When is it a fever and when is it a fever?: the keys to the thermometer according to the symptoms and causes

It is considered a fever if the thermometer marks above 38ºC. The Voice of Health | iStock

The increase in body degrees is not dangerous, "but a mechanism that alerts us that something is working abnormally" | Infections can be one of the main reasons

17 Dec 2021 . Updated at 12:04 PM.WhatsappMailFacebookTwitterComment ·

Drowsiness, joint pain, feeling dull or general discomfort? You have enough ballots to be going through an episode of fever or fever. The difference between the two lies in the temperature. The first is diagnosed when the body thermometer exceeds 38ºC, while the second is between 37º and 37.8ºC. Although there is a slight variation between professionals: "We consider that it is a fever above 37.8º, and low-grade fever between 37º and 37.7ºC", explains Dr. José Manuel Ramos Rincón, specialist in Internal Medicine and Coordinator of the group of infectious diseases of the Spanish Internal Medicine (SEMI).

In either case caution must be present. Not precisely because of the fever, but because of what is causing it. This increase in temperature does not derive from a disease, but from an immune response of the organism. In short, protection against pyrogens. "It is not dangerous, but a mechanism that alerts us that something is working abnormally," says the expert.

Fever or low-grade fever

Fever is an increase in body temperature above 38ºC. When it is between 38.5 and 39.4, it is called moderate fever. Between 39.5 and 40.4 is considered a high fever, and if it exceeds 40.5º C, a very high fever. The danger could reach above 41ºC, when it is classified as hyperpyrexia and the chances of suffering febrile convulsions increase.

Whatever its value, this phenomenon occurs in response to a disease or inflammatory process of infectious or non-infectious cause (bacteria, viruses, parasites, dehydration or immune reaction, among others).

Fever fever is, according to the RAE, "prolonged, moderate hyperthermia, usually not higher than 38°C, almost always in the evening, and of infectious or nervous origin." That is, it increases the body temperature and works as a warning: "Something is not right." For example, the organism reacts with fever after some vaccinations, as a cause of gastroenteritis or prolonged exposure to the sun. On the contrary, fever is understood as a more intense response sign, which in turn is usually accompanied by stronger and more annoying ailments.

When is a fever and when is a fever ?: the keys of the thermometer according to the symptoms and the causes

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From muscle aches to delirium

The most common symptoms of fever are generalized muscle aches, localized muscle aches in the lower back or joints, drowsiness, chills, shortness of breath appetite and/or general weakness. However, there may be other signs such as irritability or delirium, more common among adults, and febrile seizures among children under five years of age, which have scared a parent more than once.

The body thermostat

The basal temperature varies throughout the day between 36º C and 37º C. Although it can also be around 35.5ºC in certain people. Also, it tends to be lowest in the morning, reaching its peak in the afternoon and at night. Be that as it may, the limit to be considered a fever or low-grade fever will be the same. In addition, there may also be small fluctuations depending on the physical activity that is being carried out, or the place where you take the reference. For example, rectal temperature is higher than axillary, oral, and tympanic.

A note. Temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus, a brain area responsible for producing and eliminating heat so that it stays at normal levels. That is, it works as a thermostat that adapts the body to each situation. Hence, it varies depending on the context.

Why do I have a fever?

Infections are often the cause behind periods of fever. “They can appear due to a viral, bacterial, blood, or urine infection. Also a meningitis is born with a fever, or in the case of pneumonia, which will first give an increase in body temperature, ”says Dr. Ramos.

And although it is not pleasant for humans to feel it, neither is it for the pathogens that our bodies are trying to eliminate. The rise in temperature has a reason for being. Much of the bacteria and viruses survive if the body keeps its thermostat at normal levels. Therefore, when the degrees begin to rise, their survival is reduced.

In this line, there are other causes that can explain the fever:

The keys to the thermometer: how and where to take the temperature?

There are several ways to collect the degrees in which the body moves. The usual thing in adults is that the thermometer is placed in the armpit or mouth, while in children, in the rectum or ears. To keep in mind, the result will be half a degree higher if it is measured orally or rectally.

Grandma's remedy isn't worth it here. Touch the forehead and say “you are hot”. For this diagnosis it is essential to use a quality thermometer. The one recommended between adults and children is usually the digital one, while for a baby an infrared one can also be used.

Position and method to take into account

Is it necessary to see a doctor when there is a period of fever?

It all depends on its frequency and fellow annoyances: “If it appears once, then leaves, there should be no concern. However, if it is repeated and also, with the episode of fever they have chills or shivering, they should see a doctor, "recalls the coordinator of the infectious diseases group of SEMI. Although it is essential to follow the recommendations given by a specialist, it never hurts to have a series of recommendations on hand to follow to alleviate the symptoms of fever at home:

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Going to the emergency room or waiting for the appointment with your GP will also "depend on the patient's comfort", the doctor details, adding: "If, for example, vomiting or diarrhea with fever appear, and bowel movements are continuous . You better go to the emergency room." In this way, the discomfort will be shortened more quickly. "We tend to cut the fever because it causes discomfort in the patient, not so much because of its damage," explains Dr. José Manuel Ramos.

If you have the following symptoms, you should pick up the phone and call your emergency health center or hospital

Lucía Cancela

Graduated in Journalism and CAV. I specialized in new formats at the MPXA. Before, I went through and later, through the A Coruña branch of La Voz de Galicia. Now, as an editor at La Voz de la Salud, it is time to tell and continue learning about one of my passions, nutrition.

Graduated in Journalism and CAV. I specialized in new formats at the MPXA. Before, I went through and later, through the A Coruña branch of La Voz de Galicia. Now, as an editor at La Voz de la Salud, it is time to tell and continue learning about one of my passions, nutrition.

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