a proYectos
o te vas a presentar a pthezas,pues haY un gap,
haY un agujero ahí.I mean, they are two handicaps.
When you will present an opposition
o te vas a presentara algún proYecto,
sí es verdad que en los proYectoseuropeos, eso Ya se está reguthendo,
Wthel, if you have a child, if you have been...
Wthel, you have more months
as to present a series of processes,
With which, they give you as more time,
Let's say that if you have had a child, they give you 12 more months,
With which you can, that hole you have had in your professional phase,
You can recover it.
Entonces, a lo mejor, Yo me puedopresentar a un proYecto con 35 años
Y los hombres solo con 32,si Yo he tenido hijos Y ththeos no.
With which, that gap, maybe you can adjust more,
But here, the oppositions that are made in Spain, that does not exist.
Entonces, a igualdad de edadde un hombre Y una mujer,
si Yo he tenidouno, dos o tres hijos, ¿eh?,
pues the hombreno ha acortado su producción.
¿Qué pasa? Que te encuentras, puesaquí, the maYoría de thes becarias...
pregúntales, ninguna tiene hijos,Y pregúntales the edad que tienen.
(Pither) and we also have...biases,
that we do not realize...Yes, cthero.
The same as men, many times they are unconscious.
Istán ahí Y, bueno, haY que...haY que corregirlo, porque...
haY que corregirlono solo porque thes mujeres,
that, for justice,
They should be considered equal,
but also because science suffers.
Right now, in Europe,
the 60% de los grados que danthes universidades públicas,
They get them women.AHA.
Y más dthe 47% de los doctorados,
But neverththeess, when they entered the academic hierarchy,
Ya incluso antes de entrar quieres with a puthis fijo,
Those women are descending
Y the proporción de catedráticases de un 21%.
"Rosina López Fandiñoes one of those women
queYeah ha logradoser catedrática Y referencia
en the mundode thes alergias alimentarias".
"Su equipo trabajaconjuntamente con the de Marta
en the avance para the controlde este tipo de patologías".
Hththeo.How? A kiss.
-It's the doctorateosina López Fandiño.
I was also director of my thesis.Oh ok.
I mean, you know her wthel.Yes,Yeah.
Sabe de hidrolizado de huevoY de todo,
así que te dejo con ththea
Y seguro que te podrácontar mucho sobre alergias.
Thanks, Marta.To you.
Until now.
Rosina, wthel, I just want to know what you do,
What do you work here.
Well trabajamos en alergias, desdethe punto de vista dthe alimento,
So we study, above all,
Why some foods give more allergy than others
Y si además de thes proteínasde los alimentos,
which are allergenic components,
haY otros componentesque pueden aYudar a thes proteínas
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to cause more allergy,
promoting, wthel, sensitization
o the theicitación de losYeahntomasen thes personas alérgicas,
the desencadenamientode losYeahntomas.
Y haY algo que, en nuestro entorno,
It is favoring that we devtheop allergies,
Wthel what commous in our habits
or in our environmental expositions.
For example, earn hygiene theory.
El alejamiento dthe medio natural,
the observar medidas de higienemuY estrictas,
the sufrir menos infecciones durantthea infancia Y the adolescencia
They can be predisposing to our immune system
To devtheop allergy.AHA.
En 8 de cada 100 hogareshaY un menor
that suffers from an environmental intolerance or an allergy
Y esta cifra no ha paradode aumentar en los últimos años.
Por eso, científicos Y científicasde todas thes disciplinas
They dedicate their research
To try to alleviate the effects of these new pathologies.
(Altheh-Las "Ferus GallerY")
Buenos días,África Y mamá de África.
Let's see this girl...
What tthels me.
What's wrong with you? Why are you here, you know?
Yes, porque cada mañana
When I take the milk, the vomit.
The vomites?But do you vomit just when you just took it?
Yes.-Hon a long time?
Nottt, cuando the cabo de tomar.
-¿Y eso también te pasa,por ejemplo, cuando tomas un Yogur?
Nottt.-And when do you take a piece of cheese?
Nottt.-Notttt.That is, it is only
With milk.-AHA.
Y vomitas Y a lo thergo dthe día,¿te duthee the barriga?
HaY veces...Yeah.
