Winklevos and Logan Paul twins bet on metaphysic metaphany startup


Bloomberg - The Risk Capital firm of the Winklevos twins and the YouTube Star Logan Paul are part of a group that is investing in Metaphysic, an artificial intelligence company better known to deceive the world with Deepfake (false) videos of Tom Cruise.

The US $ 7.5 million round was led by the founder of Google Ventures, Bill Maris, through its Risk Capital Company Section 32, together with Winklevos Capital Management LLC, the Virtual Reality Unit of Meta Platforms Inc. (FB) Oculus y el patrocinador de Palantir Technologies Inc. (PLTR) 8VC y TO Ventures.The group also included a series of “content creators, actors and athletes very high level,” said Tom Graham, co -founder and CEO of Metaphysic, in an interview.


One of the other metaphysic co -founders, Chris Umé, appeared in the headlines in March after creating a series of disturbingly realistic videos of Cruise, which led the Belgian specialist in visual effects to formally establish the business. Los clips, que utilizaron IA (inteligencia artificial) y medios sintéticos para cambiar la cara de un doble de Cruise por la imagen del actor, generaron preocupación sobre cómo esa tecnología podría representar una violación de la privacidad de los datos biométricos de las personas, además de usarse con fines maliciosos.

Now, Metaphysic hopes to use these tools to help creators and companies develop “ethical” content for everything, from marketing campaigns to virtual work spaces in metaverso, an immersive environment of digital worlds explored by real people in the form ofavatars through virtual reality viewers.To date, the majority of the metoverso content created by platforms as a goal has been caricaturesco, as if it had been designed in the first days of video games with hairstyles in blocks and faces with saltones.

Gemelos Winklevoss y Logan Paul apuestan por startup del metaverso Metaphysic

"The hyperrealist part is very important to us," says Graham. “Al igual que el deepfake de Tom Cruise (donde es muy difícil diferenciar si es realmente Tom Cruise o no), las cosas se vuelven especialmente interesantes cuando puedes crear contenido en el que se ha filmado como en una cámara tradicional, pero en realidad no han habido cámaras. Tus posibilidades creativas, lo que puedes hacer ahí, realmente explotan”.


Metaperso is part of a global change towards the creation of web3, a third decentralized iteration of the Internet where users are the owners of their data and not the large corporations such as Facebook of Meta and Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) Graham dijo que Metaphysic espera permitir que “las personas tengan un mayor grado de control y propiedad” sobre sus datos, además de garantizar que el contenido se produzca de manera responsable.

Some of his new sponsors, such as Paul, saw the investment in the startup as an emerging media opportunity, said Graham, while the company saw the participation of the influencer as a way to take advantage of the younger demography. Metaphysic planea usar los fondos para financiar el desarrollo de su tecnología para que la usen las plataformas de metaverso para crear una “semejanza sintética hiperreal” de los usuarios, dijo Graham, “no como avatares divertidos”.

"Common people do not have a lot of free time to create highly selected professional content or make their own Avatar Robot," he said."We believe that the future will be as if you went to the Gucci online store and try a jacket with your real face, as would be seen in your body".


Around US $ 30.000 million were invested in ventures related to cryptocurrencies, including web3, by venture capital companies in 2021, according to pitchbook data. El metaverso también se está convirtiendo rápidamente en una atractiva oportunidad de inversión para influencers y empresas tecnológicas por igual, atrayendo a nombres conocidos como Paris Hilton y Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) en su reciente adquisición de Activision Blizzard Inc. (ATVI) por valor de US$69.000 million.

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This article was translated by Estefanía Salinas Concha.