What to do if you steal your credit card: methods to pay without what to do if you steal your credit card: methods to pay without it

No one wants to lose your card or, sudden.In those cases, unless we carry a second card with us, how will we pay the purchases or how will we get money from a cashier to pay for the rest of the trip?The most convenient thing is to be foresee and always travel with at least two cards in case one of them is lost, deteriorates and stops working even worse, they steal it.

But it may happen that we go traveling only with one.HelpMyCASH financial product comparator experts.com explain what we can do to continue enjoying our vacations and how to get money without a cashier's card.

What should I do if I lose my card?

If our card has disappeared or they have stolen it, the first thing we must do is block it.We can do it in an entity's office, although the fastest option is to call the bank by phone or block it through its website or its app.Thus, we will prevent a third party from using it fraudulently.

Once blocked, no one can use it, not even ourselves if we find it later.If we are not totally sure to have lost it, we can temporarily turn it off and reactivate it when we find it through the app.We must also check the extract of our account to verify that no one has used it without our consent and, if they have stolen it, submit a complaint before the authorities.

How to get money if I stayed without a card?

Lowering a card is simple, but what happens next?Imagine that we are 500 calameters from home, in full vacation, and we need to pay the restaurant account, the purchase of the supermarket or get money at a cashier.What can we do? "More and more banks offer the possibility of getting money from a cashier without a card, usually using a code that is generated through its apps, and, in most cases, this service is free,"HelpmyCash experts explain.

The procedure is simple.We will have to enter the application of our bank, although some also allow you to do it on the web or telephone bank, access the option to withdraw money without card and introduce the amount we want to extract.Then, we will have to indicate if the money we want to pick it up or send it to another person, in which case your mobile number will have to be indicated.Finally, it will only need to go to a bank cashier with the operation code and withdraw the money within the established period.

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Abanca, Activobank, Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander, Bankia, Bankinter, BBVA, CaixaBank, Cajamar, Evo Banco, Imagin, Labor Kutxa and Liberbank allow you to get money without card.

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For example, holders of an online account without commissions or bbva link can use the effective mobile service, which allows you to get money without a cashier's card.This option is available through the bank app.

This service is not only useful to get money if we do not carry a card on top, but also to send money to another person who needs it, such as a family member or an acquaintance, or for a third party to send it to us in case ofurgency.

Another simpler option is still to go to the cashier and identify with the keys of the distance bank to operate without the need to enter a card, although few banks offer this functionality.Currently, all BBVA ATMs allow to operate with the user and the online bank password.Work Kutxa also offers this functionality to get money.

On the other hand, if our card is not blocked, but it simply does not work or we have left it at home, we can also associate it with a wallet and get money at a contactless cashier approaching our smartphone to the terminal reader

How can I pay shopping without card?

The solution is on our mobile.If our card has deteriorated and we no longer work or we have it at home, we can link it to a wallet and pay with the mobile in any trade that has a dataphone with contactless technology, as long as we have not blocked it, they explain from HelpmyCashCash.Thus, we can keep using it during the rest of the trip.Most banks have their own virtual wallets to pay with the smartphone and, in addition, allow using Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay.

But what can we do if we have stolen the card or have we lost it and we had to block it?In that case, we will not be able to link it to any virtual purse to pay with the mobile, since the card will not be operational.The solution?Choose to remove cash without a cashier's card or request a new, physical or virtual card, which can be associated with a wallet from the moment it is hired if the bank offers that option.For example, OpenBank customers can hire a virtual debit card or a virtual credit card, both without issuance or renewal installments, which can be used immediately to pay purchases with the mobile or get money at contactless cashiers.They can be associated with the Wallet of the Bank itself or those of Apple, Google, Samsung, Fitbit and Garmin.

If our bank does not market any card that can start using immediately, another option is to open an online account in a bank that offers this service.N26, for example, allows you to open an account via mobile very quickly.The standard N26 account has no mandatory commissions and includes a virtual debit card that can be linked to Apple Pay and Google Pay from the moment the account opens.We can load our new account with another bank's card (we will receive the money instantly) or receive an ordinary or immediate transfer.Once we have money on the account, we can start paying with the card or getting money at ATMs.