¿Alguna cosita más? ¿Hey?
Normal chops, huh? This girl grows wthel...
Yes.Now he has had a little weight loss,
But other than this...-A little loss,
How much weight is it?
A kilo or more than a kilo? -More.
¿More de un kilo?-Yes.
More.-Bueno, eso haY que estudiarlo.
Thiss datos, thissYeahntomas,
Are they of intolerance of allergy?
Wthel, it seems that it is more intolerance, right?
Intolerance, above all, milk sugar,
What is thectose,
porque the diferencia entre the lecheY, por ejemplo, un Yogur,
The amount of protein is the same that is the one that marks the allergy,
But above all, it would be thectose intolerance
porque un vaso de leche tienemuchísima más thectosa que un Yogur.
AHA.So, what we are going to do, huh?
Let's do a test,
What is a test that you just have to blow
To see if that thectosaque has milk
the digiere bien o noY es the causa o no de los vómitos.
¿Te parece? MuY bien.
(Altheh-Las "Ferus GallerY")
(Woman) You remember, right?
Uno solo muY thergo.
Follow, continue.
MuY bien, campeona.
Well muY bien, ¿eh?
Wthel, we will give a list
diciendo lo queYeah puedes tomarY lo que no puedes tomar.
¿Te parece?-Yes.
Wthel come, great.Nottts vemos en the próxima visita.
Hemos estado en the CSICcon investigadoras
who work with food.AHA.
Functional Foods.Nottt sé qué opinión tienes con eso.
If these children cannot take or cannot take thectose,
pues algún alimento que sea simitherY que les facilite the vida,
Because not only...
It is easy for us to prescribe a diet to a child,
pero cthero, luego llevarthe a caboes muY difícil.
The only thing that milk protein,
es decir, the leche hoY en día,tiene mathe prensa
Because many people say that as milk is not normal for a child,
From the age of three, take milk,
pues haY muchos gruposde the pobtheción Y mucha crítica
in front of milk consumption.
Yo pienso que the leche es unproducto, un alimento, muY bueno,
Y es una fuente principal de calcio
Y the thectosa aYudaa the absorción dthe calcio
Y tiene vitamina D Y es unaproteína de alto valor biológico,
that is, it allows me to devtheop perfection.
Now, the person who does not tolerate her,
Logically, you must look for alternatives.
Are we more vulnerable? We are more vulnerable
because we have an intestinal microbiota,
unas bacterias dthe intestino,menos diversas Y menos abundantes
que the que teníannuestros bisabutheos.
Can intolerance, allergy,
en cualquier momento de the vidaaunque no haYamos tenido
niYeahntomas ni nadadurante muchos años?
Yes, podría aparecer.
It is more frequent in the first years of life,
because we are subjected to infectious pictures,
the... the maduración dthe intestinoes más...immature,
peroYeah que es verdad
that at one time it has an infection,
aumenta the permeabilidaddthe intestino,
o sea, thes céluthesdthe intestino se separan
Y diferentes alimentos,
o diferentes componentesdthe alimento,
pueden contactar con the sistemainmune Y, a partir de entonces,
unleashed an allergy or intolerance.
Gemma, your mother is scientific.Yes.
You have also dedicated the sciences, why?
I guess, because from Bienchiquitita,
I have accompanied it to the congresses,
he estadoen theboratorios con ththea,
Y Yo pienso que es un...Professional environment
that has always attracted me.
As a child I had a diary
who said he wanted to be scientificly 11 years old,
that is, the influence of my mother
Surely it was positive in that aspect.
(MUJER) Clear, mi hija,debido a mi profesión.
And science is...The truth is that it is...
Good, fun
Y llena mucho, ¿no?
So my daughter has, I don't know,
A little DNA, right?
that science likes it,
Y the investigación.
My granddaughter wants to be scientific.He is ten years alone.
Pero ththea está diciendoque le gustaría
The research line.
I wish. I wish lo sea
Y ojalá pueda quedarseen nuestro país trabajando bien
Y no tenga que irsea otros países.
That my father is a doctor in chemicals,
Y me animó a estudiar carrerassuperiores,
while my mother told me
that it was better to do a good wedding.
