They deliver 629 inapam cards so far this year - Juárez

Juarez City.- With the aim of granting the cards of the National Institute for the Elderly (INAPAM), the Social Development Directorate began this year's procedure since January 18, giving the document to 629 older adults.

The director of Development and Infrastructure, Karen Mora, stated that the process has been through an appointment, which can be requested by telephone at 656 737 0800 in extension 71517, or in the offices located on López Mateos Avenue and Mejía Street, almost cornerWith Paseo Triunfo de la República.

Entregan 629 tarjetas Inapam en lo que va del año - Juárez

The opening hours for appointments or information is from 8:00 in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon, taking into account that the following documentation must be submitted in original and copy:

Con base en el Censo de Población y Vivienda 2020, en Juarez City hay 134 mil 989 personas mayores de 60 años, que es la edad para a quienes va dirigido este programa, por lo que la entrega de esta tarjeta continuará con el objetivo de dar cobertura al mayor número de personas que se encuentren en este grupo etario.