Trick to use the Internet on the street if you finished the data

Being in constant communication through the Internet has become a need to be able to perform countless work or school activities, as well as for entertainment and safety, since keeping ourselves "online" is extremely useful in sometimes where we are away from home but,What if we run out of data?There is a trick that you can apply.

And even for things that might seem simple, such as looking for a location or information at the time, mobile data are the best ally.Telephone companies have packages designed precisely so that those who follow this rhythm of life have a plan that allows them to navigate throughout the day, regardless of where they are.

Despite this, sometimes it is difficult.

Give.We tell you about this trick to use the Internet without having data.

How to have internet if my cell phone was left without data

The first thing we must tell you is that depending on your mobile and its operating system, this trick may or may not work.This is because there are configurations that some models do not have and are necessary to carry out this procedure.

Truco para usar internet en la calle si se te terminaron los datos

Although it is a function that has been used by various users for a long time, there are many who still do not know how to do it, so we will briefly explain what it consists of.

If you were left without data and near you there is no available WiFi network, there is still one more possibility of not being incommunicado, as long as you have a friend or person near you who do have the Internet and be willing to share it with you, whatwhich is possible through a tool that will allow both to make use of the same signal, that in this case, it is the data package of the person in question.

Photo: Unspash

How to share mobile data

To achieve this, the steps to follow are the following:

- Ask who will give you your data that enters the configuration of your mobile and immediately select the section "Network anchor" or "Wifi Zone".

-Once inside, you must activate the Internet sharing option.

-In your mobile, enter the wifi networks as you would normally do it and choose the one that has your friend's name or your cell phone.Enter the password you have established and voila.

Both the password and the name of the WiFi connection will appear on the screen when the configuration is activated, and both aspects can be modified by the owner.

Photo: Pixabay

Remember that this trick is for emergencies, so you must take into account that your use will be discounted immediately to the available data of your friend or the person who lends your network.In addition, because it is not a wifi network as such, the power of the connection is not the same, so that you can enjoy a stable internet, you will have to stay a few steps from the mobile you are using as antenna.Another aspect to consider, is that, depending on companies, models and operating systems, there is the possibility that you cannot connect, and instead, you will have to look for a free network or make a data recharge that allows you to use Internet.

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