Lastcotes Last CotizationsnasDaq13,770.57+3.13%IBOVESPA111,910.10-0.62%S&P/BMV IPC50,661.86+0.39%BTC/USD38,141.94-0.64%
Bogotá - The beginning of the year is an auspicious time to raise purposes, establish objectives and general planning.
A time in which a financial strategy is established, which allows you to assume unforeseen and plan new projects, such as the purchase of a car or a house.
PUBLICIDADAfter two years of pandemic, this is a fairly important exercise, with which people establish an action plan to face possible uncertainty situations.
In this planning process, people seek to make a better use of their money.Likewise, they also analyze options and proposals that allow them to put their money to generate profitability.
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PUBLICIDADIn this purpose they begin to contemplate investment alternatives, which become effective capitalization vehicles and that allow optimizing and valuing their resources.
According to the investment index study, recently released by Tyba, Colombia is a country where there is greater confidence in the investment proposals in the market.
According to research, 40% of respondents believe that it is likely or very likely to invest in the next 6 months, that is, make an investment in the short term.
PUBLICIDADAlthough the study confirms that Colombians see in investments a great alternative to generate profitability of their money, it is clear that before starting their process they must become familiar with them.
Para esto, es importante que cada interesado comprenda cuáles son las mejores opciones del mercado, la forma como se realizan y sus beneficios.
Parallel to this, they must become familiar with a very important term in the investment process.There is talk of the "risk", understanding it, as "the lack of knowledge about a variable", which is inherent in investments and materializes when they lose value.
PUBLICIDADIt is important to keep in mind that the risk is not binary, that is, it does not mean “or I win a lot or lose everything”, on the contrary, different levels of risk in portfolios can be achieved with different compositions.
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In the purpose of each investor to maximize the return that can be obtained for the level of risk in which it is chosen or the one that is chosen, the risk tolerance analysis is indispensable to know the type of investment you want to make and the portfoliosmost suitable for each person, which include different liquidity assets, fixed income and/or variable income, as the case may be.
PUBLICIDADPero, ¿Qué es lo que hace que una inversión sea más riesgosa que otra? Esta es una pregunta que toda persona interesada debe plantearse al momento de iniciar una inversión, ya que determina de alguna forma la capacidad que esta tiene para afrontar momentos de incertidumbre en los que los mercados enfrentan situaciones de incertidumbre.
To answer the previous question, it should be known that the level of variation in the prices of the titles in which (whether bonds, shares or others) is being directly invested in the performance of their investments.
PUBLICIDADThat is, the greater the volatility is a title, it is more likely that at some point the investment can lose value.
“En este escenario, el inversionista solo debería estar en capacidad de asumir más riesgo si considera que le ofrece un mayor potencial de rentabilidad.Therefore, each person must assume that, in the investment time, periods of losses will be presented, which can be subsequently superimposed.This is an exercise that offers important results when it is patient and taking into account that they will not occur in the short term, ”says Juan Pablo García, manager and co -founder of Tyba.
Knowing and defining the risk profile is very important to avoid unexpected surprises when investing.
PUBLICIDADTo define it, no calculations are needed, or strange accounts.For that, users must only answer some questions, with which you can determine which profile that best suits each person.
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“Everyone has a greater or lesser risk tolerance, which is defined in relation to their financial situation.Before starting the investment process, we develop an assessment process in which variables are analyzed as an investment experience, risk appetite and the objectives set.These are elements that allow us.
Some of the questions that must be answered before starting an investment and being able to determine your risk profile are:
PUBLICIDADBut what are the profiles and which one is identified with the most?In Tyba, if it is conservative it is classified as the "chess player", he is the one who thinks each play to ensure capital regardless of return.
El moderado, tiene dos opciones de perfilamiento: “ciclista”, perfil que tiene una actitud precavida que asegura un crecimiento del capital con un retorno medio bajo y el “surfista” que disfruta de un retorno medio, tomando un riesgo moderado; mientras que el arriesgado puede ser “clavadista”, que es el inversionista que busca un retorno significativo, tomando un riesgo medio alto o el “paracaidista”, quien asume un riesgo alto, ya que existe confianza para alcanzar un alto crecimiento de capital y retorno.