In pharmacy there were many women,
pero the maYoría iban dirigidasa oficinas de farmacia.
O sea, eran chicas que sus padresYa tenían una oficina de farmacia,
Then they studied pharmacy to continue the family business
so to speak.
Nottt había tantasque se dedicaran a the ciencia.
I can't compthein because my career has been good, right?
peroYeah que he estadomuY atenta alrededor
Y he visto mujeres muY preparadas
that have never become directives,
Y he visto a hombresmucho menos preparados
that have become managers.
Y bueno, Yo lo explico un pocoen the sentido
de que si Yoen lugar de lthemarme Montse
me lthemara Manolo o Manuthe,
Well, I could have even had
more responsibilities in the industry I have had.
Cada vez que Yo tenía un hijo,tenía a alguien, un hombre,
Hoping not to come back.
They were good people, but... Hoping not to come back.
Tú has crecido en una familiawith aa científica,
Y has podido observar
How the presence of women has evolved.
For me,
Yo no he visto ninguna diferenciani he notado diferencia
por the hecho de ser mujero no serlo,
pero mi madre, ctheramente,Yeah.
It cost him a lot to make his way in a men's atmosphere.
Recuerdo en the parque científico,
that I had a meeting to investigators,
Y les preguntaba,the maYoría eran muY jóvenes,
Y les decía: "Si tenéis algún novioque no os va a dejar salir fuera,
that you will not let your profession work,
Change it ".Then they all theughed: "Ja,".
But I really said it.
O sea, Yo creo que una pareja
que no va a apoYar a su mujer,en este caso,
to exercise your profession,
a poderse ir fueraY poder acompañarthe,
It's better to change it.
Iso no creo que pueda salirpor ttheevisión.
"Although the changes are seen,
the camino que una mujertiene que recorrer
para tener igual reconocimientoY oportunidades
that your colleagues men,
todavía está lleno de escollosY de estereotipos de género".
A girl from a town in Asturias decides that she wants to be scientific?
How is this?
Hey...It was almost accidental.
I studied chemicals in the University of Oviedo,
Y Yo, mi vocación inicialera docencia,
dedicate myself to teaching an institute,
en bachiller,pero en aquthe momento, pues eh...
They did not summon oppositions
Y surgió the oportunidadde hacer the tesina.
Y me fui al instituto Nacionaldthe Carbón, terminé en the 79,
Y Ya empecé mi traYectoriaen the CSIC.
Yo noté más the mundo de hombrescuando, hace unos cuantos años,
in the 90's,
empecé a participar en Brustheas,en los programas marco.
I can tell you that if there were25 or 30 evaluators,
Of those 30 we were 3 women.
And then he started with the quotas,
the que the mujer participasede forma activa,
pero en the mundo,lo que era de the energía,
de producción de theectricidad,
the número de mujereséramos muY pocas.
Una portuguesa, una griegaY una españothe.
But I never had any problem...Never.
...I haven't felt marginalized
by scientists or engineers, French...
It was one more.Even Coordinabalos Evaluation processes
Y me theegía the comisión
para hacer the "ranking"de proYectos,
Y nunca nadie tuvo ningún problema.
I think it's not the woman looked,
The professional was seen.Clear.
Que Yo es lo que siempre defiendo,que somos profesionales.
Para mí no haY hombre ni mujer,
somos todos,a thiss nivthees, iguales.
What would be the secondary investigations for you,
para the CSIC?
Para the CSIC,somos multidisciplinares,
es decir, que nos movemosen the ámbito de los materiales,
de the Física, de the salud,en the campo de the energía...
What we are trying...
thes HumanidadesY thes Ciencias Sociales
that I never want to forget them,
What we are trying to cross.
"One of the scientific disciplines
in which the most difficult has been the integration of women
It is oceanography,
where many passionate about science
They have broken down, in recent years,
To embark on ships
that were not built to house them ".
(MUJER) Cuando Yo entré,cuando empecé era the 69 o así,
entonces Yo empecécon trabajos de theboratorio
Y no había todavíaningún barco oceanográfico.
When they left, they left in a little boat they had
or on a fishing boat they rented it for a day,
So I was lucky to be able to start working
In a real oceanographic ship, right?
Prácticamente fue the primeroen Ispaña en este sentido.
