Subjects break into a house in Anahuac

Poza Rica, Ver.- Two subjects entered a house without authorization from the owners in the Anáhuac neighborhood, which caused a strong police mobilization

It was on Moctezuma street in the aforementioned neighborhood, where elements of the State Police and Municipal Police arrived to learn of a home invasion, thanks to an emergency report to 911.

In a matter of minutes, several units arrived, but they were unable to locate the exact place, since the streets did not match up. However, minutes later the reporter gave more information, who said by telephone that two individuals had entered her house but had already left. They had left running towards the Sebas store, and at that moment they implemented an operation but they did not locate the people, they finally left to continue with their preventive tours.

Sujetos irrumpen casa en la Anáhuac


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