Visual riddle: Ubica the two shower keys that differ from the others in the image

It is 2022, and many we want to know what will happen in the next few days. Por eso seguimos con los tests virales que circulan en redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter e incluso Instagram, y en muchos casos sirven para conocer nuestra personalidad.Do you dare to solve the next test below?It is simple and will give you many surprises. Un test de personalidad para conocer secretos de nosotros mismos.

In the following illustration there are several keys for shower, that tool we use to open or not access to water to bathe and cool off.All lead color with a red dye in the center of the key. Sin embargo, a primera vista pareciera que comparten la misma figura geométrica, como las dos puntas en el lado horizontal de la figura. Esto es falso debido a que hay dos llaves que se diferencian de las demás.

That is today's challenge, that you manage to find the two elements that are distinguished from their close ones in the image. Creado por Noticieros Televisa, que lo publicó el 25 de enero del presente año en su página web, sigue generando popularidad entre los usuarios de las redes sociales a nivel internacional, específicamente en Facebook.That is why lucky to find them, neglect that there is no limited time, and in case you do not meet the test, there is a simple solution that you will find below lines.Without further ado, have fun.

Visual riddle solution

Acertijo visual: ubica las dos llaves de ducha que se diferencian de las otras en la imagen

If you've sure here you couldn't find them.Neglect, you need greater eye practice to discover the two shower keys.Do you know where I was?Well both on each side.To the right at the top you can see the first shower key where the tip is vertical even if it forms a hexagon like the others.

On the left side at the bottom of the illustration is the second key, curious because they are separated from each other in a good distance.While it is true that each key design is different, the idea was that you test your visual ability.

In case you did not like it very much, lines below you will have a special of the best viral tests and visual riddles that left us the year 2021.Anyway, perhaps some close person will like this visual test, so share it with friends, family and colleagues who will seek with this challenge to clear the mind of the health crisis for the coronavirus worldwide.

What are logical riddles?

Logical riddles are hobbies or games that consist of finding the solution of an enigma, finding the hidden sense of a phrase only by way of intuition and reasoning.That is not under the possession of certain knowledge.

The difference with riddles is that these, pose the puzzle in the form of rhyme and are generally aimed at children's audiences.Mostly they are used humorously.

In addition, a riddle is an enigma that arises as a game and requires the use of insight to find an adequate solution.

There may be different structures in them, some of them show a rhyme;Others, on the other hand, focus on establishing a logical problem that requires skill and analysis for satisfactory resolution.


In case you want to try a new challenge for your personality, click up so you can access a special list.These are the most difficult to solve viral challenges for users during 2021. Si bien en muchas ocasiones pueden parecen sencillos de resolver, la verdad es que el porcentaje de personas que logra resolverlos es cada vez menor, sobre todo para los que tienen un límite de tiempo de resolución.


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