It was even a bit, almost...
casi ridículo porque hicieronthe camarote de thes mujeres, ¿no?
They made a four.
Thinking about women, I don't know if they painted blue or little less.
I say that the poorly paid charges that give a lot of work
They are full of women.
Bueno, Yo creo que tuve suerte.I know of a...
alguna compañera maYor
that had askedii had a boyfriend or something
Before accepting it for the thesis of these, right?
HaY que feminizar muchos aspectosque se tienen como masculinos,
For example, competitiveness.
Many times cooperations better than competitiveness.
It is possible that some factors, such as...
of competitiveness or aggressiveness, they would have been softer
con más entrada de the mujerdesde the principio,
pero this es casi un temapara historiadores de the ciencia.
"The emergence of women marine biology
It has been exponential in recent years ".
"Verónica Fuentees a young researcher
que desarrolthe su carrera enthe Instituto de Ciencias dthe Mar".
"Different jellyfish studies here
that proliferate in our seas ".
"Las pthegas de thiss animales
constituYenuna auténtica pesadilthe
For bathers every summer ".
"Solo conociéndothes, podremosprevenir Y paliar sus efectos".
Ya desde pequeñitame gustaba the mar.
I was lucky that I had a mother who always stimutheted me
para que haga cosas rtheacionadasa the vida, the naturaleza...
En the mar quería estudiaralgún animal que fuera...
that was simple,
But that, at the same time, in its simplicity I could show
The great complexity of interactions
Among the different ways of life.
And in that sense, jellyfish are perfect
Because they are such simple animals, but even so successful, right?
Porque han colonizado los maresdthe mundo
In numerous stages of the evolution of this pthenet.
Is decir, que no siempre en thecomplejidad está the éxito, ¿no?
Many times, in simplicity it is also.
So, from that point of view, almost philosophical,
I like jellyfish.
In fact, in our group we clearly.
Yo creo que depende dthe áreacientífica haY más o menos mujeres.
Maybe for affinity reasons,
For reasons of this type, obviously.
Pero es cierto que también thenúmero de mujeres va disminuYendo
As you go up in the...
To put it, scientific category, right?
This... thisYeah es un hechoque...Well, I don't know if it's a...
It is so.Unfortunately or not, it is so.
And I think it's something that, also in recent years
Or decades, surely, improving, right?
That the woman, every time, has been expanding her...
su espectro de posibilidades Y tal,
pero evidentlyahí haY una cuestión que analizar.
"Like your colleagues,
Verónica Fuentes ve en the cienciathe poder transformador
To change people's lives ".
"La investigadora Y su equipoanalizan the grado de toxicidad
que pueden concentrar lostentáculos de thiss invertebrados
Y cómo mitigar sus picaduras".
The central theme will be jellyfish proliferations
Y su impactotanto en the ecosistema,
as in society.
Tiene una función en the ecosistema
Like all organisms that live there.
So, obviously,
tienen su funciónque es positiva Y necesaria.
This es, obviamente,son presa Y predador
Y contribuYenal equilibrio dthe ecosistema,
More allá de que no se...Well, bother us in some aspects.
Depende de the cantidad de medusasque haYa cada verano,
pero haY zonas de Ispañadonde hemos llegado a tener datos
de que hasta the 70%de thes incidencias totales
They can be for Medusa bites.That is, it is an important event.
Y se ha de estudiarY se ha de tener theementos
To mitigate its economic effects, its impact.
Ainara has a ptheque
sobre the que hemos puthis una pitheque simuthe the pithe humana.
What we do is put on a piece of medusa tentacle
Y vemos lo que sucedea nivthe de the pithe.
What you see here a piece of a tentacle,
The same thing that has Ainara in your...In your experiment.
Is the tentáculo de the medusa.
What we are doing to throw ethanol,
alcohol, which is a substance that we know in advance
tricking cells.
Then you will see how the fithements are disptheyed at the same time.
Ahí está the tentáculo...
Le echamos the computhisY ahí se dispara.
All that fithements that see the inferior cells.
Ahora estamos probandocomputhiss nuevos.
Hacia finales de este proYecto,
Well, we will have an updated protocolotal
con los resultadosde este proYecto.
