The 8 most difficult foods to digest

Raw material

Fritures are usually especially difficult to digest, like other fatty foods such as egg

Ten foods that help you digest meals better

Laura Conde

Chef Xavier Pellicer says of the Xavier Pellicer Healthy Kitchen restaurant, which is important to "maintain a balance between the pleasure of ingestion and well -being of digestion", something that had not been taken into account until nowHigh gastronomy, and that more and more diners put on the table.It is no use, then, to enjoy on the table with a menu or too blunt or composed of very heavy or difficult food to digest, if we are going to pay it during the afternoon or night with a slow, annoying or pharragosa digestion.

"Each person is a world and not everyone costs the same to digest certain foods," explains the nutritionist FátimNo problem and they shouldn't stop doing so whenever they feel good ".

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"In general, it is the most fatty foods that cost us more to digest.In the case of the egg, the more curd the yolk is worse, because the fat is concentrated there and, therefore, its digestion can be complicated, "recalls Branco, who insists that the level of egg tolerance always depends" onIndividual variability ", so that all those who do not have any problem with it should continue to take it at any time, since it is a very interesting nutritional food."There is no better snack than one or two hard eggs, which we can take anywhere and consume easily, as they are satiant, moderately caloric and very complete nutritionally, with a high contribution of high quality proteins," adds the expert.


Fritures are usually especially difficult to digest, especially if we take them away from home.In this sense, Branco recommends "trying not to eat fried food.Acroleína is a colorless or yellow liquid, with an unpleasant smell, which appears when an oil or any other fat burns or humans.This means that, although olive oil must be choice fat, thanks to its cardioprotective effects, it should not be consumed in fried frying if we look for optimal digestion, much less away from home.


Los 8 alimentos más difíciles de digerir

Fat is digested and metabolized in the form of triglycerides and the stomach takes longer to digest it than carbohydrates or proteins.For this reason, food with a high fat content causes a longer feeling of satiety, but can also cause digestive problems in some people.This is the case of butter, which despite the fact that for a long time has been considered a risk factor for cardiovascular health, a study prepared by the University of Copenhagen and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, points out that people with levels with levelsnormal cholesterol can consume butter moderately, although those that have high levels must maintain their minimum consumption.


"To correctly digest lactose we need lactases, which are the enzymes responsible for the hydrolysis of lactose present in milk and other dairy products," explains Branco, who points out that "with age these enzymes are losing activity".The nutritionist remembers that it is usual that when we eliminate diet milk during specific periods by our own will, it costs us much more digest when withdrawing its consumption, since lactas lose activity.In the words of the nutritionist Paloma Quintana, "if milk feels good to us is a highly recommended drink, which provides proteins and fats, and is absurd, and even counterproductive, replace it with the lactose -free version or by vegetable milk".This does not apply to cheeses and yogurts, since when fermented "they are lactose free, since this passes to lactic acid, except in those cases where the industry adds them apart," explains Branco


Both lettuce and endivias, escarolas and other vegetables that we consume raw favor gase production, so that they are especially indigestible for many people."In general, all foods that have fiber produce gas, and we must bear in mind that if we cook them they will always sit better than if we eat raw," says Branco.Thus, the nutritionist recommends that, in the case of legumes, if they can already be indigestible for many people, it is best to eat them in salad and accompanied by other easy digestion foods, "since if we opt for stewsClassics, with calluses, fatty meats or sausage, we will be forcing the body to make an extra effort, "explains the expert.


Branco also points out that the fiber can be indigestible at first but that the body always gets used to."It is common for many people who decide to eat healthy, and incorporate virtually sudden.It is a temporary situation, since the intestine is getting used little by little, "explains Branco.

Red meat

Having a higher percentage of fats than white meat, red meat usually costs more to digest, so it is best to consume it in moderation and always accompanied by light food.Quintana alerts, on the other hand, of the risks of consuming it to grilled."When exposing the food to a direct flame, an excess of substances related to the increased risk of cancer can be given," explains Quintana, although he ensures that in no case exists this risk if consumption occurs in a timely manner.


Both the pastry in particular and the ultra -processed in general usually contain, according to Quintana, "large amounts of sugar, hydrogenated fatty acids, salt and poor quality flours, many times all at once, which will make it harmful to be harmful to thehealth are also very difficult to digest ".The nutritionist also remembers that they are foods that we usually consume in the early hour, for breakfast, "generating a metabolic response at the hormonal level much worse than if we incorporate them at any other time of the day".Quintana recommends replacing them with other carbohydrates with low glycemic load, from cereals such as oats or opting for more creative breakfasts based on eggs, hummus, guacamole, sardines or any other food that we like.

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