That little boy we all have in the center of our abdomen is the only scar that shows that we come from another human being.The umbilical cord that unites the baby and the mother, and where nutrients and oxygen pass to live inside the belly, is cut at birth by childbirth during childbirth.
Although there are those who point out that the shape of our belly.So why are there ombligos out and others sunk?
The navel is a scar that is formed in our body after drying the umbilical cord.The way they present and others depend on the physical characteristics of each person, as well as their type of healing.
In the case of those people who have the navel ‘out’ (10% of the population) they must know that it is not a bad, serious, nor does it give us super powers.Having the Ombligo out of one of the following factors:
In both cases, a fabric is generated that forms a kind of bulld.
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— Dan Myers Fri Jul 09 16:03:03 +0000 2021
For its part, the shape of our navel and the one that is more or less sunk will depend on the space that each body has between the skin and the abdominal wall.
If your problem is that the navel has already been left as older may be due to several reasons such as pregnancy, obesity, surgeries, fluid accumulation and even a hernia.
These types of hernias occur when part of our intestine stands out through the opening in the abdominal muscles through which the umbilical cord passed before birth and that over the years they have been able to open.
In the event that a hernia appears during our adult stage, we may need surgery since abdominal discomforts can be given, in addition to causing soft inflammation or bump near the navel.
This type of hernias usually appears due to an excess of abdominal pressure, such as obesity, multiple pregnancies, previous abdominal surgery, peritoneal dialysis or ascites (accumulation of liquid in the space between the lining of the abdomen and the abdominal organs due to alcohol consumption or fatty liver).