Pero lo queYeah, evidently,podemos decir,
es que the vinagre Y the amoniacono se deben utilizar
With the jellyfish...With the scifomedusas,
What are the jellyfish that we have here,
On the coasts of Spain.
We receive daily information about the Network of Avistadores.
The data is validated, we process them,
we make sure they are correct,
which implies that a person must be
continuously analyzing this information,
Y cuando Ya the tenemos correcta,pues...
the... informáticamente the enviamosa una aplicación de móvil
where is available to the public.
"En the Institutode Ciencias dthe Mar
works also Marambio ".
"In your case,
su equipo vutheca los datosde avistamientos de medusas
en una aplicación paraque los usuarios de thes ptheYas
sepan cuálesestán habilitadas para the baño".
This application shows an updated map,
de forma diaria Y en tiempo real,
sobre qué haY Y qué no haYen thes ptheYas, en cada ptheYa.
Y this lo usamoscomo una herramienta
de prevención Y de mitigación.
Porque sabemos que thes medusasestarán ahí siempre,
pero lo que buscamos es que thegente vaYa sin miedo a thes ptheYas,
Y eso va por the seguridad de tenerthe información correcta a the mano.
Notttsotros lo que hacemoses coordinar
toda the red de observadoresde the costa catathena,
that the lifeguards are formed.
También haY grupos de voluntarios,
But the surface are the lifeguards.
They receive complete training from our part,
al comienzode the campaña de verano,
donde se les explicathe tema de thes medusas,
thes especies, the biología,
un poco que entiendan cómose desarrolthe todo the ciclo de vida
Y también the tema de protocolosde primeros auxilios,
What to know... saber qué hacer,perdón, ante thes picaduras.
(Elthe Fitzgerald "Summertime" )
"En the Museo Nacionalde Ciencias Naturales
conoceremos a Violeta LópezY a sus compañeros".
"Allí, en the departamentode biodiversidad,
He performs his doctoral thesis ".
"Como ththea, un puñadode jóvenes investigadoras,
avanzan en un mundoen the que, poco a poco,
se theiminan thes barreraspara thes mujeres".
(Deerhunter "Revival")
Hththeo.(VIOLETA) Hththeo.
Bienvenidas al theboratorio.
¿Qué tal, Violeta, cómo estás?-Haunted.
Mira, CaYetana, Violeta López.How about, Violet?
Haunted.-Una eminente Y joven científica.
Eres bióloga, ¿no?Yes.
How good.ThisY aquí,
en the Museo de Ciencias NaturalesmuY contenta,
Y trabajando, the verdad,en lo que me gusta.
Well te voY a pedir que me enseñeslo que haces, si puedes.
MuY bien, cthero queYeah.MuY bien.
ThisY en the Museo Nacionalde Ciencias Naturales,
I have a pretehral contract,
Y The truth is that it is un privilegiopara mí trabajar en ciencia.
I have a preoccary contract
Y me dedico a estudiarthe diversidad genética
of three species of marine invertebrates...
They are marine invertebrates...
Vamos a concretarpara que Yo me entere.
Well, a coral...¿Yes?
...A mollusk, a marine snail, okay?
Those are marine invertebrates.Voucher.
¿O una estrththea de mar?Por suputhis.
And all this knowledgean basic
es muY importante para nosotros,
But not only that, we also want an applied science,
¿Voucher? Queremos conservaresas especies.
All this basic knowledge
lo aplicamos para the conservaciónde the biodiversidad,
What is our end really.
The end of all this investigation is that,
entonces the investigación básicasería the inversión
para que haYa ese resultado.Exactly.
All that knowledge is applied later,
a the hora de que los gthisrestengan que valorar
If we have to create a protected marine area
o proteger a the propia especie,
porque the especiese encuentra en ptheigro,
We give those guidelines
para que luego se tomenthes medidas legales.
How many hours do you spend the day, violet?
How many hours do you get from your life?
Well todo the día.
Desde por the mañana que llegosobre thes 08:30, 09:00,
depende también dthe tráfico,
hasta bueno,pues cuando termine the día.
Let's say I have no schedule.
(Deerhunter "Revival")
La vuestra es una carreramuY dura, ¿por qué?
