Diputación de Sevilla recognizes in its awards to digitalization the bets of the municipalities of El Cuervo and Pilas

Seville, Jan 28.(Press Europa) -

The provincial information of the Diputación de Sevilla (INPRO), after the parenthesis of one year due to the pandemic, recovers this year the edition of its awards and recognitions, both in the public and private sector, to those municipalities and companies of the sector of the sectorTechnological "that have stood out the most in the progress of the digitalization of local public administration".

Specifically, Lade Computer Science will deliver these awards in February to the municipalities of Pilas and El Cuervo, in addition to the company, according to the Diputación in a statement.

In the case of the aforementioned consistories, the recognition comes by the "notable advances" that both corporations have made and "continue to deploy in areas such as improvements in citizenship and electronic processing", as well as the effective application ofLaws 39 and 40 and transparency and access to information;The adoption of effective document management policies and electronic file.

Likewise, the provincial agency recognizes the advances of both municipalities in alignment with the principles of 'Smart City';also in the 'open government' and teleworking section;in the training in digital competences of the personnel at the service of the public administrations and, finally;the creation or adaptation of services or management systems that incorporates artificial intelligence (AI), 'Business Intelligence, Blockchain', robotics, 'big data' or 5g, among others.


In the field of companies, the recognition of glimpses comes "due to the development that said corporation has made of multiple applications related to electronic administration", which have been implemented in different organizations "throughout the country".Among these initiatives is, for example, the CIGES system of pre -appointment and queue management, or the ACAE platform, aimed at facilitating public agencies all the management of their subcontracts and that they comply with the current legislation in occupational hazards.

Diputación de Sevilla reconoce en sus premios a la digitalización las apuestas de los ayuntamientos de El Cuervo y Pilas

Similarly, in 'Open Government', ATISOLUCIONES has developed SICOM, for time control, or sicad, designed to facilitate the control of capacity at stable, whether public or private, using artificial vision systems.

About the 'Digital City Council' award that this year receives batteries and the Cuervo, the provincial president, Fernando Rodríguez Villalobos, said that "firstly, the court has really had it really difficult to select the most successful models in municipal code, because all ourConsistories have been working hard, in the hands of Inpro, in the digitalization of their processes and citizen attention ".

"That is also the reason that, as last year we could not call these awards because of the pandemic, now we recognized the work of two municipalities instead of one," added the provincial president.

In the case of Pilas, the president stressed that "this town has been deploying a complete city strategy to improve all public services to its neighbors".From the City Council of El Cuervo, Villalobos has stressed that "it is the best example of how the technological advance does not depend on the size, because a municipality of its profile, small and rural, is giving giant steps in technological code".

Looking ahead, the provincial responsible has advanced that "from Inpro we have already worked on the application of 'Machine Learning' in the administration processes to, as always, continuing to improve the attention to the people, transparency and agility of thepublic services provided by municipalities to their citizens ".

Finally, Villalobos has affirmed that "the advances and achievements that reflect the awards to the 'Digital City Council' and the company 'E-Government' go hand in hand with the great bet that Inpro has been doing for the digitalization of all municipalities and theTransition of the entire territory towards postulates and principles 'smart', which will result in more efficient and sustainable processes throughout the local management chain ".

Digital Transformation Challenge

Together with the daily work with the municipalities of the province, Inpro also promotes in February the 'I forum Sevilla in the face of the challenge of digital transformation', which will focus on this area from the triplelenchirt of citizenship, companies and professionals fromICT, and public employees of local corporations.

In the first round table, the companies and professionals of the TIC will analyze what the situation of the province of Seville is in the face of digital transformation, in addition to addressing concepts such as artificial intelligence (AI), the 'Machine Learning', the 'Internet Internetof things', robotization or 'blockchain' as future tools for local administration.

A second table will bring together public employees of the councils and municipalities, who seek to customize with people with higher quality and excellence to their neighbors even more daily.

Finally, a third table will give prominence to those residents of the municipalities of Seville.They will be the ones who will raise their doubts, their problems with the digitalization and the advantages they have found as users.