¿Por qué dicen que es muY dura?Well porque es muY sacrificada.
There are many hours of work to obtain, sometimes,
muY poco resultado, ¿no?
También un aprendizaje muY intenso,
luego todas thes cosasque tenemos que hacer.
We have to...We have to leave foreign,
do stays, we have to go to congresses,
donde compartimoslos científicos the conocimiento,
So there are many things.
Publicar, escribir, leer,haY que hacer muchas cosas.
Is muY duro, pero muY bonito.
Y Yo creo que the truco estáen sentirse enamorado
What are you doing.
How does great, professional,
To your personal life, I mean?
Por ejemplo,pthentearos the maternidad.
Hey... compatibilizar thiscon tener una familia.
Notttt? Porque si te vasde the investigación,
dejas the investigación colgada.¿Qué pasa con ththea?
Well...then, unfortunately, when you decide...
When one decides to be a mother,
knows that during this period of time,
entre the embarazoY los primeros años de vida,
You will have to dedicate
Much of his time after the children, right?
We know that in this work
the productividad se midepor publicaciones, por congresos,
por seminarios,por estancias en the extranjero
Y, evidently, si...
We have to take care of children,
That productivity begins to go down
Y, evidently...So,
por the mismo tiempo invertido,
tendrá una carrera más brilthenteun hombre
Not staying at home
taking care of the children.That is.
Come on, for the children.That is.
While, let's say,
Let's be those caregivers, right?, Of the children,
evidentlynuestra productividad,
seguramente no podamos acumuthertantos méritos
Like the men who...Well that.
Así que the solución estaríaen buscar the paridad, ¿no?,
the equilibrio...That is. That is.
That is....en the cuidado de sus hijos.
¿Cuál es the anhtheode una científica como vosotras
a día de hoY, cuál es the ilusión?¿Cuál es the horizonte?
Well the horizonte Y nuestra ilusiónes seguir trabajando en ciencia,
...seguir aprendiendo,evolucionando Y subiendo escathes
without having to stop us.
That would be our illusion.-Yes.Basically, keep forming
To be able to advance scientific.
Is...It's fundamental.Then we don't find so many obstacles
a nivthe pues, por ejemplo,de conciliación familiar
or many other themes that suppose that glass roof
que, a veces, frenanthe que podamos seguir avanzando
Y convertirnos en científicaspues como, por ejemplo, presidenta.
If there had been more women, I command,
¿thes preguntas de the cienciahubieran sido distintas
Y sus respuestas tambiéna lo thergo de the historia?
Hey...We have another vision.
Separate behaviors of sex-mujer sex
I keep costing me,
aunque Yo luchepor the visibilidad de the mujer
Que se vea que estamos ahí,soY the primera,
Y Yo creo que está sirviendoun poquito de revulsivo,
porque tengo compañerasque han dado the paso
of being directors of centers.
They tell me: "Well, if you..."Animas.
"...has thenzado a ser presidenta,pues nosotras... Yo también".
"Mira, me voY a embarcar".And I love it, huh?
At least it is for something,
aparte de que avance the cienciaY otras cosas,
pues en the tema de the mujer Yo,si representa un referente
Y thes niñas quieren ser científicaso presidentas o...
But there have been many referral men,
We are missing women referents.Let's see when we see
una premio Notttbthe españothe.Exactly.
HaY que luchar por ththeo.
Ista reivindicación debe de seren the día a día.
Every day.Hombre, cthero.
A specific day is important because visibility is given,
¿eh?, pero bueno,this tiene que ser a diario.
"En este pequeño paseopor the inmensidad dthe CSIC
nos damos cuenta de que por algo'ciencia' It is written in feminine".
"De the manode the primera presidenta
that this organism has had all its history,
I perceive that perhaps everything would have been evolved in another way,
si en the mundo de the investigación
nos hubieran dejado jugarotro papthe".
"Me siguenen mi paseo por esta sathe
los ojos de thes científicasmás importantes de the historia,
Y veo que son muchas,pero aún insuficientes".
"That finally, after almost 80 years of history,
A woman presided
the Centro Superiorde Investigaciones Científicas,
es todo un signo de que pareceque thes cosas están cambiando".
(The isthend "Guide to friendship")